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Wizard Class Guide: Best Builds and Subclasses

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The Wizard is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for an overview of the Wizard class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds.

Wizard Class Overview

Wizard Basic Information

Class Overview
Baldur Wizard
Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells and modern research.
Hit Die d6
Primary Ability Intelligence
Saving Throw Proficiencies Intelligence and Wisdom
Class Features
・Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked
Dagger Proficiency
Quarterstaff Proficiency
Light Crossbow Profiency
・Access to the Arcane Recovery Class Action

The Wizard is an Intelligence-scaling spellcaster class that can learn and use spells from the different schools of magic in Faerun. Armed with knowledge borne from years of rigorous study, Wizards can learn new spells by simply transcribing the different Magic Scrolls they collect while out exploring.

In battle, Wizards are fearsome foes. Wielding a vast arsenal of spells far superior to their spellcasting contemporaries, Wizards can bring both versatility and firepower when included in your adventuring party.

Wizard Skills with Proficiency

As a Wizard, your character can choose 2 out of the 6 skills below to be Proficient in. When you are Proficient with a skill, you get a bonus to any Checks tied to that skill. Proficiency bonuses increase as you gain levels for your chosen class.

Available Skills (Pick 2 of the 6)

What is a Proficiency Bonus?

All Wizard Subclasses

Once your Wizard reaches Level 2, you will be asked to choose a Subclass in the form of an Arcane Tradition. In Baldur's Gate 3, the Wizard will have 8 Subclasses to choose from. Pick between the schools of Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation.

Subclass Subclass Description
BaldurEvocation Evocation spells focus elemental energy into powerful attacks and enchantments. Those who specialize in this school are known as Evokers.
Subclass Features:
・Grants Evocation Savant Passive
・Grants Sculpt Spells Passive
BaldurAbjuration Abjuration Spells summon wards, banish enemies, and nullify magic. Suitable for those who wish to defend themselves and others.
Subclass Features:
・Grants Abjuration Savant Passive
・Grants Arcane Ward Passive
BaldurConjuration Compelled by shape and motion, your favoured arcane style involves summoning creatures and objects, as well as displacing them in space.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Conjuration Savant Passive
・Unlocks the Minor Conjuration: Create Water Spell
BaldurDivination You peer through time itself and can sculpt the future, like temporal clay, into a more favourable form.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Divination Savant Passive
・Grants access to Portent Dice
BaldurEnchantment Your magic influences, beguiles, and bends the will and conviction of those around you.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Enchantment Savant Passive
・Grants access to the Hypnotic Gaze Spell
BaldurNecromancy You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and make lots of friends there.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Necromancy Savant Passive
・Grants the Grim Harvest Passive
BaldurIllusion You specialise in unravelling and restitching the fabric of reality to fool the unwary, the gullible, and the monstrous.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Illusion Savant Passive
・Grants access to the Improved Minor Illusion Spell
BaldurTransmutation Your innate fascination with the structure of things has granted you an incredible power over crude matter and its manipulation.
Subclass Features:
・Grants the Transmutation Savant Passive
・Grants the Elemental Alchemy Passive

All Wizard Class Features

Bard Features
Spellcasting Arcane Recovery
Spellbook Arcane Traditions
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Spellcasting Available at Level 1

Naturally, your Wizard is a spellcaster, gaining access to 2 Level 1 Spell Slots once you create them. At Level 1, you can prepare 4 Level 1 Spells from the Wizard spell list as well as 3 Wizard Cantrips of your choice.

Your spellcasting ability as a Wizard will be Intelligence. It will dictate everything related to your spellcasting from spells saves down to how much damage you deal with your magic. When playing this class, make sure to prioritize this ability to improve your spells.

As mentioned earlier, Wizards prepare their spells before going into combat (just like Clerics). This means that you can always edit your current spell list at any time during your playthrough, provided that you are not in combat (no resting necessary).

Wizard Spell Slots and Known Cantrips Per Level

As your Wizard levels up, the number (and level) of your spell slots and known cantrips also increase. Once your Wizard hits Level 11, they will gain access to the much more powerful, Level 6 spells in the Wizard spell list.

Lvl Cantrips Known Spell Slots Per Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 3 2
2 3 3
3 3 4 2
4 4 4 3
5 4 4 3 2
6 4 4 3 3
7 4 4 3 3 1
8 4 4 3 3 2
9 4 4 3 3 3 1
10 5 4 3 3 3 2
11 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 5 4 3 3 3 2 1

Arcane Recovery Replenishes Spent Spell Slots

At Level 1, Wizards will have access to a class action called Arcane Recovery. This feature gives them an edge over other spellcasters as this system can be used to replenish expended Spell Slots at the cost of an Arcane Recovery Charge.

In order to use this feature, your Wizard must first be outside of combat. Once safe, you can use up an Arcane Recovery Charge to replenish one of your spent spell slots. The required number of charges will vary depending on the level of the spell slot being replenished as shown below.

Spell Slot Level Req. Arcane Recovery Charges
Level 1 1 Charge
Level 2 2 Charges
Level 3 3 Charges

Stay tuned as we update this table with more Arcane Recovery Charge costs for levels 4 to 6 spells when BG3 launches!

The Spellbook Allows You to Learn Spells from Magic Scrolls

Unlike other spellcasting classes that also prepare their spells, the Wizard only has a limited number of known spells. In order to expand their known spell list, they can transcribe magic scrolls into their spellbook, allowing them to “know” the spell without having to pick it up in the level up screen.

To transcribe and add a magic scroll to your Wizard's known spell list, the conditions below will need to be met. After that, it's as easy as spending Gold to have your Wizard learn a new spell.

  • The spell cast by the Magic Scroll needs to be part of the Wizard spell list. You cannot transcribe Cleric spells, for example.
  • The spell cast by the Magic Scroll needs to be the same level as your Spell Slot level. You cannot transcribe a Magic Scroll with a Level 2 Spell if you do not have Level 2 Spell Slots unlocked.
  • You will need to have enough Gold to complete the transcription process. Costs vary depending on the level of the Magic Scroll's spell.

Once a spell is learned, it will appear in your Spellbook. This allows you to add them to your prepared spell list when you decide to switch out your loadout while adventuring along the Sword Coast.

Arcane Tradition Subclasses Has You Pick a Wizard School

At Level 2, your Wizard will gain access to their subclass in the form of the 8 different Arcane Traditions in the world of Faerun. By subscribing to one of the 8 different magic schools, your Wizard will gain access to different types of spells ranging from raising the dead to creating life-like illusions.

In Baldur's Gate 3, you will be able to choose one of the following 8 schools to specialize in: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation.

Wizard Class Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Proficiency Bonus
1 Spellcasting
Arcane Recovery
2 Subclass (Arcane Tradition)
3 No New Unlocks +2
4 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +2
5 No New Unlocks +3
6 Subclass (Arcane Tradition) Feature Unlock +3
7 No New Unlocks +3
8 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +3
9 No New Unlocks +4
10 Subclass (Arcane Tradition) Feature Unlock +4
11 No New Unlocks +4
12 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +4

Best Wizard Builds

Best Ability Scores for Wizards

8 14 15(+1) 17(+2) 10 10

Intelligence will be your primary ability as a Wizard. Make sure this is your highest ability score as it affects how strong your spells are.

Constitution gets the next big investment at 15 since it affects your HP. This ability also improves your Concentration Saving Throws.

Dexterity gets 14 for the +2 AC bonus. Since High Half-Elves get to equip Light Armor, the AC bonus from DEX will work wonders for your survivability.

Wisdom and Charisma both enjoy a flat 10 so that Skill Checks related to them will have no penalties.

Strength is your dump stat for the Wizard. It serves no purpose since most of your damage will come from spells and cantrips.

Best Subclasses for Wizards

Evocation is the Best Overall Subclass

By level 5, you will notice that a lot of the Wizard's heavy-hitting AoE spells (i.e., the spells that you regularly use) come from the School of Evocation. To maximize your damage as a Wizard without jeopardizing the safety of your party members (via the Sculpt Spells passive), pick the Evocation School as your subclass.

Best Wizard Equipment

  • Armor: Light Armor to help with your squishiness. If playing with No Armor, then Robes with added effects and resistances will be your go-to.
  • Weapons: Quarterstaff Weapons that grant access to extra spells or cantrips will do wonders for your character's versatility in a fight.

Best Races to Use As a Wizard

High Half-Elf

The High Half-Elf is the best race to pick when playing as a Wizard. Not only do they get a free Cantrip from the Wizard list, they also gain Light Armor proficiency, Darkvision, and Fey Ancestry from the Half Elf racial traits.

  • High Elf Cantrip allows you to pick an extra Wizard Cantrip, bringing your total up to 4 at Level 1.
  • Civil Militia grants you Light Armor proficiency. Robes are few and far between during Act 1, so Light Armor does wonders for your AC at early levels.
  • Fey Ancestry gives you Advantage on Saving Throws against Charm while also rendering you immune to Sleep.

High Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Info

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