Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

How to Get the Nora Thunder Sling: Ammo and Stats

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The Nora Thunder Sling is one of the Blastsling Weapons in Horizon Forbidden West. Read on to find out how to get the weapon, how to use it in combat, how to upgrade it, the types of ammo it uses, and its stats, including damage, perks, and rarity.

How to Get the Nora Thunder Sling

Purchase the Special, Digital Deluxe, Collector's, or Regalla Edition

Horizon Forbidden West Digital Deluxe Edition.png

This weapon is only available as an edition bonus from the Special, Digital Deluxe, Collector's, and Regalla Editions of the game. Purcahase one of these editions to automatically receive this weapon in your stash once you start your game.

All Editions Guide: Contents and Where to Buy

Nora Thunder Sling Overview

Nora Thunder Sling Basic Information

Nora Thunder Sling Information
Horizon Forbidden West Nora Thunder Sling Weapon
Description A weapon as fierce as the Thunderjaw it was crafted from. Favored among Nora warriors, it deals extra damage to targets at close range (10m or less).
Weapon Type Blastsling
Rarity Uncommon

Nora Thunder Sling Upgrade Costs

Level # Currently Unavailable
Level # Currently Unavailable
Level # Currently Unavailable

Nora Thunder Sling Coils

Total No. of Coils 1

Nora Thunder Sling Perks

Perk Percentage Increase
Close Range Damage +15% (Base)
Overdraw Damage +15% (?)

Nora Thunder Sling Ammo and Damage

Ammo and Damage Type

Ammo Damage Type
Explosive BombsExplosive Bombs

Ammo Stat Upgrades

Base Level

Ammo Damage Tear/Buildup
Explosive Bombs 60 -

How to Use the Nora Thunder Sling

Deals High Damage over a Large Area

Blastslings HFW

The Blastling is a high damage weapon that can be used between medium to long-range. They have a large area of effect, which depends on how much the weapon is drawn, and it can leave an area of residual damage after use.

However, since Blastslings use bombs as ammo, they cannot tear off machine components and can only destroy them.

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