Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

Tallneck: Landfall

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Landfall Tallneck Horizon Forbidden West HFW
This is a guide for the Landfall Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Read on to learn more about where to find them, how to climb them, and how to override them!

General Info

Location and Rewards

Landfall, Isle of Spires
Recommended Level: 30
  • +7500 XP
  • +1 Reveal Map
  • +2 Skill Points

This Tallneck is only available after unlocking the Main Quest Faro's Tomb.

How to Locate the Landfall Tallneck

Using Your Focus

Tallneck Signal Horizon Forbidden West

Once you are near the old settlement, you should see a purple pulsing dot in the distance. Once you've scanned it, you'll receive the quest for Landfall Tallneck!

While there are no machines when you first enter the water, there will be Frost Glinthawks and Snapmaws waiting further on!

Enemies Encountered

Landfall Tallneck Enemies

Enemy Type Quantity
Frost Glinthawks 3
Snapmaws 2

Overriding the Landfall Tallneck

Swim Towards the Area

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The Landfall Tallneck is further out at sea, seemingly stuck in place next to a Glinthawk. Quickly hop into the water and swim closer to get a better look!

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Once you've examined the Tallneck, Aloy will notice the Power Cells are missing. Swim back up, staying behind the Tallneck's head to crouch over the top of the sunken building.

Take Out Some Enemies As Quickly As Possbile

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From this vantage point, you can quickly dispatch the Glinthawk in the distance without too much fuss. Make sure to scan it and hit it's weak points! Once it's gone, head towards the abandoned building where the Glinthawk was!

Avoid the Snapmaws

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Do not alert the Snapmaws! Since you cannot fight in the water, you are at a huge disadvantage if these gator-like machines find you. Instead, quietly make your way to the surface.

Make Your Way Up

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Shoot at the ladder on the edge of the building, but don't attempt to climb it just yet.

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Push the cart into the water and don't worry if it's too far from the ladder!

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Using the Pullcaster, drag the cart closer to the wall so that you can jump up onto the roof and make your way across.

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Take out the Frost Glinthawks quickly to avoid detection and to ensure a smoother journey to the other side! Grab the battery from the scrap piles here before continuing on.

Sneak Forward

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Swim to the back of the large building, and glide or swim across, hopping onto the back ledge and making your way to the top where the Glinthawk once was. You'll find the second power cell here, visible in the pile. Avoid catching the attention of the Snapmaws or take them out from a distance.

Return the Power Cells

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Make your way back via the zip line and swim towards the Tallneck.

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Return the Power Cells to bring the Tallneck back to life!

Follow the Tallneck

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Head over to the buildings further away and swim down to go inside one of them.

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You'll find a set of stairs still partially in the water. Make your way up here to find a launch point!

Find a Launch Point

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On the roof are a set of ladders and climbing points, lower them in case you fall into the water!

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Watch the Tallneck's path and once it's in range, hop off any higher points and glide over to the Tallneck.

Climb Up The Tallneck

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Once you've grabbed a hold of the Tallneck, climb up using your Focus to mark the different climbing spots.

Override the Tallneck With Your Spear

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Now that the worst is over, step forward and use your spear to override the Tallneck. This will reveal a chunk of the map, along with the machine sites that you can find!

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Tallneck Partial Horizon Forbiddden West

All Tallneck Locations and Guides

All Tallneck Guides
Cinnabar Sands The Shining Wastes The Stand of the Sentinels
Landfall The Stillsands Saltbite


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