Splatoon 3

Gone Fission Hydroplant Salmon Run Stage Map

Splatoon 3 - Gone Fission Hydroplant Salmon Run Stage Map

The Gone Fission Hydroplant is a stage in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave characterized by its large open areas and moderate elevation. Read on to see the stage's map and features, as well as what the map looks like during low and high tide.

List of Gone Fission Hydroplant Maps

Normal Map

Map Legend
Splatoon 3 - Golden Egg Container IconEgg Container Splatoon 3 - Gusher IconGusher Splatoon 3 - Wire Mesh IconWire Mesh
Map Features
Splatoon IconA large open map with the Egg Container located in the middle of the stage surrounded by moderate elevation.

Splatoon IconThe coastline appears on the upper part of the map during low tide.

Splatoon Icon The stage has a generally open area with only the central part surrounded by walls.

Low and High Tide Maps

Low Tide High Tide
Map Features
Splatoon IconThe coastline emerges from the upper side of the map

Splatoon IconThe scaffolding near the piers are narrow and it's easy to fall into the water if you're not careful.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container will move to one of its locations on the coast.
Splatoon IconThe map shrinks and the coastline, as well as the outer portions of the map disappear.

Splatoon IconThe safe parts of the map are restricted within the moderate elevation near the egg container.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container remains on its original location during High Tide.

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 - All Salmon Run Stages Partial Banner.png
List of Salmon Run Stages and Maps

List of Salmon Run Stages

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