Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Beat the Goblins in Blighted Village

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How to Beat the Goblins in Blighted Village - Baldur

This is a walkthrough on how to beat the Goblins in Blighted Village in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to know how to pass through the Blighted Village, how to save the gnome from the windmill, what dialogue choices to make, and what the best strategies are when fighting the goblins!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Rescue the Gnome
Reward Smoke Powder Satchel and The Speedy Lightfeet
Related Quest None
Head west of the Emerald Grove and cross the bridge.

How to Beat the Goblins in Blighted Village

Convince the Goblins

Convince Goblins - Baldur

The easiest way to beat the goblins in the Blighted Village is to persuade them into letting you through, or to leave the area. Doing this allows you to walk around the village without having to use your spells or items.

Assassinate the Goblins

Assassinate the Goblins - Baldur

Another way you can beat them is by sneaking around and assassinating the goblins with a Rogue character, such as Astarion. Thanks to the Rogue having higher Dexterity and movement speed, they can kill the Goblins one by one without getting damaged. Although, this strategy will take more time to do.

Battle the Goblins

Battle the Goblins - Baldur

Lastly, if you are forced in a fight, or prefer to fight the goblins, then you can also beat them in a battle. This will take up the most resources since you will likely have to use up your spell slots and healing potions to defeat them.

How to Pass Through the Blighted Village

Convince the Goblins to Let You Pass

Ways to Pass Through
Convince Assassinate Battle
NPC Dialogue Goblin Ambush - Baldur
''Don't bother runnin'. My archers got decent aim and plenty of arrows.''
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
''I'm not running, and their aim's not good enough to save you.''
The goblins let you pass the village
Force you into combat with the goblins
''Spare them the trouble and just let me pass - I'll be gone in no time.''
''Stand down. Now.''

The first group of gobbos are guarding the entrance of the village and will try to ambush you. To avoid going into battle with them, you must convince them to let you pass by choosing one of the dialogue options above. With that, it is recommended to have someone with proficiency in Intimidation or Persuasion, like Wyll, to walk in and talk to them.

On another note, the easiest choice is the Illithid one since it only has a difficulty check of 2, but you can only use Illithid choices once until you take a Long Rest. Due to this, it may be better to save it for a difficult encounter later on.

Assassinate the Goblins at the Entrance

Ways to Pass Through
Convince Assassinate Battle

Another option is to have a Rogue, such as Astarion, assassinate the Goblins. When you approach the village entrance, make sure to separate the Rogue from the rest of the party so that they don't follow you and accidentally get the attention of the Goblins.

Sneak Past the Entrance

Sneak Past Entrance in Blighted Village - Baldur

Next, you have to sneak past the entrance by sneaking and jumping past the rocks on the right so that they don't notice you. Once there, climb up to the roof using the ladder next to the building.

Kill the Goblins on the Roof

Sneak Attack Goblins on the Roof - Baldur

After getting on the roof, use Sneak Attack on the Goblin Tracker first. This will have a high likelihood of killing him. Then, use Hide and go back down the ladder to get out undetected. When you end your turn, the goblins cannot find you and will give up; ending the battle phase. Sneak up again on the roof and repeat the same steps to kill the Goblin Booyahg.

Sneak in the Other House to the Backyard

Sneak to the House Across in Blighted Village - Baldur

When you successfully kill the Goblins on the roof, sneak to the other house across. Go inside the bedroom where you can see Goblins patrolling the patio and backyard. Use the same Sneak Attack and Hide combo to take them out.

Kill the Remaining Two Goblins

Kill the Remaining Goblins - Baldur

At this point, there are only two remaining Goblins on the roof. You can make them to go down by using the Minor Illusion spell nearby and continue using the Sneak Attack and Hide combo. You could also bring in your other party members to the fight since fighting two Goblins is no longer a big threat.

Battle the Goblins at the Entrance

Ways to Pass Through
Convince Assassinate Battle

There are 5-8 Goblins at the entrance, and if you have to battle them, then you will be at a disadvantage because they all have the high ground. However, there are several ways you can even the playing field.

Dash to the Rooftop

Dash to the Rooftop - Baldur

The quickest way to defeat them is to dash to the rooftop so that they don't have the advantage anymore. While on the rooftop, you can shove the other gobbos off the roof to gain advantage, and the goblins on the other roof will have a harder time attacking you since they are too far. Although, getting up to the roof can be risky because the Goblins will have one or two free turns before you can retaliate.

Dash Inside the House

Dash Inside the House - Baldur

If you need to get defensive, then use Dash to quickly run inside the house. When you are inside, the goblins on the roofs will have difficulty attacking you since they need to find a hole on the roof to attack. While they can't attack, heal up and use any buffing spells to make yourself stronger. The downside to this plan is you might attract the attention of three other Goblins in the backyard.

How to Stop the Goblins at the Windmill

Convince the Goblins to Leave

To save the Gnome, you can convince the Goblins to leave by passing a skill check above when you approach them. For these options to appear, do not say that you ''...just want to pass by,'' but instead command them to ''release the gnome.''

Similar to the previous encounter, you could also choose the Illithid option since it has the lowest difficulty check. However, it is only recommended to use this choice if you do not have anyone in the party that has a high Wisdom stat.

Fight the Goblins

Kill the Goblin Devout - Baldur

The other option is to fight the goblins if you want to save the gnome. Although, this battle is difficult because you will be severely outnumbered. It is also hard to assassinate this group of gobbos since they are all close together, which makes the Sneak Attack and Hide combo hard to pull off without being undetected.

How to Rescue the Gnome and Stop the Windmill

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