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Storm Sorcery Subclass Guide and Features

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The Storm Sorcery is a Sorcerer subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Storm Sorcery subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Sorcerer Subclasses
Sorcerer Class Guide
BaldurDraconic Bloodline BaldurStorm Sorcery BaldurWild Magic

Storm Sorcery Subclass Overview

Storm Sorcery Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Storm Sorcery
Whether crackling with the energy of ancient deluges or pierced by gales and hurricanes, you lineage is a strange tapestry scrawled by a tempest.
Main Class Sorcerer
How to Unlock Available during Character Creation.
Spellcasting Ability Charisma
Starting Subclass Features
・Grants the Tempestuous Magic feature.

Storm Sorcerers are amazing damage dealers, harnessing the power of the storm to buff their Lightning and Thunder spells in battle. Unlike other Sorcerer subclasses, Storm Sorcerers get their own set of spells at Level 6, buffing an already considerable arsenal with spells that allow them to clear entire rooms of enemies in one fell swoop.

How to Unlock the Storm Sorcery Subclass

Available When Creating a Sorcerer

The Storm Sorcery subclass will become available once you start creating a Sorcerer at the Character Creation screen. Unlike most classes, Sorcerers are one of the few that get to pick out their subclass before they start the game.

Storm Sorcery Subclass Features

Draconic Bloodline Features
Temepstuous Magic Heart of the Storm
Heart of the Storm: Resistance Storm Sorcery Spells
Storm's Fury
▼ Subclass Progression Table ▼

Temepstuous Magic

Level 1 Storm Sorcerers will start off with the Tempestuous Magic passive. When active, this allows you to gain Fly as a bonus action after you cast a Level 1 spell or higher. While flying, you cannot receive Opportunity Attacks.

Heart of the Storm

At Level 6 your Storm Sorcerer unlocks the Heart of the Storm reactions. After you cast a level 1 or higher spell that deals Lightning or Thunder damage, you can use a reaction to conjure a small local storm. This small storm will target enemies within a 6m radius, dealing 3 Lightning or 3 Thunder damage to them on hit.

Heart of the Storm: Resistance

At Level 6 you will also receive the Heart of the Storm: Resistance passive. Once unlocked, your Sorcerer becomes Resistant to both Lightning and Thunder damage, only taking half damage when receiving attacks charged with either of these elements.

Storm Sorcery Spells

Aside from reactions and resistances, Storm Sorcerers will finally unlock Storm Sorcery Spells at Level 6. This adds the following spells to your Sorcerer spell list, allowing you to cast them without having to learn them in the level up screen.

  • Call Lightning
  • Sleet Storm
  • Gust of Wind
  • Create or Destroy Water
  • Thunderwave

Storm's Fury

At Level 11 you gain the Storm's Fury reaction. Once per turn, you can react to a melee attack aimed your way, dealing 11 Lightning damage against your attack with a chance to push them back.

Storm Sorcery Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 1 ・Temepstuous Magic (Feature)
Level 6 ・Heart of the Storm (Reaction)
・Heart of the Storm: Resistance (Passive)
・Grants Storm Sorcery Spells.
Level 10 ・Storm's Fury (Reaction)

Best Storm Sorcery Builds

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Sorcerer Class Guide

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All Sorcerer Subclasses
BaldurDraconic Bloodline BaldurStorm Sorcery BaldurWild Magic


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