Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Enter the Arcane Tower: Arcane Turret Solution

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The Arcane Tower is a special location in the Underdark of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn how to get inside the Arcane Tower, how to activate the tower's elevator, as well as all hidden rooms, and notable loot inside the tower!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
No Journal Entry
Rewards None, but the tower itself is filled with valuable loot.
Related Quest Travel to Moonrise Towers

How to Get to the Arcane Tower

Sneaking Past the Turrets


The entrance to the Arcane Tower is guarded by two turrets that will automatically lock on and shoot at an exposed party member.

You will have to enter turn-based mode and strategically manuever around the courtyard by using giant rocks scattered around as cover to avoid getting in their line of sight.

Optimal Route to Follow

# How to Sneak Past the Turrets
While in turn-based mode, move towards behind the giant rock in the middle of the courtyard.

You can use the Dash bonus action for each turn to maximize your distance as you won't be getting into any fights throughout this.
Head to the small alleyway to the right that leads to a high wall.
Use Jump to get up the wall. Another turret will be awaiting for you on top.

Be sure to use the party member with the highest HP as you'll have to take a hit for one turn from the turret for the other members to proceed.
Move your party members behind the pillars on both sides of the staircase to avoid being targeted by the second turret.
Go up one more level and move them behind the pillars again as the turrets can still reach you from this distance.
Pick the lock on the door, preferably with a Thieves' Tool at hand to increase your chances of successfully unlocking it.

How to Disable or Destroy the Arcane Turrets

Power Up the Generator


The only way to disable all the turrets in the tower is by activating the generator in the deeper levels of the tower. Jump down from the balcony of the first floor and follow the path until you reach the mysterious glowing tree.

Pick up a Sussur Bloom then insert it in the generator nearby to power up the tower and put the turrets out of action.

Alternatively, Attack them with Lightning Attacks

The Arcane Turrets have resistance to slashing and piercing while also having resistance against Poison, Fire, and Psychic. If you want to destroy the Arcane Turrets, you'll have to use Lightning Attacks as the Arcane Turrets are weak to this type of damage which means your damage gets doubled. This will usually be enough to destroy the turret in one to two attacks.

Use Turnbased Mode Before Attacking

Entering the Turret's line of Sight will exploring will cause it to attack you preemptively. Hide at a nearby object then enter Turn Based Mode to be able to peek out and launch an attack.

How to Activate the Arcane Tower Elevator

How to Activate the Elevator
1 Exit Through the Balcony
2 Jump On the Giant Mushrooms
3 Pick Up a Sussur Bloom
4 Use Lockpick on the Door
5 Activate the Generator

Exit Through the Balcony


Once you've entered the tower's first floor, you'll have to exit immediately to the balcony to the left of the room.

Enter turn-based mode again and use Dash to quickly get to the balcony doors and avoid the turret from firing at you.

Jump On the Giant Mushrooms


Use Jump to leap from one mushroom to another until you've reached the bottom floor. Take note that you'll be taking damage from each fall so be sure to use potions to heal your characters.

If you have a party member with a teleportation spell, they can safely teleport between mushrooms and avoid losing health.

Pick Up a Sussur Bloom


Near the strange glowing tree, pick up a Sussur Bloom, then proceed towards the locked door to the East.

Use Lockpick on the Door


Pick the lock on the door and roll a Dexterity check to open it. Bring a Thieves' Tool to add a bonus towards the roll and increase your chances of succeeding.

Activate the Generator


Interact with the generator to open up a menu. Drag the Sussur Bloom from your inventory to the vacant space, then select Combine.

This will activate the Arcane Tower's elevator, leaving you free to explore all the levels that the tower has to offer.

Arcane Tower Hidden Rooms

Secret Basement

You need to get the Guiding Light ring by killing Bernard the robot at the highest floor of the tower. After obtaining the ring, equip it and it should reveal a hidden button on the elevator that leads to the secret basement.

The basement contains a Staff of Arcane Blessing, a Sparkswall ring, and numerous spell scrolls.

Arcane Tower Notable Loot

Mundane Chest


The Mundane Chest is found on the northern balcony of the first level. Approaching the chest rolls an Arcana check, and a successful roll reveals that the chest has magical elements imposed on it.

Opening it at first reveals a bunch of rubbish items, but upon transferring these to your inventory, they will magically transform into valuable items and gear such as a Mystra's Grace, Scroll of Mage Armour, Gold Ingot, and a Hearthlight Bomb.

The Treasure is the Chest Itself

While the contents of the Mundane Chest are valuable in their own right, the true treasure of the Arcane Tower is the Mundane Chest itself.

Not only does it transform the items you take out of it, it also transforms the items that you place into it.

What this means is that it can change the weight of heavy items placed inside it. Weapons and armor go from weighing 2-4kg to a 0.05kg spoon, fork, or cup.

The Mundane Chest itself weights 20kg, so it's well worth carrying it around during your travels to store loot. Don't worry, as the item transformations can be undone by taking the item out of the Mundane Chest.

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