Splatoon 3

Giant Tornado Mechanics and How to Beat

Splatoon 3 - Giant Tornado Mechanics and How to Beat
Giant Tornado is a Known Occurrence in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave where a Giant Tornado appears during Low Tide and will fling crates full of Salmonids and Golden Eggs into the map. Read on to learn about this special wave's mechanics, as well as how to beat it and strategies.

Giant Tornado Mechanics

Giant Tornado Known Occurrence

Splatoon 3 - Giant Tornado IconGiant Tornado
How to Get Golden Eggs
Splatoon IconLook for and destroy Crates to get the Golden Eggs.
Special Wave Information
Splatoon IconThe special wave starts during Low Tide with a huge tornado appearing on the coastline.

Splatoon IconThe Tornado will throw crates full of Lesser Salmonids and Golden Eggs around the stage.

Golden Egg Crates are Flung near the Coastline

The Giant Tornado special wave always occurs during Low Tide. When this occurs, a large tornado will appear somewhere in the ocean and start flinging crates and Salmonids into the map.

Crates containing Golden Eggs are always thrown near the coastline and will have a golden glow when getting inked!

Egg Baskets in the Coastline are Unusable

Although Egg Baskets appear on the coastline during this special wave, it's obstructed by debris flung by the Giant Tornado.

This forces players to head back to the original Egg Basket which is often very far from the coastline. Due to the increased difficulty, one Golden Egg counts as two during this Known Occurrence!

Giant Tornado Strategies and How to Beat

Strategies for Glowfly Rush

Pass Golden Eggs to Your Teammates

The most effective way of getting Golden Eggs into the basket is by passing the eggs to your teammates. It's a good idea to form a relay with the player closest to the containers passing the eggs to another player closer to the egg basket.

This strategy makes collecting eggs during this special wave more efficient and minimizes time wasted venturing out the coastline to collect eggs!

Players with Strong Weapons Should Handle Cohoks

Cohoks are generally the most troublesome enemies during Giant Tornado as they tend to push players as they attack and can spawn in any part of the map!

If you're assigned strong weapons such as a Splat Roller, Octobrush, or a Slosher, then focus on splatting these large Salmonids to keep your teammates safe!

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