Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

Reach for the Stars Walkthrough

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Reach for the Stars is one of the main quests in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Read on to see the detailed walkthrough, rewards, location, and tips for the Reach for the Stars quest!

Previous Quest Current Quest Next Quest
- Reach for the Stars The Point of the Lance

Reach for the Stars Overview

Basic Information

Reach for the Stars
Description A long search has led Aloy to a mysterious ancient facility. Together with her friend Varl, She must comb through the ruins for a backup of GAIA — her last hope repairing the terraforming system that can heal the world.
Rewards ・500 XP
Recommended Level 3

Reach for the Stars Walkthrough

1 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Hit the Red Lock
・Gather Medicinal Skybrush
・Eat the Medicinal Berries
・Examine the Machine Carcass
・Gather Ridge-Wood
・Craft Arrows

Collect at least one Medicinal Skybrush and scale the wall. Continue ahead until you reach a ladder out of reach. Aim at the red lock and hit it to lower the ladder.
2 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Entrance to the Ruins
・Go to the Ancient Ruins
・Find an Entrance to the Ancient Ruins
・Examine the Rubble in the Collapsed Wall
・Examine the Corpse
・Search the Camp for Parts to Repair the Tool
・Craft the Tool
・Clear the Rubble with the Pullcaster

Defeat the Burrowers and continue ahead. Look back behind you to find another ladder; knock it down in the same way. In the next area, craft a Pullcaster and use it to pull the rubble out of the wall.
The Pullcaster can be a bit confusing at first. Hold L2, then tap Triangle. Hold R2 while continuing to hold L2. Then, walk backwards while still holding L2 and R2.
3 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Grapple Point
・Scan the Area
・Use the Grapple Point
・Lower the Ladder

In the next area, enter Focus Mode and scan the grapple point on the ledge above. Grapple up and around and long jump to the next ledge. After lowering the ladder, go back through the door behind you.
4 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Silent Strike with Varl
・Kill the Burrower with a Silent Strike
・Kill the Machines
・Craft Blast Traps (Optional)

Take out the first Burrower with a Silent Strike. Clear out the rest, and in the next section, craft a Blast Trap. Use the Blast Trap to take out the Scrounger in the next section.
When attempting a Silent Strike, throw a rock close to you to get the Burrower to approach, making it easier to get in range for a Silent Strike.
5 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Examine the Console
・Examine the Console
・Search the Ancient Ruins for a GAIA Backup

Go into Focus Mode to make the yellow rods on the wall visible. Grab onto the yellow rods to climb across the gap. In the next room, use Focus Mode again to make more climbable surfaces appear. The rods to the left will break, so take the ladder to the right up.
6 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Kill Machines
In the next room, going down and across to the opposite wall is easiest. Go across the tightrope and climb up. Defeat the machines and look up for a ladder to shoot down. There's another ladder on the wall of the opposite side of the room at the top.
7 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Rappel and Kill Burrowers
・Talk to Varl
Rappel down and take out the Burrowers ahead. Straight ahead, jump through the hole in the fence. Shoot down the ladder and climb up. Grapple and launch up to reach the climbing rod overhead.
8 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Next Building
・Go to the Shuttle
・Release the Shuttle Clamps
・Climb up the Launch Tower

Climb up as high as you can, then zipline across to the next building. To climb up the Launch Tower, you will need to use the Pullcaster on a specific metal rod, which is found opposite the Shuttle on the right. This will pull down an elevator. Go inside and climb up on top of it and continue climbing up.
9 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Climbing Up
・Shoot the Shuttle Cable Connectors

Continue climbing up while watching for climbable surfaces. In this section, they can be a bit tricky to find, so consider turning on the Climbing Annotations Always On setting.
You won't be able to actually shoot the Shuttle Cable Connectors, even if you can see them, until you get to the very top. Continue climbing up for now.
10 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Cables
When you get to the top, shoot the flashing light. Find the spot where you can grapple across and keep climbing up. Shoot the other flashing light at the top.
11 Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Kill the Machine (Slitherfang)
・Kill the Machine

Defeat the Slitherfang.
Use the Frost Blastsling to inflict the Freeze status condition, which makes it move slower. This will give you more opportunities to aim for its weak spots while evading its attacks.
12 ・Go to the Data Center
・Search the Data Center for a GAIA Backup

Go down the shaft in the next area. Continue through the door to finish the quest.

▸Next Quest: The Point of the Lance

Tips and Strategies

Turn Climbing Annotations to Always On

Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Climbing Annotations
Under Settings > Visual, there's an option to turn Climbing Annotations on all the time even without needing to scan them using the Focus.

Although using the Focus can be considered as part of the experience, this mission has a lot of difficult-to-find climbing surfaces, and having this option on will simply make the Quest smoother and less frustrating.

Shoot the Slitherfang's Canisters

Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Canister
The Glowblast Canisters will appear after the Slitherfang takes enough damage. Aim for these weak spots to deal more damage and take it out quickly.

To hit the canisters effectively, use the Frost Blastsling to inflict the Freeze status condition and make it move slower. You can also hold R3 when aiming to activate Concentration, which will allow you to slow down time while aiming.

Use Slitherfang Coil Blaster

Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Coil Blaster
During the 2nd phase, while battling the Slitherfang, pick up the Slitherfang Coil Blaster on the left side and the furthest right after the short cutscene plays. It will deal huge damage while inflicting shock damage on the Slitherfang.

Boss Strategy Guide


Horizon Forbidden West - Reach for the Stars - Slitherfang

How to Beat Slitherfang - Key Points

  • Shoot the Sac and Canisters on its body.
  • Use Critical Strike once stunned.
  • Attack using Slitherfang Coil Blaster during 2nd Phase.
  • Use Frost Blastsling to slow and freeze Slitherfang.

How to Beat Slitherfang: Boss Fight Guide

Horizon Forbidden West Quests

Horizon Forbidden West - List of All Quests Partial.png
List of All Quests

List of All Quest Types

Main Story
Story Walkthrough & Main Quests
Optional Quests
Side Quests Errands
Salvage Contracts Hunting Grounds
Rebel Camps Relic Ruins
Tallnecks Cauldrons
The Arena Gauntlet Runs
Rebel Outposts Melee Pits

List of All Main Quests

No. Quest
1 Reach for the Stars
2 The Point of the Lance
3 To the Brink
4 The Embassy
5 Death's Door
6 The Dying Lands
7 The Eye of the Earth
8 The Broken Sky
9 The Kulrut
10 Cradle of Echoes
11 The Sea of Sands
12 Seeds of the Past
13 Faro's Tomb
14 Gemini
15 All That Remains
16 The Wings of the Ten
17 Singularity


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