Horizon Forbidden West (HFW) Walkthrough Comments

List of Bugs and GlitchesComment

Showing 1-20 of 50 entries


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    50 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    After the first gauntlet race, i accidentally re-entered to same race and pressed quit race in menu, at the start of the race. Left me without hud, no npc's and possibily to open menu or interact with anything. Had to reload much earlier save.

    45 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I just had the TideRipper in the Cauldron swim around above me even though it wasn't in water. For the whole fight ... And then it died outside of the energy walls and I couldn't claim any loot ... Ridiculous

    44 Andrew Mover 2 yearsReport

    Just had a glitch during the slitherfang battle during quest “Forbidden Legacy”. Hit the slitherfang with adhesive blast sling ammo and it slid backwards through some buildings and… out to sea. I watched it’s frozen form float several meters above the water as it slid into the horizon and disappeared from view, never to be seen again. Going to have to reload because the fight sequence just keeps going with no quarry.

    43 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    My glitch has been 1. Wasting all arrows on a rebel that really wasn't even there. I went all around the area while focus on. It was stuck in a rock. Luckily wasn't the leader. 2. Game progression stats don't match quests tab totals. So goes for my rebel camps and outposts. I counted 6 in rebel camps and 16 outposts. Game progression only shows 5 rebel camps. Though, I read deadfalls isn't really a outpost as it's part of bristleback, it still isn't syncing correctly.

    42 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Dancing Quen Marines after killing them with a blaze barrel https://youtu.be/kUloD2v4e3o

    41 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    New glitch just appeared. Been to the site before with no issue. The thunderjaw site middle south of map right on the jungle/desert border. There are rebels who kill the thunderjaw and then another appears. It walks around doing nothing. You can’t scan it, can’t attack it, and it pays you no attention. It also walks on air in some spots. I’ve restarted and even installed the latest update to no avail.

    40 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Sometimes Aloy stops running/can't slide Sometimes lose access to basic functions (can't use weapons, can't use pullcaster, can't use melee) Surface bug I've encountered at the shelter islet near the stormbird site northwest of Landfall. Closing game/reloading seemed to provide a partial fix but perimeter of the shelter island remained mostly unclimbable. Surface bug result that even a mostly horizontal surface will register as a vertical drop resulting in excessive damage or death.

    39 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Found a teleportation glitch when trying to faat travel to a completed outpost (marked on map with flag) sending you instead across the map and i tried traveling there several times out of confusion ...leading me to end up surrounded by undiscovered area which should be impossible

    38 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I’m having the same issue & can’t get 100% completion due to this stupid glitch with no way of fixing, I’ve tried everything!!!!

    37 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I had this glitch as well. The only thing I could do to fix it was use a fast travel pack to go to a nearby campfire (the race near arrowhand) then fast travel back to the settlement. The cut scene doesn’t trigger again and I could walk into the settlement

    36 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    ok, so I went into Arrowhand for the first time and talked to the guards, then it glitched me into the ground. I then restarted from the last save and went back to Arrowhand. I talked to the guards and it glitched me into the ground again. PLZ HELP!!! I PAID $85 FOR THIS GAME.

    35 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    My glitch is in the quest Seeds of the Past. When I hot to the dreadwing boss fight, the dreadwing cloaked and wouldn't reappear.

    34 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    When I placed the first power cell in the base, I noticed that a hologram appeared upstairs that shows GAIA and the subordinate functions collected. But I found it odd that despite POSEIDON being the first function I recovered, his symbol was missing. Fast forward to just now. I was crawling in the vent behind Kotallo, despite knowing there was nothing else in there for me, and what do I find? POSEIDON's hologram. I hope this gets fixed soon. Don't know where to report it.

    33 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    You can’t talk to the npc to finish the quest anyway so you kinda screwed bro. I sent in a ticket to try and get it fixed hopefully they get to it at some point

    32 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    My glitch is in a salvage contract. Shell snapper vanished, unable to loot it. Log says I have two more rollerback salvage to collect, but my inventory reflects I only need one. I downloaded my copy.

    31 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Same! So annoying

    30 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    In the Side quest “in the fog”. I searched the scavenger piles too early and the quest item will not spawn. I cannot load back and it’s preventing me from getting 100%. Please fix asap

    29 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    There's a glitch in the Kappa Cauldron -- if you die in the boss battle, you may be sent to this "edge of the world" looking place (you can literally see the drop off into nowhere from the water). Re-loading a previous save to just before the battle worked a couple of times and now it won't. Will likely just have to go to the save before the cauldron now and lose all that time.

    28 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Second verse bug is still problematic under certain circumstances. If you fix the land just before meeting zo in plainsong you can never complete the mission. Even after this last patch that fixed it for most people I still have the issue

    27 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I have a bug in the Errand "Burden of Command" I killed the machines but it didn't finalize my killing of the Stormbird. I had Yarra following me in that area until it just decided that I'd left the area and wasn't coming back.

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