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Nature Domain Subclass Guide and Build

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The Nature Domain is a Cleric subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Nature Domain subclass, its features, best races to use, as well as its best build.

Cleric Subclasses
Cleric Class Guide
BaldurKnowledge Domain BaldurLight Domain BaldurLife Domain
BaldurNature Domain BaldurTempest Domain BaldurTrickery Domain
BaldurWar Domain

Nature Domain Subclass Overview

Nature Domain Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Nature Domain
You embody the vast veridian power of the natural world, an avatar of the subtle divinity of fruitfall, avian migration, woodland silence, and the landslide's roaring fury.
Main Class Cleric
How to Unlock Available during Character Creation.
Spellcasting Ability Wisdom
Starting Subclass Features
・Access to Level 1 Nature Domain Spells.
 ┣ Speak with Animals Spell
 ┗ Animal Friendship Spell
・Grants the Acolyte of Nature Feature.
・All Cleric Class Features and Proficiencies.

The Nature Domain Cleric is a great spellcasting-tank hybrid that specializes in delaying foes and slowing down the tempo of battle. Armed with spells from the Druid spell tree, Nature Domain Clerics can impede enemy movement while also handing out defensive buffs for their allies.

How to Unlock the Nature Domain Subclass

Available When Creating a Cleric

The Nature Domain subclass will become available once you start creating a Cleric at the Character Creation screen. Unlike most classes, Clerics are one of the few that get to pick out their subclass before they start the game.

Nature Domain Subclass Features

Nature Domain Features
Nature Domain Spells Acolyte of Nature Heavy Armor Proficiency
Charm Animals and Plants Divine Strike
▼ Subclass Progression Table ▼

Nature Domain Spells

Unlike most spellcasting classes, Cleric Domain Spells occupy their own spell list and are entirely separate from your existing Prepared Spell List. This means that as soon as you unlock them, you will be able to cast them without having to switch out your currently equipped spells.

Nature Domain Clerics will gain access to their Domain spells at Levels 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Each level will grant you 2 new spells from the Nature Domain. At Level 1, you will start with Speak with Animals and Animal Friendship unlocked.

Nature Domain Spell List

Cleric Level Domain Spells Unlocked
Level 1 Animal Friendship (Enchantment)
Speak With Animals (Divination)
Level 3 Barkskin (Transmutation)
Spike Growth (Transmutation)
Level 5 Plant Growth (Transmutation)
Sleet Storm (Conjuration)
Level 7 Dominate Beast (Enchantment)
Grasping Vine (Conjuration)
Level 9 Insect Plague (Conjuration)
Wall of Stone (Evocation)

Acolyte of Nature

Upon creating your Nature Domain Cleric, you will gain access to the Acolyte of Nature subclass feature. This allows you to pick one additional cantrip from the list of Druid Cantrips below:

Acolyte of Nature also grants you Skill Proficiencies. At Level 1, you become Proficient in Animal Handling, Nature, and Survival.

Heavy Armor Proficiency

Nature Domain Clerics will also start by having Heavy Armor Proficiency. Now you can re-distribute extra Dexterity ability points to other abilities seeing as Heavy Armor does not grant you any AC DEX bonuses.

Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants

At Level 2, you unlock the Channel Divinity power of your subclass called Charm Animals and Plants. Spend a Channel Divinity Charge to cast Charm on nearby plants and beasts, incapacitating them for 10 turns.

Divine Strike: Elemental Fury

Upon reaching Level 8, your Nature Domain Cleric gains access to the action, Divine Strike: Elemental Fury. Once per turn (during combat), you will be able to use Elemental Fury to roll a 1d8, dealing either Cold, Fire, or Lightning Damage on top of your melee weapon damage.

Nature Domain Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 1 ・Grants 2 Nature Domain Spells
・Heavy Armor Proficiency
・Acolyte of Nature (Feature)
Level 2 ・Charm Animals and Plants (Channel Divinity)
Level 3 ・Grants 2 Nature Domain Spells
Level 5 ・Grants 2 Nature Domain Spells
Level 7 ・Grants 2 Nature Domain Spells
Level 8 ・Divine Strike: Elemental Fury (Action)
Level 9 ・Grants 2 Nature Domain Spells

Best Races to Use as Nature Domain


The Drow race is a good choice for Nature Domain as you'll be proficient with select weapons in both the Melee and Range categories, ultimately making you a spellcasting-melee hybrid cleric.

Drow Weapon Training - Proficiency with Rapier, Shortsword, and Crossbows. As a Nature Domain, you'll be relying mostly on debuffs in combat, so having a bit of offensive arsenal with you would greatly make you more efficient in combat.
Superior Darkvision - Lets you see in the dark up to 24m, perfect for casting spells in pitch black areas.

Nature Domain Builds

Best Ability Score

12 14 16 (+1) 8 16 (+2) 8

Main ability scores are Wisdom and Constitution, so put in most of your points in those, as well as the +1 and +2 bonuses.

Strength at 12 to deal decent damage with your melee weapons since you'll be proficient in some due to your passive feature of Drow Weapon Training.

Equipment Choice

Boots of Striding

Equipping the Boots of Striding allows you to gain Momentum when you cast a spell that requires concentration.

Boots of Striding: Armor Guide and How to Get

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All Cleric Subclasses

All Cleric Subclasses
BaldurKnowledge Domain BaldurLight Domain BaldurLife Domain
BaldurNature Domain BaldurTempest Domain BaldurTrickery Domain
BaldurWar Domain


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