Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Nautiloid Map and Points of Interest

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The Nautiloid is the starting area of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and is where the Prologue takes place. Read on to view the map of the Nautiloid and to find out all the points of interest in the Nautiloid area.

Nautiloid Map

Nautiloid Full Map

The Nautiloid is the starting area of the game, and the setting of the Prologue. Once you exit the ship to progress the story, it will become a wreckage and will no longer be accessible.
Escape the Nautiloid Walkthrough (Prologue)

Nautiloid Points of Interest

Nautiloid Points of Interest


Us (Myrnath's Brain)

Us (Myrnath's Brain)
Coordinates: (2, -436)

Us is the brain of Myrnath, and is a temporary companion in the Nautiloid. Upon exiting the starting room, you'll here someone asking for help; approach the sound to find the half-dead Myrnath lying on a chair. Interact with him, avoid the destroy brain dialogue options, and roll the first check (Strength, Dexterity, or Investigation+Medicine) to pry the brain from the body.

In the next dialogue option, you'll be able to either roll for Dexterity to mutilate the brain or spare it. If you choose to spare it, Us, who's now an Intellect Devourer, will join your party with 4 HP. Successfully mutilate it and Us will join with 8 HP. Failing the mutilate check will instead just cause Us to run away and not join your party.

Myrnath: How to Free the Intellect Devourer


Coordinates: (-41, -430)

You'll encounter the warrior Lae'zel west of the starting point; you can't miss her by proceeding through the area. No matter which dialogue options you choose, she'll join your party and you will be instantly in a battle with some Imps after the encounter.

Lae'zel Companion Guide


Coordinates: (1, -347)

Deeper into the Nautiloid, you'll find a room with a woman, Shadowheart, asking for help from inside a pod.

Some classes will have checks that will allow you to instantly free her when successful. If you fail or don't have this check, though, you'll still be able to free her through another way: look for the Eldritch Rune at (63, -356), held by a dead thrall located at the room due east, then insert it in the console beside Shadowheart's pod. After freeing her, talk to her; you'll then be able to ask her to join the party.

How to Free Shadowheart

Commander Zhalk

Commander Zhalk
Coordinates: (-50, -391)

At the helm room located at the westmost part of the ship, you'll find a Mind Flayer fighting Commander Zhalk. Commander Zhalk is busy fighting the Mind Flayer and won't attack you until he defeats his enemy, which he'll be able to do in a few turns.

Commander Zhalk is an extremely different opponent to defeat and is almost impossible for certain classes. It's recommended to just pass by him and go straight to the transponder at the end of the room. If you manage to defeat him, though, he'll drop some good loot.

How to Beat Commander Zhalk


Commander Zhalk
Coordinates: (-82, -389)

The transponder is the object that you need to interact with to get out of the ship and progress the story. It's located at the west part of the helm room, surrounded by a few enemies.

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