Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

All Recon Machines

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Horizon Forbidden West - All Recon Machines.png

This is a list of all the Recon Machines in the game Horizon Forbidden West. Read on to learn which trophy you can get for scanning every Recon enemy!

List of All Recon Machines

New Recon Machines

Machine Weak Vs Stong Vs Cauldron
Fire Icon
None MU Overrides
Frost Icon
Fire Icon
IOTA Overrides

Returning Recon Machines

Machine Weak Vs Stong Vs Cauldron
Shock Icon
Acid Icon
IOTA Overrides
Redeye WatcherRedeye Watcher
Shock Icon
Fire Icon Plasma Icon
CHI Overrides
TallneckTallneck None All PSI Overrides

What are Recon Machines?

Horizon Forbidden West - What are Recon Machines.jpg

Recon machines are scouts that patrol and scan their surroundings to gather information. These machines do not pose much of a threat as their function is not towards combat, however they are equipped with components that can be used for immediate threats.

Unlockable Trophies

Silver Trophy All Machine Types Scanned
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of Machine
bronze trophy.png All Acquisition Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.
bronze trophy.png All Recon Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.
bronze trophy.png All Combat Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
bronze trophy.png All Transport Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Enemy Machines Partial Banner

List of All Enemy Machines

Machine Types

Acquisition Combat Recon Transport

List of All Machines

List of Enemy Machines
GrazerGrazer BurrowerBurrower ScroungerScrounger
LeaplasherLeaplasher ScrapperScrapper SpikesnoutSpikesnout
SkydrifterSkydrifter PlowhornPlowhorn ChargerCharger
LancehornLancehorn LonglegLongleg BristlebackBristleback
FanghornFanghorn Redeye WatcherRedeye Watcher WidemawWidemaw
ClawstriderClawstrider CorruptorCorruptor BellowbackBellowback
GlinthawkGlinthawk Shell-walkerShell-walker StalkerStalker
GrimhornGrimhorn RavagerRavager SnapmawSnapmaw
SunwingSunwing ClamberjawClamberjaw RollerbackRollerback
RockbreakerRockbreaker BehemothBehemoth DreadwingDreadwing
TideripperTideripper ShellsnapperShellsnapper StormbirdStormbird
ThunderjawThunderjaw FrostclawFrostclaw ScorcherScorcher
SlitherfangSlitherfang TremortuskTremortusk FireclawFireclaw
SlaughterspineSlaughterspine TallneckTallneck SpecterSpecter
Specter PrimeSpecter Prime


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