Splatoon 3

Cohok Charge Mechanics and How to Beat

Splatoon 3 - Cohok Charge Mechanics and How to Beat.png

Cohok Charge is a Known Occurence in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave where all Lesser Salmonids are replaced by the larger Cohoks accompanying Boss Salmonids. Read on to learn about this special wave's mechanics, as well as how to beat it and strategies.

Cohok Charge Mechanics

Cohok Charge Known Occurrence

Splatoon 3 - Cohok Charge IconCohok Charge
How to Get Golden Eggs
Special Wave Information
Splatoon IconAll large number of Cohok spawn and are the only Lesser Salmonids fought.

Splatoon IconPlayers can use Cannons scattered around the stage.

A Large Number of Cohoks Spawn

Splatoon 3 - Cohok Horde.png

During Cohok Charge, a large number of Cohoks will spawn and swarm players. They are the only Lesser Salmonids fought during this special wave and will accompany Boss Salmonids.

Although the Cohoks don't have increased speed and damage, their large size and tendency to group together makes them challenging to take out. They are particularly troublesome if they obscure the view of dangerous Boss Salmonids or push players in the water during High Tide!

Use Cannons to Defeat Cohoks

Cannons are located throughout the stage and will splat Cohoks in one hit! At least two players should get on the cannons and focus on defeating Cohoks while the other players take care of Boss Salmonids.

Cohok Charge Strategies and How to Beat

Strategies for Glowfly Rush

Divide the Team to Cannon and Egg Retrieval Duty

It's a good idea to divide the team into two groups: one focused on using cannons and the other on egg retrieval duty. This ensures that there's at least two players providing covering fire while the rest are focused on retrieving Golden Eggs to hit the quota!

Players with Slow Weapons Should Get on Cannons

Players given weapons with low fire rate such as Splat Chargers and Sloshers should use the Cannons instead. While this makes you immobile, the cannons have a higher fire rate and can instantly splat the rampaging Cohoks in one hit.

Use Turrets Against Boss Salmonids

Boss Salmonids Weak to Cannons
Splatoon 3 - Steelhead Partial IconSteelhead Splatoon 3 - Stinger Partial IconStinger Splatoon 3 - Flyfish Partial IconFlyfish
Splatoon 3 - Big Shot Partial IconBig Shot Splatoon 3 - Drizzler Partial IconDrizzler

Players on Turret Duty can help defeat the above Boss Salmonids as the cannons can make short work of them. A well-aimed shot from the Cannon, for example, will instantly splat a Steelhead if you target their head!

Keep in mind that for the Flyfish, you still need to wait for it to open its missile hatches to defeat it.

Watch Out for Flyfish and Maws

Watch out for the Flyfish's Tenta Missiles or Maws as they can target players on Cannons. Your perspective changes when getting on the Cannon so it's not often obvious that a Maws is already under the Turret ready to swallow you.

If you notice a Flyfish start firing its missiles or Maws get too close, jump out of the Cannon to evade their attack!

Prioritize Boss Salmonids Immune to Cannons

Boss Salmonids Fought on Foot
Splatoon 3 - Steel Eel Partial IconSteel Eel Splatoon 3 - Scrapper Partial IconScrapper Splatoon 3 - Maws Partial IconMaws
Splatoon 3 - Flipper-Flopper Partial IconFlipper Flopper Splatoon 3 - SlamminSlammin' Lid

Certain Boss Salmonids are better fought on foot and are the focus of the players on Egg retrieval duty. Maws, in particular, is very difficult to fight on Cannon and it's possible for it to splat players on the cannons if they go under the turret.

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