Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

Tallneck: The Stand of the Sentinels

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The Stand of the Sentinels Horizon Forbidden West HFW
This is a guide for the Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Read on to learn more about where to find them, how to climb them, and how to override them!

General Info

Location and Rewards

The Stand of the Sentinels
Recommended Level: 10
  • +7500 XP
  • +1 Reveal Map
  • +2 Skill Points

Note that the location of this Tallneck is made available once you've overwritten the first one!

How to Locate the Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck

Using Your Focus

Tallneck Signal Horizon Forbidden West

Once you are near the old settlement, you should see a purple pulsing dot in the distance. Once you've scanned it, you'll receive the quest for the Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck!

Just be wary of Stalkers that roam the area and the 2 Fire Clamberjaws on one of the platforms.

Enemies Encountered

The Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck Tallneck Enemies

Enemy Type Quantity
Stalker 2
Fire Clamberjaw 2

Overriding the Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck

Fight the Stalkers and Fire Clamberclaws From the Ground

In order to make it easier for you, lay traps or lie in wait for the Stalkers to appear. They leave red beacons on the ground to mark their territory. Avoid stepping on them as some are mines.

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Once they've come out of hiding, take them down quickly or lay traps and lure them in for quicker kills!

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The Fire Clamberjaws will throw projectiles and fire at you from their perch and are not too difficult to spot once you're pelted with fire. Use one of the thicker trees of the area as cover, peeking out to shoot arrows at them. It may take some time, but it prevents you from being pelted off of the platforms later on.

Head Towards the Center

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Look for the platform in the center to climb upwards, making your way towards the higher spaces!

Lower the Ropes

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It is highly recommended to lower down the rope ladders when you find them on the diffferent platforms to give you shortcuts should you fall.

Hop On and Off the Tallneck

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The platforms at this height will not be enough to climb up as the Tallneck is missing parts. Because of this, it's better to wait on one of the further platforms to hop on the Tallneck, and cross to the other side towards a platform with no rope ladders.

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Follow the platforms up and across, lowering ladders on the way,.

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You'll eventually come across a ladder that can be lowered. Climb up and make your way across, using the Focus to mark areas you can climb on.

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Once you're up top, all you need to do is wait (Or loot all the items in the area)!

Climb Up The Tallneck

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Once you've grabbed a hold of the Tallneck, climb up using your Focus to mark the different climbing spots.

Override the Tallneck With Your Spear

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Now that the worst is over, step forward and use your spear to override the Tallneck. This will reveal a chunk of the map, along with the machine sites that you can find!

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Tallneck Partial Horizon Forbiddden West

All Tallneck Locations and Guides

All Tallneck Guides
Cinnabar Sands The Shining Wastes The Stand of the Sentinels
Landfall The Stillsands Saltbite


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