Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

All Salvage Contracts Camp Locations, Rewards, and Quests

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Horizon Forbidden West Salvage Contracts Banner.png

Salvage Contracts are a type of fetch quest where Aloy must collect resources in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Learn which camp you can find each Salvage Contractor, the legendary armor reward and trophy for completing all Salvage Contracts, and all associated Quests.

All Salvage Contract Camp Locations

There are a total of four Salvage Contractors, who each give out a series of Salvage Contract Quests for a total of 17 Quests. The four Salvage Contractors can be completed in any order. You can find them inside base camps, through markers on the map or NPC dialogue instruction.

Sometimes a Salvage Contractor will not give all of their Quests at once, so you'll need to return to them after you complete a set of Salvage Contracts to see if there are more to complete.

Barren Light - Larend

Area Map Zoomed Map

The Greenswell - Handa

Area Map Zoomed Map

The Stillsands - Runda

Area Map Zoomed Map

The Raintrace - Danur

Area Map Zoomed Map

The Salvage Contract in The Raintrace may not appear automatically even if you get close to it. You'll need to defeat a group of Stalkers attracking the Salvage Contractor's group before the icon will appear on the map. It can be found down and to the left of a nearby Black Box.

Salvage Contract Armor and Trophy Rewards

Oseram Artificer - Legendary Warrior Armor

Horizon Forbidden West Oseram Artificer.jpg

The Legendary Warrior Armor Oseram Artificer is obtained by complete all 17 Salvage Contracts. After completing all of them, finish the overarching Quest, Keruf's Salvage Unlimited, consisting of just a final cutscene, to obtain the Armor.

One Bronze Trophy

bronze trophy.png Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts
Completed all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.

The trophy Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts is earned upon completing all the Salvage Contract Quests for one of the four Salvage Contractors. There is no trophy for completing all Quests for all four.

Trophy List and How to Unlock

All Salvage Contractor Quests

Keruf's Salvage Unlimited

# Quest Name Level Rewards
18 Keruf's Salvage Unlimited 8 ・5000 XP
・1 Oseram Artificer

Keruf's Salvage Unlimited is the overarching Quest which all continues during all other Salvage Contract Quests. After all 17 other Salvage Contract Quests have been completed, visit the location indicated the objective marker to finish it.

Barren Light - Larend Quests

# Quest Name Level Rewards
4 Elusive Fanghorn 10 ・2500 XP
・2 Skill Points
1 Impact Spike Thrower
・60 Metal Shards
3 Alarm Antennas 8 ・2000 XP
・1 Coil - Fire +7%
・40 Metal Shards
2 Convoy Ambush 8 ・2000 XP
・1 Coil - Shock +7%
・40 Metal Shards
1 Scavengers 8 ・2000 XP
・1 Apex Widemaw Heart
・40 Metal Shards

The Greenswell - Handa Quests

# Quest Name Level Rewards
12 Ravager Cannon 20 ・5000 XP
・1 Coil - Component Tear +15%
・50 Metal Shards
11 Speedy Lancehorns 20 ・5000 XP
・2 Skill Points
1 Puncturing Boltblaster
・100 Metal Shards
8 Plowhorns and Plants 15 ・3750 XP
・1 Coil - Draw Speed +15%
・50 Metal Shards
7 Property Retrieval 15 ・3750 XP
・1 Apex Rollerback Heart
・50 Metal Shards
5 Ancient Relics 10 ・2500 XP
・2 Ancient Sculptures
・50 Metal Shards

The Stillsands - Runda Quests

# Quest Name Level Rewards
14 Rollerback Salvage 26 ・6500 XP
・2 Skill Points
1 Sunshot Hunter Bow
・100 Metal Shards
10 Missing Gear 20 ・5000 XP
・1 Shell-Walker Lightning Gun
・75 Metal Shards
9 Pristine Bellowback 18 ・4500 XP
・1 Coil - Instant Corroding Chance +4%
・75 Metal Shards
6 Lost Supplies 15 ・3750 XP
・1 Apex Bellowback Heart
・75 Metal Shards

The Raintrace - Danur Quests

# Quest Name Level Rewards
17 Mine Launchers 30 ・7500 XP
・1 Stormbird Storm Cannon
16 Colleague and Key 30 ・7500 XP
・1 Coil - Critical Hit Chance
・300 Metal Shards
15 Reinforced Components 30 ・7500 XP
・1 Skill Point
1 Vindicator Spike Thrower
・350 Metal Shards
13 Underwater Salvage 25 ・6250 XP
・1 Skill Point
・1 Apex Thunderjaw Heart
・350 Metal Shards

How to Complete Salvage Contracts Fast

Finish all Salvage Contracts Before Returning

Although you'll need to go back to the Salvage Contractor to finish a Salvage Contract Quest, you don't have to do this every time you complete one. When the objective tells you to Return to the Salvage Contractor, switch to a different Salvage Contract Quest instead and finish that task. Go back to the Salvage Contractor after you've finished all of the available objectives to save time.

Buy Lots of Fast Travel Packs

You'll need to jump between different locations when completing Salvage Contracts, even moreso than other Quests. While normally using campfires to fast travel for free is a good option, you can save lots of time by stocking up on 10-20 Fast Travel Packs ahead of time fast traveling between objectives with them.

Horizon Forbidden West Related Links

Horizon Forbidden West - List of All Quests Partial.png
List of All Quests

List of All Quest Types

Main Story
Story Walkthrough & Main Quests
Optional Quests
Side Quests Errands
Salvage Contracts Hunting Grounds
Rebel Camps Relic Ruins
Tallnecks Cauldrons
The Arena Gauntlet Runs
Rebel Outposts Melee Pits


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