Splatoon 3

Splash Wall Guide: Effect and How to Use

Splash Wall is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Splash Wall, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Splash Wall Overview


Splash Wall
Splash Wall
Base Damage None
Additional Damage 30 (Direct Damage)
A device that erects a wall of ink in front of you that blocks enemy intrusion and attacks. Attacks from enemies will speed up the time it takes for the wall to come down. You can only place one at a time.


S Splash Wall currently is considered an S Tier Sub Weapon.
Considered one of the better sub weapons at the moment, using Splash Wall can help you get the upper hand in battles.

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Splash Wall

Press NSW - R to deploy a wall of shield which will protect you and your team from incoming enemy projectiles.

Weapons with Splash Wall

Main Sub Special
.52 Gal.52 Gal Splash WallSplash Wall Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1
SqueezerSqueezer Splash WallSplash Wall TrizookaTrizooka
Glooga DualiesGlooga Dualies Splash WallSplash Wall Booyah BombBooyah Bomb

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Splatoon 3 Sub Weapons

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List of Sub Weapons

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