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College of Valor Subclass Guide and Builds

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The College of Valor is a Bard subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the College of Valor subclass, its features, best races to use, as well as the best builds.

All Bard Subclasses
Bard Class Guide
BaldurCollege of Lore BaldurCollege of Swords BaldurCollege of Valor

College of Valor Subclass Overview

College of Valor Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur College of Valor
You wander the land to witness and relate the deeds of the mighty, keeping alive the memory of heroes of the past and inspiring heroes of the future.
Parent Class Bard
How to Unlock Reach Bard Level 3.
Spellcasting Ability Charisma
Starting Subclass Features
・All Bard Class Features and Proficiencies.

How to Unlock the College of Valor Subclass

Available Once Your Bard Reaches Level 3

The College of Lore Bard subclass will become available once your Bard reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

College of Valor Subclass Features

College of Valor Features
Gain New Proficiencies Combat Inspiration Extra Attack

Gain New Proficiencies

At Level 3, the Bard gains access to the Medium Armor proficiency, Martial Weapons Proficiency, and a Shields Proficiency. These bonuses are great for increasing the Bard's survivability as Medium Armor and Shield can grant a huge amount of AC to the Bard.

Combat Inspiration Grants Extra Damage or Armor

Combat Inspiration Inspire an ally to add a +1d6 bonus to their next Attack Rool, Ability Check, Saving Throw, weapon damage, or Armour Class.

Combat Inspiration is a Bonus Action that allows you to inspire an ally. Unlike Bardic Inspiration, Similar to Bardic Inspiration, Combat Inspiration can increase your Attack Roll, Ability Check, and Saving Throw. However, Combat Inspiration can also increase your Weapon Damange and Armor Class. This makes Combat Inspiratoin just a more superior version of Bardic Inspiration!

Extra Attack Can Double Your Damage Per Turn

Extra Attack provides what the College of Valor path Bard needs. Extra Attack allows the College of Valor subclass Bard provide a needed DPS when the Bard runs out of buffs to debuffs to use. Its a nice addition that makes up for situations where buffs or debuffs aren't needed.

Best Races to Use for College of Valor

Asmodeus Tiefling

Asomodeus Tiefling is a good race for College of Valor Bard due to your resistance to fire and access to a Cantrip that casts out flames that act as a light source, as well as damaging those unlucky to get in its path.

Hellish Resistance - Grants you resistance to fire damage, taking only half of the damage from it.
Dark Vision - Lets you see in the dark to up a distance of 12m and possibly avoid being obscured by darkness when casting out your spells.

College of Valor Builds

Best Ability Scores

10 14 16 (+1) 8 10 16(+2)

The primary ability for College of Valor bards is Charisma, so you'll want to put in your points into that as well as your +2 bonus since it improves your spellcasting.

You'll also want to spend your points in Constitution along with the +1 bonus in order to increase your survivability.

Equipment Choice

Gloves of Missile Snaring

As a bard, you'll be staying behind and casting out buffs and debuffs, so wearing the Gloves of Missile Snaring works well since you can intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks, reducing their damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity Modifier.

Gloves of the Missile Snaring: Armor Guide and How to Get

Cap of Curing

When Cap of Curing is equipped, your ally regains 1d6 hit points upon using Bardic Inspiration on them.

Cap of Curing: Armor Guide and How to Get

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Bard Class Guide

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Bard Class Guide
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