Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Beat Thisobald Thorm (Waning Moon)

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Thisobald Thorm is a boss that you can encounter at the Waning Moon in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn how to beat Thisobald Thorm, where to find him, as well as the drops and rewards that you can get from beating him!

How to Beat Thisobald Thorm

A Out-Drink Him
B Engage Him in Combat

Out-Drink Him


The fight with Thisobald Thorm can be entirely avoided by out-drinking him. You'll have to go through a series of Constitution and Charisma dialogue checks and must succeed in each one to prolong the drinking session, which will eventually bloat him up and burst out his insides.

To beat him in his little drinking game, choose the following dialogue choices in this order:

  • Drink with the Brewer (Constitution DC: 14)
  • ”Choose Any Performance Dialogue” (Charisma DC: Depends on Choice)
  • Do as he says. Drink (Constitution DC: 16)
  • ”Choose Any Performance Dialogue” (Charisma DC: Depends on Choice)
  • Steel yourself and drink. (Constitution DC: 18)

Engage in Combat with Spells and Ranged Attacks


Thisobald Thorm is immune to Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Thunder attacks due to the Numb condition, therefore you'll have to resort to casting out spells and firing away ranged attacks to deal damage as melee hits won't affect him.

Have One Member Tank His Attacks, While Others Cast Spells


Have a party member with the beefiest HP and defense positioned upfront to get Thisobald's attention and tank his attacks, then the rest of your crew can go up the 2nd floor of the tavern to deal magic and ranged damage.

Those hurling out spells and shooting ranged attacks on the second level will also get the high ground advantage which increases the chances of their spells and projectiles to hit!

Thisobald will also receive the Threatened condition due to your tank member being near him, and would be weak to ranged attack rolls because of this condition.

Damaging Him Adds Elements to Brews


When a spell or range attack hits him, it will add an Elemental Reflux to his next brew attack, which powers up the damage of his AoE brew ability.

Brew Element Effect
Burning Reflux Fire Damage
Lightning Reflux Thunder Damage
Gaseuous Reflux Gas Damage
Rotten Reflux Necrotic Damage

Thisobald Blacks Out After Three Brews


Once Thisobald manages to do three brew attacks, he'll be blacked out for one turn, losing all his resistances and receiving a -5 penalty to his Armor Class.

After this, he'll wake up and spend another turn recovering, but he still won't regain his resistances, and he would only be able to do basic melee attacks.

This is a great time to use your strongest spells and for the tank member to deal melee damage as the boss will be extremely vulnerable to your attack rolls.

Take note that after his recovery period, he'll eventually regain the Numb passive. On top of this, he would be able to throw brew attacks again, so be sure to take him out before that recovery period ends!

Each Brew Attack Adds Disadvantage Checks to Him


Each time Thisobald uses his brew ability, it also negatively affects him over time as it imposes disadvantages to his Charisma and Dexterity checks.

Imps May Spawn Throughout the Fight

Imps can be summoned by Thisobald throughout the fight but they can be dealt with easily as their HP is weak, but you'll be wasting a turn if you decide to attack them.

You can choose to ignore the imps, or have your weakest member take care of them if you find them too much of a nuisance.

Thisobald Thorm Location

The Waning Moon, Northwest of Moonrise Towers

Thisobald Thorm can be found inside the Waning Moon, northwest of the Moonrise Towers and directly west of the Tollhouse.

Thisobald Thorm Drops and Rewards

Boss Drops


Upon beating Thisobald Thorm, you can loot his corpse to get camp supplies, Alchemical ingredients, and a Worn Key.

Metal Door Room


Use the Worn Key to open the Metal Door behind him, go inside and lockpick the wooden chest to obtain the Punch-Drunk Bastard greatclub weapon.

You can also pick the lock of the heavy chest which contains the Ichorous Gloves.

Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer Recipe

You can learn the recipe of a powerful potion known as the Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer by reading the Research Notes on the table.

You will need a Salts of Corpse Rose to create the potion which is hidden in a stash north of the Waning Moon.

Go outside and head over there until you reach a small barn. Use a shovel to dig through the garden patch and reveal the chest containing the Salts of Corpse Rose

Recipe for Serpent Fang Toxin and Ingredients for Drow Poison

There's a book to learn the Serpent Fang Toxin lying beside the wooden chest, as well as alchemical ingredients for Drow Poison scattered on the floor.

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