Splatoon 3

Point Sensor Guide: Effect and How to Use

Point Sensor is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Point Sensor, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Point Sensor Overview


Point Sensor
Point Sensor
Base Damage None
Additional Damage None
A device that marks enemies in the area where it lands. This will reveal their location to every member of your team.


B Point Sensor currently is considered a B Tier Sub Weapon.
Point Sensor is a bit of an unusual pick and might only be used in situational moments. Might be better to go with one of the better sub weapons available!

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Point Sensor

Holding down NSW - R allows you to aim where you may throw the Point Sensor. Releasing NSW - R launches the projectile in the trajectory you set. Upon landing, it covers a wide sphere of detection where any opponent who passes through will be marked. Marked enemies will have their locations revealed to all allies. The Point Sensor may be thrown on walls or other vertical surfaces to maximize the range of detection.

Weapons with Point Sensor

Main Sub Special
H-3 NozzlenoseH-3 Nozzlenose Point SensorPoint Sensor TacticoolerTacticooler
Classic SquifferClassic Squiffer Point SensorPoint Sensor Big BubblerBig Bubbler
ExplosherExplosher Point SensorPoint Sensor Ink StormInk Storm
Nautilus 47Nautilus 47 Point SensorPoint Sensor Ink StormInk Storm

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List of Sub Weapons

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