Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

Tallneck: The Stillsands

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Tallneck Stillsands Horizon Forbidden West HFW
This is a guide for the Stillsands Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Read on to learn more about where to find them, how to climb them, and how to override them!

General Info

Location and Rewards

The Stillsands
Recommended Level: 20
  • +7500 XP
  • +1 Reveal Map
  • +2 Skill Points

This quest becomes available once you've learned about the Oseram Team from Camp Nowhere.

How to Locate the Stillsands Tallneck

Using Your Focus

Tallneck Signal Horizon Forbidden West

Tallnecks can be found using your Focus. They appear as a pulsing purple dot. For the Stillsands Tallneck in particular, you can simply follow the icon on your map.

These can be especially helpful when visibility is low due to the storms in this area!

Enemies Encountered

The Stillsands Tallneck Enemies

Enemy Type Quantity
Tracker Burrower 1
Burrower 1
Skydrifter 2
Acid Bellowback 1

Overriding the Stillsands Tallneck

Examine the Area

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Once you've found the camp of the Oseram group, examine the machine carcass, datapoint, and tallneck components to determine that happened to the group!

Use the Ballistas to Anchor the Tallneck

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There are 3 Ballista in total so you'll need to move around the camp to use them. Head to the closest one and get ready to fight some machines! Don't worry though as the enemies will be staggered in 3 batches

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They'll be quite easy to take out. Once they're down, use the Ballista to aim for the weak points on the Tallneck. These points can be seen with your Focus and will be highlighted in blue!

Climb onto the Tallneck

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Once the Tallneck is anchored and on the ground, head down to it's head. There's no need for much jumping here.

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Override it and the Tallneck will stand once more, resuming it's route around the camp.

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Note that if you haven't killed the Acid Bellowback, you may have some issues trying to override the Tallneck. Dispatch it quickly to make the job easier!

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Tallneck Partial Horizon Forbiddden West

All Tallneck Locations and Guides

All Tallneck Guides
Cinnabar Sands The Shining Wastes The Stand of the Sentinels
Landfall The Stillsands Saltbite


1 Kujataalmost 3 years

Or.... just climb the nearby mountain to the top. Glide onto the Tallneck. Override it. Simple as that.


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