Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Ranger Class Guide: Best Builds and Subclasses

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The Ranger is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for an overview of the Ranger class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds.

Ranger Class Overview

Ranger Basic Information

Class Overview
Baldur Ranger
Rangers are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.
Hit Die d10
Primary Ability Dexterity
Wisdom (for Spellcasting)
Saving Throw Proficiencies Strength and Dexterity
Starting Class Features
・Starts with the choice of a Favored Enemy Passive
・Starts with the choice of a Natural Explorer Passive
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Rangers are versatile hunters that hone in on their chosen prey using passive attack bonuses and an arsenal of spells that give them an upper hand against single targets. Due to their attunement with nature, Rangers wield similar spells to the Druid, often calling on nature magic or a familiar to aid them in battle.

Ranger Skills with Proficiency

As a Ranger, your character can choose 3 out of the 8 skills below to be Proficient in. When you are Proficient with a skill, you get a bonus to any Checks tied to that skill. Proficiency bonuses increase as you gain levels for your chosen class.

Available Skills (Pick 3 of the 8)
Animal Handling

What is a Proficiency Bonus?

All Ranger Subclasses

Once Rangers hit Level 3, they will be asked to choose a Subclass in the form of Ranger Archetypes. Baldur's Gate 3 will feature 3 Ranger Archetypes to choose from: the Hunter, the Beast Master, and the Gloom Stalker.

Subclass Subclass Description
BaldurHunter Hunters seek the most dangerous prey in Faerun, from ancient dragons to massive hordes of undead, and excel at slaying them all.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Unlocks the Hunter's Prey mechanic
BaldurBeast Master Beast masters bind themselves to an animal companion, sharing an intelligent bond that flourishes in and out of combat.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Can Summon a Ranger's Companion
BaldurGloom Stalker Emerging like a horrible gift from the envelope of darkness and shadow, you ambush and put down your foes before they can even scream.
Subclass Starting Features:
・Grants the Dread Ambusher Passive
・Grants Superior Darkvision
・Grants Dread Ambusher: Hide
・Grants the Umbral Shroud Class Action
・Grants the Disguise Self Spell

All Ranger Features

Ranger Features
Favored Enemy Natural Explorer Fighting Style
Spellcasting Ranger Archetypes Extra Attack
Land's Stride Hide in Plain Sight
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Favored Enemy Grants Bonuses During Character Creation

When first creating a Ranger, players will need to select their Favored Enemy. Each enemy type will come with its own set of bonuses for your character, often granting you spells or proficiencies depending on your choice.

Consider the story you're trying to tell with your Ranger and pick your Favored Enemy accordingly. Once your Ranger hits Level 6 and Level 10, you will be able to select an additional Favored Enemy from this list (total of 3 at Level 10).

Favored Enemy Bonus Effect
Bounty Hunter Gain Proficiency in Investigation. Creatures you hit with Ensnaring Strike have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw.
Keeper of the Veil You gain Proficiency in Arcana, and can cast Protection from Evil and Good.
Mage Breaker Gain Proficiency in Arcana and the True Strike cantrip, which gives you Advantage on Attack Rolls against a creature. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for this spell.
Ranger Knight Gain Skill Proficiency in History and Armor Proficiency with Heavy Armor.
Sanctified Stalker Gain Proficiency in Religion and the Sacred Flame cantrip, which deals 1d8 Radiant damage. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for the cantrip.

Natural Explorer Grants Spells, Proficiencies, and Resistances

By being lone adventurers and seasoned travelers, Rangers are attuned to the lay of land. This grants them bonuses in the form of the Natural Explorer mechanic during Character Creation.

Select the kind of environs your Ranger has been exposed to, picking up spells, proficiencies, or resistances depending on your choice. Once your Ranger hits Level 6 and Level 10, you will be able to select an additional Natural Explorer option from this list (total of 3 at Level 10).

Favored Enemy Bonus Effect
Beast Tamer You can cast find Find Familiar without using a spell slot.
Urban Tracker You gain Sleight of Hand Proficiency.
Wasteland Wanderer: Cold Gain resistance to Cold damage, taking only half damage from it.
Wasteland Wanderer: Fire Gain resistance to Fire damage, taking only half damage from it.
Wasteland Wanderer: Poison Gain resistance to Poison damage, taking only half damage from it.

Fighting Style Grants Bonuses for Your Preferred Weapon Type

Once your Ranger hits Level 2, they will be allowed to adopt a specialized Fighting Style. Each Fighting Style will grant a different bonus, often in the form of added damage to your attacks or flat increases to your armor class rating.

Fighting Style Bonus Effect
Archery You gain a +2 bonus to Ranged Weapon Attacks.
Defence You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class (AC) while wearing armor.
Duelling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Two-Weapon Fighting When you make an off-hand attack, you can add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.

Spellcasting Grants Options for Damage or Support

Alongside your custom fighting style, Rangers will also unlock Spellcasting as soon as they hit Level 2. When you first unlock this feature, you will have access to 2 Level 1 Ranger Spells. As you level up, more slots will unlock for you to learn new spells.

Ranger spells will use Wisdom as their Spellcasting Ability. Everything from damage and spell saves will be calculated with your Ranger's current Wisdom Ability score.

Note: Unlike spellcasters that prepare their spells, Rangers will only be able to change their equipped spells during the level up process. Make sure to weigh your options and choose carefully as the only way to replace these is to level up again or respec.

Spellcasting Guide

Ranger Known Spells and Spell Slots Per Level

Lvl Spells Known Spell Slots Per Level
1st 2nd 3rd
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 3 3
5 4 4 2
6 4 4 2
7 5 4 3
8 5 4 3
9 6 4 3 2
10 6 4 3 2
11 7 4 3 3
12 7 4 3 3

Ranger Archetype Subclasses Offer Varied Playstyles

Upon reaching Level 3, Rangers will unlock the option to choose a Subclass in the form of Ranger Archetypes. In Baldur's Gate 3, there are 3 available Ranger Archetypes to choose from: the Hunter, the Beast Master, and the Gloom Stalker.

Extra Attack Offers a Combat Power Spike

At Ranger Level 5, you will unlock the Extra Attack passive - one of the first significant power spikes you get on your way to max level. This performs as advertised, granting your Ranger the ability to attack twice in a single turn.

Naturally, this doubles your deadliness in combat as the Extra Attack will also benefit from the passives you've racked up via the Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer, and Fighting Style features.

Land's Stride Helps With Movement in Difficult Terrain

As soon as you hit Level 8, your Ranger starts becoming more agile on the battlefield. With the Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain passive, Rangers will not lose any movement when passing through Difficult Terrain. This allows you to retreat or reposition as normal even when faced with hazards like deep water, thorns, or mud.

Hide in Plain Sight Grants Invisibility While Standing Still

At Level 10, your Ranger will unlock the Hide in Plain Sight class action. When activate, it grants them invisibility as well as a +10 bonus to Stealth Checks. However, the catch is the you cannot move, attack, cast a spell, take an action, or take damage, otherwise the invisibility will end early.

While certainly a very niche class action, it can be used to remove aggro during combat, allowing your ranger a brief reprieve from enemy attacks. This can also be used to set up ambushes, especially when dealing with patrolling enemies.

Ranger Class Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Proficiency Bonus
1 Favored Enemy
Natural Explorer
2 Fighting Style
3 Subclass (Ranger Archetype)
・Beast Master
・Gloom Stalker
4 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +2
5 Extra Attack +3
6 Choose an additional Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer option from the list. +3
7 Subclass (Ranger Archetype) Feature Unlock +3
8 Land's Stride
Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice.
9 No New Feature Unlock +4
10 Hide in Plain Sight
Choose an additional Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer option from the list.
11 Subclass (Ranger Archetype) Feature Unlock +4
12 Ability Score Improvement or a Feat of your choice. +4

Best Races to Use As a Ranger


Githyanki make for great Rangers since they offer much needed mobility to this martial-caster class. Githyanki Psionics, at higher levels, will allow you to reposition around the battlefield with relative ease.

  • Githyanki Psionics allow you to cast Mage Hand, Jump, and even Misty Step by the time you reach Level 5.
  • Astral Knowledge grants proficiency in all Skills of a chosen Ability, which lasts until you take a Long Rest.

Githyanki Race Guide and Info

Wood Elf

Alternatively, players who want to take advantage of movement speed and an innate Stealth proficiency can opt to create a Wood Elf Ranger. Unlike the Githyanki, this race grants you Dark Vision, perfect for would-be Gloom Stalkers that love playing in the shadows.

  • Darkvision helps you stay effective even when fighting enemies obscured by shadows. Synergizes well with the Gloom Stalker subclass.
  • Fey Ancestry grants you Advantage for Saving Throws against Charm while also rendering you immune to Sleep.

Wood Elf Subrace Guide and Info

Best Ranger Builds

Best Ability Scores for Rangers

8 17(+2) 14 10 15(+1) 10

Dexterity will be your primary ability for the Ranger. This ability influences your overall AC while also dictating your effectiveness with Finesse and Ranged Weapons.

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability and it will determine how effective your spells are. Keep it secondary at WIS 15 so that the primary ability split favors DEX (as you get more mileage out of the latter).

Constitution will determine your HP and influence how well you can hold your Concentration for certain spells. Pump it up to 14 for a reasonable increase in HP gains at higher levels.

Intelligence and Charisma will stop at 10. This prevents you from getting penalties for Skill Checks and Saving Throws tied to these abilities.

Strength is your Ranger dump stat. This is fine at 8 points since you have a Strength Saving Throw proficiency already. With this setup, you have no -1 penalties for any Saving Throw your character makes.

Best Subclasses for Rangers

Beast Master for High Versatility and Damage

Beast Master is the best subclass for Rangers due to how versatile your animal companions are and how much damage you can deal as a tag-team duo. Once you unlock the Companion Bond feature, your animal companions will get new actions to perform as well as large bumps to their AC and HP.

Gloom Stalker for a Hit and Run Build

For players looking for a stealthy hit-and-run playstyle, look no further than the Ranger Gloom Stalker. This subclass excels when shrouded in darkness, often able to dip in and out of combat using different Stealth class actions (and a handy Misty Step) it has in its arsenal. When paired with the multiple passives of the Ranger class, the Gloom Stalker can be an effective skirmisher for your party.

Best Ranger Equipment

  • Armor: Medium Armor is best on a Ranger especially when looking to play using melee weapons.
  • Weapons: Finesse and Ranged Weapons work best as you'll be pumping points into DEX.

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