Splatoon 3

Maws Salmon Run Boss Guide: How to Beat

Splatoon 3 - Maws Salmon Run Boss Guide How to Beat
The Maws is a large Boss Salmonid in Splatoon 3 that lurks unseen before erupting from the ink to swallow unfortunate players in Salmon Run Next Wave. Read on to learn the Maws' stats and difficulty level, as well as how to beat it and other strategies.

Maws Stats and Difficulty

Maws Strengths and Weaknesses

Splatoon 3 - Maws Partial Icon
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Strengths ・Can instantly splat players by swallowing them.
・Can swim in ink to climb walls and platforms.
Weakness ・Its position before attacking is telegraphed by a circle of light.
・Only targets the player that's the closest to it.

Lurks Unseen Before Attacking

Maws swims underneath the ink chasing after a player. When a green circle appears, then it's preparing to attack so make sure to avoid or it will swallow you whole!

Can Attack Players in Ink Cannons

The Maws can still attack players riding the Ink Cannons during the Cohock Charge Known Occurrence, so make sure you get out of the cannon if you see the Maws' telltale green circle appear near you!

All Special Waves (Known Occurrences)

How to Beat Maws and Strategies

How to Defeat Maws

Feed it a Bomb to Splat It

You can splat the Maws in one hit by throwing a bomb within the green circle before it erupts from the ink. The Boss Salmonid will then swallow the bomb and explode, which will also cover a wide area with your team's ink!

Attack its Body When it Breaches

You can also ink the Maws' body when it breaches from the ink, though it will take several shots before it splats due to the Boss Salmonid's high HP.

This strategy is only useful if there are more dangerous Boss Salmonids in the area or can't get a clear shot of the green circle. Splatting it with a bomb is still the best method of dealing with this dangerous foe!

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