Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of All Cloaks

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Cloaks are pieces of clothing for your back that may provide extra bonus abilities and traits in Baldur's Gate 3. Read more to learn about each cloak, their rarity, and more!

List of All Cloaks

Armour Effect Rarity
Braindrain Cape Mental Debilitation: When the wearer succeeds a Saving Throw against any foe's spells or actions, that foe gains Mental Fatigue. Rare
Cape of the Red Prince - Common
Cindermoth Cloak Flaming Shroud: A creature that damages the wearer within 2m receives Burning. Uncommon
Cloak - Common
Cloak of Avarice - Rare
Cloak of Cunning Brume Cunning Brume: When the wearer disengages, they also create a foggy cloud with 2m radius that last for 1 turn. Uncommon
Cloak of Displacement Displacement: At the beginning of the wearer's turn, the cloak activates, granting enemies Disadvantage on Attack Rolls that target the wearer. This effet lasts until the wearer takes damage. Rare
Cloak of Elemental Absorption Absorb Elements: Absorb elemental damage once per Short Rest. Take half damage from the next element attack targetting you, and deal an addtional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack. Uncommon
Cloak of Protection Armour Class+1
Saving Throw +1
Cloak of The Weave Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls.
Absorb Elements: Absorb elemental damage once per Short Rest. Take half damage from the next elemental attack targeting you, and deal an additional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack.
Very Rare
Derivation Cloak Deadly Derivation: When you Poison a foe heal yourself for 1d4 hit points. Rare
Fleshmelter Cloak Custic Reprisal: Whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wearer, that creature takes 1d4 Acid damage. Uncommon
Mantle of the Holy Warrior - Very Rare
Nymph Cloak - Very Rare
Reverse Rain Cloak - Uncommon
Shade-Slayer Cloak Stealthy Critical: While hiding, the number you need to roll a Critical hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack. Very Rare
The Deathstalker Mantle The Shadow Itself: Once per turn when you kill an enemy, shroud yourself in primaeval darkness to become Invisible for 2 turns. Rare
Thunderskin Cloak Dazing Echo: When a creature with Reverberation deals damage to the wearer, the creature needs to make a Constitution Saving Throw or become Dazed. Uncommon
Vivacious Cloak Arcane Vivaciousness: You gain 7 temporary hit points after casting a spell while in melee. Uncommon
Wavemother's Cloak Damp Aegis: During combat, once per turn, the cloak grants the wearer Water layer Protection until the wearer takes damage. Rare

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