Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What is Dexterity?

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Dexterity is an ability score that determines armor class, damage with finesse weapons, and several skills like stealth in Baldurs's Gate 3. Learn more about Dexterity based skills and abilities below!

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What is Dexterity?

Agility and Reflexes

Dexterity represents how nimble and agile a character is, and contributes to both offensive and defensive stats in Baldur's Gate 3.

Dexterity Based Skills

Skill Description
Acrobatics Keep your balance. Land on your feet. Helps you resist being shoved.
Sleight of Hand Wield nimble fingers. Steal stuff. Helps you pick locks and pockets, and disarm traps.
Stealth Stay out of sight. Melt into the shadows. Helps you with hiding.

Dexterity Based Classes

Dexterity Based Classes
Rogue IconRogue Ranger IconRanger Monk Icon Monk Fighter Icon Fighter

Dexterity is the primary ability score for Rogues, and a secondary main stat for Monks, Fighters and Rangers.

Improves Armor Class

Armor Class Formula
10 + Dexterity Modifier

Dexterity ties directly into a character's main defensive stat, Armor Class. The higher the Dexterity score, the higher the armor class, the less chance you'll get hit.

Finesse Weapons


Finesse Weapons, such as daggers and rapiers, allow a character to use Dexterity in place of Strength when attacking and dealing damage.

Improves Initiative Roll

Roll for Initiative
1d20 + Dexterity Modifier (Initiative Bonus)

Dexterity affects Initiative which determines turn order when combat begins. Characters with a higher Dexterity will have a higher bonus to their Initiative roll when entering combat.

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

Ability Scores partial.png

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All Ability Scores

What is Strength? What is Intelligence?
What is Dexterity? What is Constitution?
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