Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

Forbidden Legacy Side Quest Walkthrough

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This guide will show you how to complete the Forbidden Legacy, a Side Quest in Horizon Forbidden West (HFW). Read on to learn the quest objectives, strategies, location, and rewards for completing the Forbidden Legacy Side Quest.

Forbidden Legacy Quest Information

General Info

Forbidden Legacy
Quest Giver Alva
Description Alva believes data in San Francisco may help the Quen fix a defunct flood control system back home. She is determined to find it - no matter what obstacles stand in her way.
Rewards ・9750 XP
・3 Skill Points
Utaru Protector
Recommended Level 30

How to Unlock Forbidden Legacy and Location

Complete Faro's Tomb and Talk to Alva

The quest wil become available after completing Faro's Tomb.

Forbidden Legacy Location

You can begin this quest by talking to Alva at The Base.

Forbidden Legacy Location

Forbidden Legacy Map Location

World Location

Forbidden Legacy Walkthrough

How to Complete

1 Call Alva in the CampfireCall Alva in the Campfire
Go to Legacy's Landfall campfire and call Alva.
2 Follow Alva to the Research FacilityFollow Alva to the Research Facility
Follow Alva until you reach the entrance of the Research Facility
3 Search the Ruins for DataSearch the Ruins for Data
Use your Focus to find data about the facility. However, you will be interrupted by a Slitherfang
4 Kill the SlitherfangKill the Slitherfang
Kill the Slitherfang to progress to the next objective.
5 Search the RuinsSearch the Ruins
Use your Focus to find important data. You will be able to find a vent that leads further inside.
6 Explore FurtherExplore Further
Continue moving inside the facility until you reach a Data Console. Activate it to trigger a cutscene.
7 Follow Alva to the Atbay HeadquartersFollow Alva to the Atbay Headquarters
Follow Alva to reach the entrance of the Atbay Headquarters. You will reach a path that can be opened using a Pullcaster.
8 Climb up the TowerClimb up the Tower
Follow the climbing path inside the tower. After that, lower the ladder and climb until you reach two Sunwings that you can take down using Silent Strike.
9 Jump to the TowerJump to the Tower
After reaching the top, us your Pullcaster to remove another set of debris and jump to the tower.
10 Open the Door Using a CodeOpen the Door Using a Code
After jumping to the next tower, you will find a door that can be unlocked with a security code. The code is 102023.
11 Climb up to the OfficeClimb up to the Office
Proceed to the next room, where you will use your Pullcaster to open up a climbing spot.Follow the climbing spot to the right until you reach a section with grapple points. Follow those points until you reach the top.
12 Reach EileenReach Eileen's Office
Continue going up until you reach a shaft that is blocked by Firegleam. Ignite it using your spear and go up inside.
13 Open the Door Using a CodeOpen the Office Door
Investigate the artifacts to find the code. The code is 402625.
14 Activate the Holo in EileenActivate the Holo in Eileen's Office
Activate the Holo Projector to watch the recording. This will complete the side quest.

Tips and Strategies

Use Your Focus to Find Climbing Spots

This side quest has some tricky climbing sections. Make sure you use your Focus to find spots to grab and go higher. Use your Pullcaster to reach grapple points and pull obstacles as well.

Get the Utaru Protector

You can get the Utaru Protector after the quest by talking to Alva in The Base (before Singularity), or at Legacy's Landfall (after Singularity)

Horizon Forbidden West Quests

Horizon Forbidden West - List of All Quests Partial.png
List of All Quests

List of All Quest Types

Main Story
Story Walkthrough & Main Quests
Optional Quests
Side Quests Errands
Salvage Contracts Hunting Grounds
Rebel Camps Relic Ruins
Tallnecks Cauldrons
The Arena Gauntlet Runs
Rebel Outposts Melee Pits

List of All Side Quests

Side Quest Level
Deep Trouble Lv. 5
The Bristlebacks Lv. 7
The Twilight Path Lv. 7
Shadow of the Past Lv. 7
Shadow in the West Lv. 10
Drowned Hopes Lv. 22
The Burning Blooms Lv. 15
Need to Know Lv. 25
The Roots that Bind Lv. 15
A Tribe Apart Lv. 15
The Promontory Lv. 17
Thirst for the Hunt Lv. 17
The Wound in the Sand Lv. 19
The Gate of the Vanquished Lv. 15
The Deluge Lv. 15
Signal Spike Lv. 16
Breaking Even Lv. 18
A Soldier's March Lv. 18
Blood for Blood Lv. 19
The Second Verse Lv. 25
The Valley of the Fallen Lv. 28
The Way Home Lv. 32
The Blood Choke Lv. 27
Forbidden Legacy Lv. 30
What Was Lost Lv. 30
In the Fog Lv. 20
Lofty Ambitions Lv. 24
Boom or Bust Lv. 24


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