Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

MINERVA Profile and Backstory

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MINERVA Profile and Backstory

This character profile is all about MINERVA, a character that appears in Horizon Forbidden West. Read on to learn about MINERVA's backstory and its interactions with other characters in the Horizon series.

Warning: This page contains spoilers for the story of Horizon Zero Dawn and potential spoilers for Horizon Forbidden West

MINERVA Basic Information

MINERVA allowing Aloy to override it
Voice Actor Morla Gorrondona
Appearances ・Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)
・Horizon Forbidden West (2022)
Relationships ・ GAIA (Subordinate Function)

MINERVA Profile and Backstory


MINERVA listening to Aloy
Despite having a mind of its own, MINERVA constantly tried to carry out its mission. When Aloy was able to explain to MINERVA that it would be a part of GAIA again, only then did it allow Aloy to override it. It found solace in knowing that its misery would end in its demise.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Of GAIA's 9 subroutines, MINERVA was the first subordinate function to deploy. For decades, after the destruction of the Earth's biosphere, it ran complex calculations to break the encrypted activation codes of the Faro Swarm.

Once MINERVA was able to break the codes, deactivation instructions were broadcasted via transmission towers rendering the swarm's machines inert. Only then could the remaining subordinate functions begin the long process of restoring life to the planet.

Horizon Forbidden West

Aloy persuading MINERVA
When HADES was infected by the Mysterious Signal that gave it malevolent consciousness, GAIA destroyed herself to prevent it from taking over and triggering another extinction. It was at this time a deranged and semi-conscious MINERVA fled to a processor somewhere in the Forbidden West.

Skills and Abilities


MINERVA protecting itself from intruders
MINERVA was the subordinate function programmed to decipher the codes that would deactivate the Faro Swarm. As soon as these codes are completed, robots assembled by HEPHAESTUS would broadcast the signal.

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Dekka Ivvira MINERVA
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