
How to Craft Refined Metal Armor and Stats

Refined Metal Armor is an Armor Technology Item that can be equipped by the Player character in Palworld. Read ahead to see an overview of Refined Metal Armor, as well as its stats and how to craft it!

How to Craft Refined Metal Armor

Crafting Materials and Requirements

Armor Materials
Palworld - Refined Metal Armor Weapon Refined Metal Armor
Required Level Lv. 37
Technology Points 3
Crafting Workbenches

The Refined Metal Armor requires the materials listed above. You'll also need to unlock the Technology tied to the weapon by raising your Level and using up Technology Points. Make sure to have one of the Crafting Workbenches listed above to craft it.

Refined Metal Armor Overview

Refined Metal Armor Stats

Refined Metal Armor Overview
Palworld - Refined Metal Armor
Description Armor made from high quality metal. Quite heavy, but provides excellent defense. Requires Production Line Factory to craft.
Category Armor
Defense 150
HP 500
Additional Effects Cold Resistant Lv.1
Head Resistant Lv.1
Rarity Common
Durability 1500
Weight 35

Metal Armor Now Have Base Heat and Cold Resistances

As of Version, metal armor have now been updated to have at least level 1 of both Heat and Cold Resistances.

This quality of life change is meant to remove the need to switch between armor during the nighttime when you're wearing heat-resistant armor and you need a cold-resistant one. This is especially helpful in the starting areas.

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