Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

List of Frost Ammo Weapons

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This guide lists all weapons that have Frost Ammo in Horizon Forbidden West. Read on to learn how to get weapons that deal Frost Damage, as well as what other ammo types and perks each weapon offers.

List of Frost Ammo Weapons

All Legendary Weapons That Deal Frost Damage

Weapon Ammo Types Perks How to Get
The Sun ScourgeThe Sun Scourge Advanced Fire Hunter Arrows
Advanced Frost Hunter Arrows
Advanced Acid Hunter Arrows
Instant Brittle Chance
Agility Damage
Overdraw Damage
Reload Speed
Aerial Enemy Damage
Complete All Rebel Camp missions in the game
BrawlbreakerBrawlbreaker Advanced Bolts
Frost Bolts
Explosive Bolts
Concentration Damage
Multiple Enemy Damage
Overdraw Damage
Instant Slowed Chance
Knockdown Power
Purchase from any merchant with Champion's Tokens (NG+ only).

All Very Rare Weapons That Deal Frost Damage

Weapon Ammo Types Perks How to Get
Icestorm BoltblasterIcestorm Boltblaster Frost Bolts
Plasma Bolts
Shock Bolts
Concentration Damage
Overdraw Damage
Long-Range Damage

Abadund in Hidden Ember; Hunters in Thornmarsh and near the base during the late game
Seeker Hunter BowSeeker Hunter Bow Advanced Hunter Arrows
Frost Hunter Arrows
Advanced Frost Hunter Arrows
Knockdown Damage
Overdraw Damage
Close Range Damage

Hunters in Fall's Edge and near the base during the late game
Skystrike BoltblasterSkystrike Boltblaster Explosive Bolts
Piercing Bolts
Frost Bolts
Aerial Enemy Damage
Overdraw Damage
Shocked Enemy Damage
Reward from Side Quest 25: The Valley of the Fallen
Renegade Warrior BowRenegade Warrior Bow Light Arrows
Frost Light Arrows
Critical Hit Chance
Drenced Enemy Damage

Hunters in Thornmarsh and near the base during the late game
Elite Canister RopecasterElite Canister Ropecaster Acid Canister Harpoons
Frost Canister Harpoons
Plasma Canister Harpoons
Overdraw Damage
Multiple Enemy Damage
Reward from Errand Quest 16: The Souvenir
Rampart BlastslingRampart Blastsling Explosive Bombs
Frost Bombs
Cluster Bombs
High Ground Damage
Overdraw Damage
Multiple Enemy Damage

Prize Master at the Arena

All Rare Weapons That Deal Frost Damage

Weapon Ammo Types Perks How to Get
Frost Hunter BowFrost Hunter Bow Frost Hunter Arrows
Acid Hunter Arrows
Draw Speed
Overdraw Damage

Hunters in Plainsong, Hunting Grounds: Sheerside Mountains, and near LATOPOLIS
Canister RopecasterCanister Ropecaster Shock Canister Harpoons
Frost Canister Harpoons
Fire Canister Harpoons
Reload Speed
Overdraw Damage

Hunters in Hunting Grounds: Plainsong, The Bulwark, and Cliffwatch
Icefire BlastslingIcefire Blastsling Fire Bombs
Frost Bombs
Draw Speed
Overdraw Damage

Hunters in The Maw of the Arena and The Bulwark
Frostbite Warrior BowFrostbite Warrior Bow Frost Light Arrows
Acid Light Arrows
Critical Hit Chance
Hunters in The Bulwark, near the base, and Scalding Spear

All Uncommon Weapons That Deal Frost Damage

Weapon Ammo Types Perks How to Get
Frost BlastslingFrost Blastsling Frost Bombs No Perks Obtained during Main Quest 1: Reach for the Stars

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Weapons Partial Banner

List of All Weapons

List of All Weapon Types

Hunter Bows Warrior Bows Sharpshot Bows
Spears Blastslings Tripcasters
Ropecasters Shredder Gauntlets Boltblasters
Spike Throwers - -

Other Weapon Lists

Legendary Weapons Fire Ammo Weapons
Frost Ammo Weapons Shock Ammo Weapons
Purgewater Ammo Weapons Acid Ammo Weapons
Plasma Ammo Weapons Explosive Ammo Weapons
Adhesive Ammo Weapons


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