Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Class Guide: All Classes and Subclasses

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Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) offers a total of 12 playable classes and 46 different subclasses. Check out our guide for a which class to choose, including an overview of how to play each class!

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All Playable Classes

There are 12 Classes and 46 Subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3. Players can start their adventure by choosing to become a Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard when they first create their character. Check out our class guides below for an in-depth look at what each BG3 class has to offer!

Main Class Subclasses

Overview of All Classes

Martial Classes

Classes by Type
Martial Classes Full Casters Half-Casters

Barbarian Class Overview

Barbarian Class Info
Hit Die d12
Primary Ability Strength
Saving Throws Strength and Constitution
BaldurBerserker BaldurWild Magic BaldurWildheart

The Barbarian is a melee-focused class whose playstyle revolves around the Rage mechanic. While enraged, the Barbarian can tank hits, survive the most grievous of wounds, and deal increased damage.

Barbarian Class Guide and Features

Fighter Class Overview

Fighter Class Info
Hit Die d10
Primary Ability Strength or Dexterity
Saving Throws Strength and Constitution
BaldurBattle Master BaldurChampion BaldurEldritch Knight

The Fighter is a no-nonsense martial class that boasts easy-to-learn class mechanics and a straightforward combat doctrine. In battle, Fighters are the ultimate beginner-friendly damage and tank class, able to dish out hits and shrug off damage, all to the simple tune of your party members going “Fighter, go kill.”

Fighter Class Guide and Features

Monk Class Overview

Monk Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Dexterity and Wisdom
Saving Throws Strength and Dexterity
BaldurWay of the Four Elements BaldurWay of the Open Hand BaldurWay of Shadow

The Monk is a martial class that specializes in unarmed, melee combat. In battle, Monks are agile fighters, employing their martial arts and the secrets of their Ki techniques to demolish any and all enemy combatants within arm's reach.

Monk Class Guide and Features

Rogue Class Overview

Rogue Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Dexterity
Saving Throws Dexterity and Intelligence
BaldurArcane Trickster BaldurAssassin BaldurThief

Playing as a Rogue has you rely on stealth to exploit the weaknesses of your enemy. During combat, sneaky and slippery is your battle doctrine, embodied either by attacking from the shadows, or by being as slippery as you can in the midst of the melee.

Outside of combat, Rogues perhaps offer some of the best utility for your party. If you need a lock opened, a trap disarmed, or a sleeping goblin stealthily killed, then the Rogue will be your man (or woman) for the job.

Rogue Class Guide and Features

Full Caster Classes

Classes by Type
Martial Classes Full Casters Half-Casters

Bard Class Overview

Bard Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Charisma
Saving Throws Dexterity and Charisma
BaldurCollege of Lore BaldurCollege of Swords BaldurCollege of Valor

The Bard is a spellcasting class that weaves their music with the arcane, playing songs and slinging spells that inspire their allies and terrorize their foes in battle. Outside of combat, they are a jack of all trades, often able to pass multiple types of skill checks due to the sheer amount of proficiencies they have. Also, they play a lot of music.

Bard Class Guide and Features

Cleric Class Overview

Cleric Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Wisdom
Saving Throws Wisdom and Charisma
BaldurLife Domain BaldurLight Domain BaldurNature Domain
BaldurTempest Domain BaldurTrickery Domain BaldurWar Domain
BaldurKnowledge Domain

Clerics are versatile spellcasters, able to prepare and wield powerful offensive and support spells when called to battle. Channeling and wielding the power of both their chosen Divine Domain and deity, Clerics can heal, buff, or smite with extreme prejudice depending on their role in the party.

Cleric Class Guide and Features

Druid Class Overview

Druid Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Wisdom
Saving Throws Intelligence and Wisdom
BaldurCircle of the Land BaldurCircle of the Moon BaldurCircle of Spores

The Druid is a spellcasting class whose playstyle revolves around their Wild Shape mechanic. When Wild Shaped, Druids have a separate HP pool and are able to perform unique actions related to their chosen form. This sets them apart from other casting classes as they can act both as a tanky melee combatant and a powerful spellcaster whenever the situation calls for it.

Druid Class Guide and Features

Sorcerer Class Overview

Sorcerer Class Info
Hit Die d6
Primary Ability Charisma
Saving Throws Constitution and Charisma
BaldurDraconic Bloodline BaldurStorm Sorcery BaldurWild Magic

Sorcerers have an innate connection with the arcane, allowing them to manipulate the nature of their magic and spellcasting to suit their needs. When playing as a Sorcerer, slinging spells and cantrips will be second nature to you. By extension, your Sorcerous Origin will dictate just how effective (or random) some of your spell effects are in battle.

Sorcerer Class Guide and Features

Warlock Class Overview

Warlock Class Info
Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Charisma
Saving Throws Wisdom and Charisma
BaldurThe Archfey BaldurThe Fiend BaldurThe Great Old One

The Warlock is a spellcasting class whose powers originate from a pact made with an Otherworldly Patron of the Realms (demonic or otherwise). However, unlike traditional spellcasters, Warlocks can cast very powerful spells with relative ease, albeit at the cost of having very little spell slots compared to their peers.

Warlock Class Guide and Features

Wizard Class Overview

Wizard Class Info
Hit Die d6
Primary Ability Intelligence
Saving Throws Intelligence and Wisdom
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination
BaldurEnchantment BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion
BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

The Wizard is an Intelligence-scaling spellcaster class that can learn and use spells from the different schools of magic in Faerun. Armed with knowledge borne from years of rigorous study, Wizards can learn new spells by simply transcribing the different Magic Scrolls they collect while out exploring.

In battle, Wizards are fearsome foes. Wielding a vast arsenal of spells far superior to their spellcasting contemporaries, Wizards can bring both versatility and firepower when included in your adventuring party.

Wizard Class Guide and Features

Half-Caster Classes

Classes by Type
Martial Classes Full Casters Half-Casters

Paladin Class Overview

Paladin Class Info
Hit Die d10
Primary Ability Strength and Charisma
Saving Throws Wisdom and Charisma
BaldurOath of the Ancients BaldurOath of Devotion
BaldurOathbreaker BaldurOath of Vengeance

The Paladin is a melee-spellcaster hybrid, channeling divine power to heal and buff allies, all while striking down their foes with weapons infused by their divine might. The bane of fiends and undead alike, Paladins are one-man armies with amazing sustain and damage.

Paladin Class Guide and Features

Ranger Class Overview

Ranger Class Info
Hit Die d10
Primary Ability Dexterity and Wisdom
Saving Throws Strength and Dexterity
BaldurBeast Master BaldurGloom Stalker BaldurHunter

Rangers are versatile hunters that hone in on their chosen prey using passive attack bonuses and an arsenal of spells that give them an upper hand against single targets. Due to their attunement with nature, Rangers wield similar spells to the Druid, often calling on nature magic or a familiar to aid them in battle.

Ranger Class Guide and Features

How to Choose the Best Class

Consider the Playstyle of Each Class


Before you start playing Baldur's Gate 3, it is very important to consider the playstyle of each of the 12 main classes. If you prefer no-nonsense melee combat, then perhaps martial classes like the Barbarian or the Fighter are for you. If you plan to get a bit more creative when it comes to combat, then perhaps some of the spellcasters and spellcaster hybrids are for you.

Remember, BG3 is a very long game. Even though we have the option to respec our characters, being able to experience the progression from level 1-12 on a class you prefer will always feel better than respeccing after you hit level 12 during endgame.

Class Tier List: Best Class to Choose

Martial Classes are Easier to Pick Up

For newer players of the genre, it may be easier to pick up one of the Martial classes as your starting class given how easy they are to learn and use. Between the different Martial classes, Barbarians and Fighters are probably the easiest classes to use given their high HP and rather simple battle mechanics.

Consider How Your Class Will Affect the World


Baldur's Gate 3 is an RPG, which means everything from your race, origin, and class will affect how the inhabitants of the world see you. While combat is one of the biggest factors that play into your class choice, do consider how your chosen class will also affect your interactions with NPCs and the world of BG3.

After all, who knows? Maybe your healing Cleric can skip a few steps during certain quests simply because they have healing spells in their arsenal.

Pick a Class With a Party Role in Mind


Remember, unlike most modern RPGs where your character can power through everything solo, Baldur's Gate 3 was made with roles and party combat in mind. In this game, it is important to pick a class only after you've decided on your preferred role.

If you want to be your party's glass cannon, pick a Wizard or a Sorcerer. If you want to hit things and be at the frontline in battle, then pick a Barbarian. In BG3, class choice will spell out your party dynamic as early as level 1, so make sure you weigh your options accordingly.

Can You Multiclass in Baldur's Gate 3?

Multiclassing is Available On Launch


According to the developers over at Larian Studios, Baldur's Gate 3 will have multiclassing on launch. However, unlike multiclassing in DnD 5e, BG3 multiclassing will not have ability score requirements. This means you can freely pick up a second class without having to plan out your leveling process beforehand.

Multiclassing Is an Easy Way to Brick Your Character

As a warning to new players, multiclassing is an easy way to brick your character since you will be splitting your levels between 2 different classes. Unlike other games, multiclassing does not allow you to level up both classes simultaneously. This means you will never maximize the potential of certain classes when you decide to multiclass.

If you do manage to brick your character during your playthrough, do note that Larian Studios will also be shipping a respec option when the BG3 launches. This ensures that you don't have to restart the entire game to return your class to a playable state.

Can You Respec in Baldur's Gate 3?

Yes, Players Can Respec Their Characters

As mentionedin the Release Showcase of Baldur's Gate 3, respeccing will be available on launch via one of the NPCs you encounter at the start of the game. Without giving away any spoilers, this NPC will be available to discover as soon as you complete the opening tutorial segments of Act 1.

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

need more details on multiclass whether can pick 12 lv1 class or other restriction


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