Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

School of Enchantment Subclass Guide and Build

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The School of Enchantment is a Wizard subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the School of Enchantment subclass, its features, as well as the best build.

Wizard Subclasses
Wizard Class Guide
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination BaldurEnchantment
BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

Enchantment Subclass Overview

Enchantment Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur School of Enchantment
Your magic influences, beguiles, and bends the will and conviction of those around you.
Main Class Wizard
How to Unlock Reach Wizard Level 2.
Spellcasting Ability Intelligence
Starting Subclass Features
・Grants the Enchantment Savant Passive.
・Grants access to the Hypnotic Gaze Spell.
・All Wizard Class Features and Proficiencies.

Enchantment Wizards excel at Charming their foes, rendering them helpless and vulnerable to the follow-up damage of your team. In battle, Enchantment Wizards wield powerful mind-effect spells, terrorizing their foes and turning them against their allies.

How to Unlock the Enchantment Subclass

Available Once Your Wizard Reaches Level 2

The School of Enchantment subclass will become available once your Wizard reaches Level 2. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Enchantment Subclass Features

School of Enchantment Features
Enchantment Savant Hypnotic Gaze
Instinctive Charm Split Enchantment
▼ Subclass Level Progression Table ▼

Enchantment Savant

Upon unlocking the Enchantment subclass at Level 2, your Wizard will get the Enchantment Savant passive. With this active, learning Enchantmenta spells from spell scrolls will only cost 25 Gold per spell level.

Spell Level Gold Cost
Level 1 25 Gold
Level 2 50 Gold
Level 3 75 Gold
Level 4 100 Gold
Level 5 125 Gold
Level 6 150 Gold

Hypnotic Gaze

At Level 2, Enchantment Wizards unlock the Hypnotic Gaze class action. When used against an enemy, they will both be Charmed and Incapacitated for 2 turns if they fail their Wisdom Saving Throw. If the enemy takes damage, the effect of Hypnotic Gaze will end.

You can also opt to extend the duration Hypnotic Gaze past 2 turns. But do remember that this will cost you an action, which means you will have to skip out on casting spells for a single turn to reapply Hypnotic Gaze.

Instinctive Charm

Once your Wizard hits Level 6, they will unlock the Instinctive Charm reaction. When active, you can react to enemies who attack you by having them roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. If they fail the roll, they are Charmed with a chance to switch targets once affected.

The caveat of this reaction is that it can only proc once in a single turn. If you are against multiple enemies, consider saving the reaction for when you are about to be dealt a mortal blow.

Split Enchantment

At Level 10, your Enchantment Wizard gets a boost via the Split Enchantment passive. When this is active, you are allowed to target an extra creature when casting Enchantment spells that normall only have one target.

Enchantment Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 2 ・Enchantment Savant (Passive)
・Hypnotic Gaze (Class Action)
Level 6 ・Instinctive Charm (Reaction)
Level 10 ・Split Enchantment (Passive)

Best Enchantment Build

School of Enchantment Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Hood of the Weave
Armor -
Gloves Gemini Gloves
Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Melee Staff of Interruption
Ranged -
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Spellcrux Amulet
Ring 1 Orphic Ring
Ring 2 Keepsake Ring

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!

The items on this build are all scattered throughout all three acts. If you don't have them yet, it's best to buy a +1 equipment of the same type from a merchant until you get them.


Hood of the Weave

Item Type Effect
Hood of the Weave Helmet Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +2 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell Attack Rolls.

The Hood of the Weave enhances your spell casting by adding +2 bonus to your attack rolls. This also applies to your Spell Save DC. Since you'll be relying a lot on your situational spells, having the Hood of the Weave on can help you cast your spells onto your enemies effectively.

How to Get the Hood of the Weave


Gemini Gloves

Item Type Effect
Gemini Gloves Gloves Aroit Caster: Cantrips targeting foes and allies can target an additional creature. The same target can be chosen twice.

The Gemini Gloves allows you to target two enemies in one turn when using cantrips. If you have Vicious Mockery, for example, you can target two enemies and inflict disadvantage on them in one go.

How to Get the Gemini Gloves


Disintegrating Night Walkers

Item Type Effect
Disintegrating Night Walkers Boots Night Walker: Can't be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can't slip on grease or ice.

Disintegrating Night Walkers allows you to use Misty Step once per long rest. Using this spell can help you teleport to any nearby location of your choice. You can use this to either gain advantage or escape dangerous enemies during combat.

How to Get Disintegrating Night Walkers

Melee Weapons

Staff of Interruption

Item Type Effect
Staff of Interruption Quarterstaff Weapon Enchantment +2

The Staff of Interruption grants you the ability to cast one Counter Spell for free. This can help you or your allies repel any incoming spells that can either damage you or handicap you during combat. You can also cast this on your frontliners to protect them from getting any status conditions from spells.

How to Get the Staff of Interruption


Spellcrux Amulet

Item Type Effect
Spellcrux Amulet Amulet Grants Spell Slot Restoration Class Action

With the Spellcrux Amulet, you can gain one charge of Spell Slot Restoration which can help you recover any missing spell slots from any levels.

How to Get the Spellcrux Amulet

Orphic Ring (Ring)

Item Type Effect
Orphic Ring Ring Grants Confusion Class Action

The Orphic Ring allows you to use Confusion once without expending a spell slot. Confusion is a powerful spell that can force enemies to attack each other, so having a free use of it can help you save your spell slots for other Enchantment Spells you want to use.

How to Get the Orphic Ring

Keepsake Ring (Ring)

Item Type Effect
Keepsake Ring Ring Grants Dominate Beast Class Action

The Keepsake Ring can help you learn the Dominate Beast Spell which grants you the ability to control any beasts present on the field. This is a good way to turn any beasts on the field against their allies and fight alongside you instead.

How to Get the Keepsake Ring

Best Races to Use for School of Enchantment

High Half-Elf

High Half-Elf is one of the most recommended races for Enchanters. It provides you several options for cantrips and you also gain the Fey Ancestry feature which prevents you from getting the Sleep and Charm status condition.

High Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Wood Elf

Consider Wood Elf as your race if you want to focus on your mobility instead. This race has better coverage in terms of movement speed and you still get to benefit from the key features of the Elf Race of having Fey Ancestry and Darkvision as your starting feat.

Wood Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Strongheart Halfling

Strongheart Halfling is also a good race to consider for Enchanters. You can gain full immunity to any abilities that can Frighten you and you naturally learn the Lucky feat, allowing you to roll another die when making actions.

  • Brave gives you full immunity to any spells or actions that can Frighten you.
  • Lucky allows you to roll another die when taking damage and casting spells.
  • Strongheart Resilience can help you resist poison damage and gain advantage to poison saving throws.

Strongheart Halfling Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for School of Enchantment

Ability Score Overview

8 15(+1) 14 17(+2) 10 10

As an Enchanter, focus on maximizing your Intelligence as this is the primary ability for all Wizards.

Dexterity should be your next priority as this can help you land your spells more efficiently.

Best School of Enchantment Feats

Ability Improvements

Ability Improvements can help you maximize your Intelligence further. Choose this if you want to add more damage output to your spells.

Ability Improvements Feat Guide and Effects

War Caster

War Caster can help you improve your concentration. This is a good feat to have if you're planning to use spells that requires concentrations.

War Caster Feat Guide and Effects

Magic Initiate: Bard

The Magic Initiate: Bard can help you gain access to Vicious Mockery as a cantrip. If you have the Gemini Gloves equipped, you can use this cantrip twice on different enemies to apply disadvantage on them.

Magic Initiate: Druid Feat Guide and Effects

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides


Wizard Class Guide

All Wizard Subclasses

All Wizard Subclasses
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination
BaldurEnchantment BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion
BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation


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