Splatoon 3

Mudmouth Eruption Mechanics and How to Beat

Splatoon 3 - Mudmouth Eruption Mechanics and How to Beat

Mudmouth Eruption is a Known Occurrence in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave where players need to throw bombs into Mudmouths to prevent them from spawning Salmonids and get the Golden Eggs. Read on to learn about this special wave's mechanics, as well as how to beat it and strategies.

Mudmouth Eruption Mechanics

Mudmouth Eruption Known Occurrence

Splatoon 3 - Mudmouth Eruption IconMudmouth Eruption
How to Get Golden Eggs
Splatoon IconDefeat the Mudmouths.
Special Wave Information
Splatoon IconMudmouths will appear around the map. Players need to throw bombs into the Mudmouths to prevent them from spawning Salmonids and get Golden Eggs.

Splatoon IconGolden Mudmouths rarely appear and will drop more Golden Eggs.

Throw Three Splat Bombs into the Mudmouths

Mudmouths will appear around the map and will constantly spawn Lesser Salmonids that will overwhelm the players. You need to throw a total of three Splat Bombs into the mouths of Mudmouths to defeat them and get the Golden Eggs!

You will get one Golden Egg after successfully throwing a Splat Bomb into the Mudmouth for a total of six Golden Eggs when splatting this Boss Salmonid!

Prioritize Golden Mudmouths

Splatoon 3 - Prioritize Golden Mudmouths

At least one Golden Mudmouth will appear during this special wave, and while rarer, your team should prioritize them. While they still require three Splat Bombs to defeat, they will drop more Golden Eggs when defeated!

Throwing one Splat Bomb into a Golden Mudmouth awards two Golden Eggs, while splatting them will give you eleven Golden Eggs!

Mudmouth Eruption Strategies and How to Beat

Strategies for Glowfly Rush

Mudmouths are in the Same Location as Gushers

Mudmouths will appear in the same spot as gushers during Goldie Seeking. These look like small manholes that are located in certain spots in the map.

The larger maps have more gusher locations, so make sure to take note of them so that you can quickly get to the Mudmouth spawn points!
List of Salmon Run Stages and Maps

Divide the Team into Bomb Throwing and Salmonid Splatting

It's a good idea to divide the team into two teams focusing on splatting salmonids that emerge from the Mudmouths, and throwing bombs into the Mudmouths themselves.

While the Chum that appear from Mudmouths aren't that difficult to defeat, they can swarm and push players into the water if enough of them spawn so make sure you keep their numbers down!

Watch Out for Cohoks

Splatoon 3 - Watch Out for Cohoks

Golden Mudmouths will spawn the larger Cohoks, which are stronger and have more HP than the smaller Lesser Salmonids.

If you notice Cohoks start appearing on the map, then try to find the Golden Mudmouth and prioritize splatting it for more Golden Eggs!

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All Known Occurrences (Special Waves)

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