Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3 Direct Summary and Everything We Learned

Splatoon 3 Direct Release Date and Summary
A Splatoon 3 Direct aired on August 10th showcasing a boatload of new information and gameplay mechanics we can expect from the game! Read on for a summary of everything we learned from the Splatoon Direct!

Splatoon 3 Direct Summary

Official Video and Release Date

Date of Livestream August 10, 2022

Splatoon 3 Direct Highlights

Click to jump to a section!
Splatoon 3 Direct - Turf WarTurf Wars Splatoon 3 Direct - New TechniquesNew Techniques Splatoon 3 Direct - 12 Stages ConfirmedNew and Returning Stages
Splatoon 3 - Returning WeaponsMain Weapons Splatoon 3 Direct - Special WeaponsSpecial Weapons Splatoon 3 Direct - ShoppingGear and Item Shops
Splatoon 3 Direct - Gear Abilities Gear Abilities Splatoon 3 Direct - The LobbyThe Lobby Splatoon 3 Direct EmotesCustomization Features
Splatoon 3 Direct Tableturf BattleTableturf Battle Splatoon 3 Direct Salmon RunSalmon Run Splatoon 3 Direct Story ModeStory Mode
Splatoon 3 Direct Photo ModeSplatsville Features Splatoon 3 Direct Splatnet 3Splatnet 3 Splatoon 3 Direct Scan AmiiboAmiibo Features
Splatoon 3 Direct X Battle and Battle LeaguePost-Launch Updates Splatoon 3 Direct Deep Cut TrioThe Deep Cut Trio Splatoon 3 Direct SplatfestSplatfest Returns
Splatoon 3 Direct - Splatfest World PremiereSplatfest World Premiere

Everything We Learned from the Splatoon 3 Direct

The Return of Turf Wars

Turf War Mechanics

Splatoon 3 Direct - Turf War Mechanics.png
Turf Wars return as the primary game mode where two teams of four members each will ink a stage as much as they can within three minutes. The team that covers the stage in the ink of their own color will claim the most turf and win the match.

New Techniques and Mobility Actions

Old ink mechanics make their return to Splatoon 3. Players will again be able to ink walls to swim on its side, ink platforms to swim around sneakily for surprise splats, and dive in the ink for a refill.

However, two new techniques have been added to the game, Squid Surge and Squid Roll.

Squid Surge

Splatoon 3 Direct - Squid Surge.png
Squid Surge is a new technique that allows players to swim up walls in a single burst. This is sure to come in handy for stages with plenty of verticality

Squid Roll

Splatoon 3 Direct - Squid Roll.png
The Squid Roll is another new technique that lets the player dive out of the ink while simultaneously shifting directions in mid-air. This is useful for quick repositioning, and has the added benefit of repelling enemy splats when timed perfectly.

New and Returning Stages

12 Stages Confirmed in the Base Game

Twelve Confirmed Stages

Scorch Gorge

Eeltail Alley

Mincemeat Metalworks

Undertow Spillway

Hagglefish Market

Museum D'Alfonsino

Hammerhead Bridge

Mahi-Mahi Resort

Inkblot Art Academy

Sturgeon Shipyard


Wahoo World

A total of 12 new stages have been revealed as part of Splatoon 3's base game. There are at least 5 new stages including Scorch Gorge, Eeltail Alley, Mincemeat Metalworks, Undertow Spillway, and Hagglefish Market. 3 returning stages have also been confirmed - namely, Museum D'Alfonsino, Hamemrhead Bridge, and Mahi-Mahi Resort.

The remaining four stages were briefly highlighted but no further elaboration was given other than the names being Inkblot Art Academy, Sturgeon Shipyard, Makomart, and Wahoo World.

Each of the stages appears to have its own gimmick so mastering each of these stages is sure to be key for triumphant Turf Wars!

More Stages Promised for Future Updates

Splatoon 3 Direct - More Stages to Come.png
Splatoon 3 is going all out and looks to have its eyes set for the long game. As the first hint for their long-term goals with the game, they've promised more free stages to be added in later post-launch updates, and teased at least two of them during the Direct.

Main Weapons

All Main Weapons Make Their Return

Splatoon 3 Direct - All Basic Weapons Make A Return.png
The Splatoon 3 Direct confirms that all previous basic weapons will be making their return in Splatoon 3!

Two New Main Weapons - Stringers and Splatanas


Splatana Wiper

Two new weapon types have also been unveiled, both of which are said to be splatland-specific weapon types! First are the bow-like Stringers and the other are the sword-like Splatanas. Both weapons seem to offer unique ways of performing long-range inking.

All New and Returning Main Weapons

Special Weapons

Three New Special Weapons Revealed

New Special Weapon Description
Tacticooler When activated, a fridge appears. Beverages will be dispensed that offer a variety of effects. Can be shared with up to four team mates.
Wave Breaker When activated unleashes waves in the area that marks the opponents' location and causes damage. Avoid damage with well-timed jumps
Reefslider Builds up power before charging into opponents culminating to a large explosion, inking the surrounding area.

Returning Special Weapons Confirmed

Tenta Missiles Inkjet Ink Storm
Ultra Stamp Booyah Bomb

All New and Returning Special Weapons

Gear and Item Shops

Shop Name Shopkeeper Specialty
Ammo Knights Sheldon Purchase weapons in exchange for Sheldon Licenses earned from levelling up in battles and consistent use of weapons.
Naut Couture Gnarly Eddy and Nails Purchase Headgear such as hats, masks, and glasses.
Man-o'-Wardrobe Jel La Fleur Purchase Clothing such as tops, t-shirts, and jackets.
Crush Station Mr. Coco Purchase Shoes such as sneakers, sandals, and leather footwear.
Hotlantis Harmony A general store where you can purchase items and stickers to decorate your locker with.
Crab-n'-Go Staff A concessions stand where you can buy foods and drinks that will help you in battles.

Several shops can offer weapons and gear to power you up for Turf Wars. At least five of them were showcased in the Splatoon 3 Direct.

Gear Abilities

Each Gear Has An Associated Gear Ability

Fashion and Gear are not just for show, each piece of clothing can have its own Gear Abilities. At least two Gear Abilities have been showcased in the Direct.

Gear Ability Description
Run Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form.
Intensify Action Improves the Squid Roll and Squid Surge moves.

Murch Can Help Assign Gear Abilities to Different Gear

Splatoon 3 Direct - Murch.png
Murch can let you add an ability of your choice to certain gear in exchange for ability chunks.

Save Gear and Gear Ability Loadouts in Fits

Splatoon 3 Direct - Fits.png
Up to five sets of gear combinations can be saved to allow quick switching between outfits.

The Lobby Features

Select Game Modes and Queue up for Battle

Splatoon 3 Direct - Game Modes.png

Battle Type Game Mode Players
Regular Battle Turf War Solo or With Friends
Anarchy Battle (Series) Varying Game Modes Solo Only
Anarchy Battle (Open) Varying Game Modes Solo or With Friends
Private Battles Any Mode With Friends

Anarchy Battle Varying Game Modes

Anarchy Battle Varying Game Modes
Splatoon 3 Direct - Splat Zones.png Control Splat Zones Splatoon 3 Direct - Tower Control.png Tower Control
Splatoon 3 Direct - Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Splatoon 3 Direct - Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Practice at the Test Range

Splatoon 3 Direct - Test Range.png
The Test Range gives players a chance to practice how to use different weapons and can also be a way to warm up before battle.


Splatoon 3 Direct - Ghosts.png
Any online friends who are also playing will appear as Ghosts in the lobby. You'll be able to jump in to their games and play alongside them.

Battle Replays

Splatoon 3 Direct - Battle Replays.png
Battle replays allow you to keep track of your match history, and rewatch recent battles. When watching battle replays, you'll be able to fast forward, skip to certain parts, swap to other players' views and even share clips online.

Locker Room

Splatoon 3 Direct - Lockers.png
This section of the lobby lets players show off acquired weapons, gear, items, and stickers that they choose to display. Lockers will be visible to players you've played with recently so spice up your lockers to express your style! Items for the locker can be purchased at Hotlantis.

Customization Features


Splatoon 3 Direct Spashtags

Splashtags are like nameplates that are displayed at the start of battles. You can select different banner designs, badges, and unqiue titles for your Splashtags.


Splatoon 3 Direct Emotes

Your character can perform different emotes after they win a battle. You can select different emotes for your character to show more of your personality.

Purchase Items and Customizations in the Catalog

Splatoon 3 Direct Catalog

Customization options for your characters, as well as other seasonal gear and items, can be obtained via the in-game Catalog available in Hotlantis. Free Updates, which includes new Catalogs, will be released every three months for the next two years.

Tableturf Battle

Splatoon 3 Direct Tableturf Battles

Table Turf Battle is a new 1v1 in-game tabletop card game that is a spin-off of Turf War. You can play Table Turf Battle in the Table Turf Battlle Dojo in Splatsville. Every player will be gifted an in-game Starter Deck, and there are over 150 cards to collect.

Salmon Run

Splatoon 3 Direct Salmon Run

Salmon Run is a returning mode in Splatoon 3 where up to four players can work together to collect Power Eggs from Salmonids advancing on them.

New Boss Salmonids

Slammin' Lid Big Shot

There are two new Boss Salmonids in the game. Boss Salmonids are stronger enemy types that require much more effort and skill to take down, but they also give you valuable Golden Eggs, which you need to complete the job.

New King Salmonid

Splatoon 3 Direct King Salmonid

In addition to the new Boss Salmonids, there is also a new King Salmonid, Cohozuna. When battling a King Salmonid, the tank on players’ backs will transform into an Egg Cannon. Use it to launch Golden Eggs at the King Salmonid and deal massive damage.

Big Run

Splatoon 3 Direct Big Run

Big Runs are events that are said to happen every few months. This is when Salmonids invade the cities where Inklings and Octolings live, so keep an eye out for when the event occurs.

Story Mode

Splatoon 3 Direct Story Mode

The Direct also shines a lite on the new Story Mode of Splatoon 3 called Return of Mammalians. It is great for beginners as it allows you to get a hang of the battle mechanics and weapons while going through the story.

Play Story Mode by entering the manhole in Splatsville Square. In this mode, you play as Agent 3, the newest recuit of Squidbeak Splatoon, and do battle with the Octarian Army along with your buddy, Smallfry.

Other Splatsville Features


Splatoon 3 Direct Mailbox

With the Mailbox, you can draw and post illustrations that will be displayed throughout the city. You can also post vertical illustrations.

The Shoal

Splatoon 3 Direct The Shoal

In the Shoal, you can battle or team up with other players in your favorite game modes through your local area network.

Photo Mode

Splatoon 3 Direct Photo Mode

Photo Mode allows you to capture seflies, which you can send to a smart device or display in your locker.

Recon Mode

Splatoon 3 Direct Recon Mode

With Recon Mode, you can select your favorite stages at any time and explore around the map. This allows you to familiarize yourself with each stage before battles.

SplatNet 3

Splatoon 3 Direct Splatnet 3

SplatNet 3 is an online service for Splatoon 3, which you can access with your smart device. With SplatNet 3, you can check your battle records, order special in-game gear that are not available in shops, or view your history in past ranks.

You can also get some free wallpapers to use with your smart device.

Crusty Sean's Wandercrust Tour

Splatoon 3 Direct Wandercrust Tour

A new feature in SplatNet 3 is Crusty Sean’s Wandercrust Tour. Support Crusty Sean’s journey using Inked Points earned during battles.

Requires Nintendo Switch Online Subscription

Splatoon 3 Direct Splatnet 3 Nintendo Online Subscription

SplatNet 3 will be available at launch via the Nintendo Switch Online mobile app, which can only be accessed with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Amiibo Features

Scan Amiibo in Splatsville

Splatoon 3 Direct Scan Amiibo

There is a specific spot in Splatsville where you can scan your amiibos. The spot appears as a large box made to resemble the packaging of an amiibo figure.

With Splatoon series amiibo, you can save your outfits as Freshest Fits and easily swap between them. You can also get special gear and take photos with your amiibo figure.

Three New Amiibo Figures

Octoling (Blue) Inkling (Yellow) Smallfry
Splatoon 3 Octoling Blue Amiibo Splatoon 3 Inkling Yellow Amiibo Splatoon 3 Smallfry Amiibo

Three new Splatoon 3 amiibo figures are releasing this holiday. However, a specific release date has not yet been announced. These figures likely have the same functions as those mentioned above.

Post-Launch Updates

In addition to the free updates below, large-scale paid DLC is also planned for the future.

New Catalogs and Weapons

Splatoon 3 Direct Catalog Updates

As previously mentioned, part of these post-game updates is a new in-game catalog available every 3 months for 2 years after launch. Around the same time as each catalog release, new weapons will also be added to the game.

X Battle and League Battle

Splatoon 3 Direct X Battle and Battle League

Though the dates haven't been specified, Battle and League Battle are planned for future updates. X Battle is unlocked after attaining an extremely high rank in Anarchy Battle. In League Battle, players can compete every two hours in teams based on their Anarchy Battle results.

The Deep Cut Trio

Hosts of the Anarchy Splatcast

Splatoon 3 Direct Deep Cut Trio

Deep Cut is a popular trio in Splatsville, consisting of Big Man, Shiver, and Frye. They are hosts of the Splatsville news program Anarchy Splatcast. They provide information on battle stages currently available, as well as other news bulletins.

Check the News on Your Sea-Cucumber Phone

Splatoon 3 Direct Sea Cucumber Phones

The news and updates of Anarchy Splatcast can even be read on the go while exploring Splatsville and doing other activities with your Sea-Cucumber Phone.

Splatfest Returns

Splatoon 3 Direct Splatfest

In these online events, players pick from one of three teams based on the announced theme. The winning team is decided via battles over a set period of time.

Splatfests will consist of two halves. In the first half, the three teams will compete in 4-v-4 Turf War battles. The second half includes the new Tricolor Turf War battles, a mode where three teams fight at the same time.

Splatfest World Premiere Demo

Available August 27th

Splatoon 3 Direct - Splatfest World Premiere.png

A pre-release Splatfest has been announced, with the theme Which one's the best? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?. This pre-release splatfest essentially serves as a demo for players to try out within a short window of time. Interested players can check out the full details in our Splatfest World Premiere guide.

Splatfest World Premiere: Demo Guide and Release Date

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