Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Shadowheart Companion Guide: Romance, Builds, and Approval

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Shadowheart is a companion and a playable Origin character in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide to learn more about Shadowheart, including her location and how to recruit her, her related companion quest, romance and approval options, and best builds!

Shadowheart Profile and Background

Shadowheart's Companion Info

Shadowheart Overview
Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowheart
Class Cleric
Subclass Trickery Domain
Background Acolyte
Race High Half-Elf

Shadowheart's Ability Scores

13 13 14 10 17 8

Shadowheart is a Cleric which means she is a spellcaster armed with a lot of spells that require concentration. Prioritize Wisdom first then Constitution second as you level up since these will help with her spellcasting, survivability, and concentration.

Ability Scores Guide

Shadowheart's Skill Proficiencies

  • History (Intelligence)
  • Religion (Intelligence)
  • Insight (Wisdom)
  • Medicine (Wisdom)

Shadowheart's Equipment Proficiencies

  • Armor - Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
  • Simple Weapons - Clubs, Daggers, Greatclubs, Handaxes, Javelines, Light Crossbows, Light Hammers, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Shortbows, Sickles, Spears
  • Martial Weapons - Flails, Glaives, Halberds, Morningstars, Pikes

Who is Shadowheart?


Shadowheart is a devoted Cleric of Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss. She agreed to have her past memories erased as part of a holy mission.

Poised by her quest for winning Shar's love, she will do whatever it takes to deliver a powerful relic back to her kin and have her memories restored to her.

How to Recruit Shadowheart

Free Her From the Mind Flayer Pod on the Nautiloid

Shadowheart can be found trapped inside a Mind Flayer pod aboard the Nautiloid. Free her to have more firepower for the Nautiloid bridge fight during the Prologue.

While not exactly required, freeing Shadowheart from the Mind Flayer Pod aboard the Nautiloid will allow you to easily score some early approval points with her.

How to Free Shadowheart

Find and Recruit Her at the Ravaged Beach

Once the Nautiloid finally crashes, Shadowheart will be found in one of two places depending on whether you freed her. If you freed her from the pod, she will be near where your character wakes up. If you didn't rescue her, she will be found in front of the locked entrance to the Dank Crypt on the Ravaged Beach. Speak to Shadowheart to recruit her to your party.

Wilderness Map and Points of Interest

Shadowheart Companion Quest

Daughter of Darkness Walkthrough

Shadowheart's companion quest, Daughter of Darkness, follows the cleric's rediscovery of her identity after being infected with the tadpole. Help Shadowheart break free from Shar's influence or help her become a Dark Justiciar to complete her quest.

  1. Learn More About Shadowheart
  2. Give Shadowheart the Noblestalk
  3. Allow Shadowheart to Share Her Memory
  4. Go to the Shadow-Cursed Lands
  5. Reach the Gauntlet of Shar
  6. Complete the Trials of Shar
  7. Descend Into the Shadowfell
  8. Kill or Spare the Nightsong
  9. Journey to Baldur's Gate
  10. Find the Sharran Lookout in Rivington
  11. Go to the House of Grief in Baldur's Gate
  12. Confront Viconia DeVir Inside the Cloister
  13. Deal with Shadowheart's Parents

Learn About Shadowheart's Sharran Background

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowhearts Sharran Curse

The first step to progressing Shadowheart's companion quest is to earn her trust. During the early stages of Act 1, this constitutes performing actions that allow you to gain her approval. The goal is to get her to reveal that she is a follower of Shar and that she has a hand wound that constantly pains her.

During these early stages, Shadowheart tends to approve of you using Deception options as well as options that help out others (like rescuing Arabella from Kagha). Dialogue options that don't condemn Shar worship will also be met with approval.

Give Shadowheart the Noblestalk to Recover Lost Memories


In the Underdark, you will be able to start a side quest called Find the Mushroom Picker. During that quest, you will have the chance to obtain a rare mushroom called the Noblestalk.

While this can be used to complete the side quest, it can also be given to Shadowheart in order to restore her memories. Pass a Persuasion check and have her eat it so that she recalls her old Tiefling friend in the cult. This will unlock an interaction later on in Act 3.

How to Get the Noblestalk

Allow Shadowheart to Share One of Her Memories

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowhearts Childhood Memory

After you gain enough approval with Shadowheart, she will eventually ask if you want to see one of her earliest childhood memories. Allow her to communicate with you via the parasite to see how she was taken in by the Mother Superior of the Sharran Cult.

Go to the Shadow-Cursed Lands

The next step to the Daughter of Darkness quest lies in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Make sure wrap up all of your side quests in both Act 1 and the Githyanki Creche before starting Act 2 of the main story.

Note: You will be able to view the temple that houses the Gauntlet of Shar from the Underdark. After you free Nere, the locked door inside the poisoned room he was trapped in will lead to a broken bridge that overlooks the large temple.

How to Get to the Shadow-Cursed Lands

Reach the Gauntlet of Shar

Baldurs Gate 3 - The Gauntlet of Shar

Once you arrive at the Shadow-Cursed Lands, you will need to contend with the threat of the Shadow Curse and Ketheric Thorm's cult of the Absolute. Progress the Act 2 main quest until you reach the Find Ketheric Thorm's Relic objective in order to reach the Gauntlet of Shar.

The temple that houses the Gauntlet of Shar will be found underground. Access it by entering through the Thorm Mausoleum and solving the puzzle that unlocks the elevator to the temple.

Act 2 Full Walkthrough

Complete the Trials of Shar

Baldurs Gate 3 - Trials of Shar

Once inside the temple, complete the Trials of Shar and obtain the 4 Umbral Gems needed to access the entrance to the Shadowfell (where Thorm's relic is being kept). Since Shadowheart is with you, securing the Spear of Night from the Silent Library is also required before you can proceed to the Shadowfell.

Gauntlet of Shar Trials Guide

Descend Into the Shadowfell

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowfell Entrance

When ready, interact with the entrance to the Shadowfell to descend into Shar's domain. Do note that entering the Shadowfell is a point of no return. Once you finish this section of Act 2, you will no longer be able to return to any of the places in Act 1 and you will be locked out of many Act 2 quests related to the Tiefling refugees.

Kill Balthazar Before Descending

Baldurs Gate 3 - Balthazar

If you did not kill the necromancer named Balthazar before reaching the Shadowfell, he will ambush you once you reach the Nightsong. Make sure to kill him in his room since the fight there will be much easier compared to the fight inside the Shadowfell.

How to Beat Balthazar

Kill or Spare the Nightsong

Once you reach the center of the Shadowfell, you will finally meet the Nightsong. Rather than a thing, the Nightsong is revealed to be an immortal aasimar, bound in chains by Ketheric Thorm.

At this point, Shadowheart will have to decide whether to kill or spare the Nightsong. Depending on your choice, Shadowheart will either become free from the dark grip of Shar, or become a Dark Justiciar and Shar's Champion in the mortal world.

Note: Sparing the Nightsong will require players to pass a DC30 Persuasion Check. However, if you have an Exceptional Approval Rating with Shadowheart (100 points), it will be lowered to a DC21 Persuasion Check instead.

Find the Nightsong Quest Guide

Shadowheart Changes Her Hairstyle Based on the Decision

If you chose to spare the Nightsong, Shadowheart will change her hairstyle once you reach Rivington in Act 3. She will now sport a new white hairtyle as opposed to her original black.

If you chose to kill the Nightsong, Shadowheart will immediately change her hairstyle once you take your first Long Rest outside of the Shadowfell. She will now have a new jet-black hairstyle to honor the Lady of Loss.

What Happens if You Spare the Nightsong?

  • Unlocks the option to be in a relationship with Shadowheart.
  • Allows Shadowheart to break free of the Sharran Cult. It also allows her to regain her memories about her abduction as a child after speaking with Nightsong during the end of Act 2.
  • Rewards you with the Moonlight Glaive (after sparing the Nightsong) and the legendary Selune's Spear of Night at the end of Act 2.
  • Unlocks Dame Aylin (Nightsong) as an ally during the Ketheric Thorm boss battle.
  • Unlocks both Dame Aylin and Isobel as summonable allies during the final battle against the Absolute.
  • Allows Dame Aylin (Nightsong) to help you confront Lorroakan in Act 3.
  • Harder boss battle when confronting Viconia DeVir in the House of Grief during Act 3 (all Sharran cultists will fight you).

What Happens if You Kill the Nightsong?

  • Shadowheart prioritizes her duty to Shar over your relationship. Harder to romance her, story-wise.
  • Rewards Shadowheart with the legendary Shar's Spear of Evening as soon as you kill Nightsong.
  • Rewards Shadowheart with a full set of Dark Justiciar armor comprised of Dark Justiciar Half-Plate, Dark Justiciar Gauntlets, and Dark Justiciar Boots.
  • Everyone in Last Light Inn dies since the protection of Selune will fail. This includes Isobel, the Harpers, the Flaming Fist survivors, as well as the refugees.
  • Easier boss battle when confronting Viconia DeVir in the House of Grief during Act 3 (most of the Sharran cultists will ally with Shadowheart).

Journey to Baldur's Gate

With Shar now either free of or shackled to the lady Shar, wrap up the any loose ends in the Shadow-Cursed Lands before making your way to Baldur's Gate. Much like the descent to Shadowfell, taking the Road to Baldur's Gate will lock you out of all areas in Act 2.

Find the Sharran Lookout in Rivington

Upon arriving at Rivington, Shadowheart will comment that you need to find a Sharran lookout in order to learn more about the cult's location in the city. Look for Ferg Drogher near a stall to the south of Arfur's Mansion (he will call out to Shadowheart when you pass him).

Speak to Ferg and have Shadowheart catch up with him (reception depends on Shadowheart's alignment). He will direct you and Shadowheart to the House of Grief at the Lower City of Baldur's Gate.

Go to the House of Grief in Baldur's Gate

Next, make your way to the House of Grief in the Lower City. Inside, submit to the Mapping of the Heart rite by sitting on the bench and conversing with the Mother Superior - Viconia DeVir.

Make sure to have Shadowheart do the rite. If you insist on doing it for her, she will disapprove. Once the Mapping of the Heart sequence ends, simply interact the newly opened passageway to enter the Sharran headquarters in Baldur's Gate.

Pass the Investigation Check to Reveal the Secret Button

Players who don't plan on getting their heart mapped can instead opt to pass an Investigation Check (DC20) in the same area where they conduct the Mapping of the Heart rite. If you manage to pass it, a button will be revealed that you can press in order to open the secret entrance of the Cloister of Somber Embrace.

Confront Viconia DeVir Inside the Cloister

Baldurs Gate 3 - Confronting Viconia DeVir

Once you reach the inner sanctum of the Cloister of Somber Embrace, a cutscene will play. Depending on Shadowheart's alignment (good or bad), the dialogue will differ.

If you spared the Nightsong, Viconia and rest of the Sharran cultists will attack you. If you killed the Nightsong, some of the cultists will listen to Shadowheart and turn against Viconia.

Should You Kill or Spare Viconia DeVir?

Baldurs Gate 3 - Kill or Spare Viconia DeVir

Regardless of your choice, Viconia will always get knocked out once her HP drops to 0 during the boss battle. You can then choose to spare or kill her afterwards. It is recommended that you kill her to get her armor, weapon, and the legendary shield, Viconia's Walking Fortress.

Deal with Shadowheart's Parents in the Chamber of Loss

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowhearts Parents

Finally, enter the Chamber of Loss and deal with Shadowheart's parents. For good-alignment playthrough, Shadowheart can either sacrifice her parents to get rid of Shar's curse (the hand wound), or rescue them but live with the curse for the rest of her life.

If playing as a Dark Justiciar, players can kill Shadowheart's parents since it fits thematically with her newfound position.

Shadowheart Romance and Approval Guide

Actions that Give Approval

  • Approves if you rescued her and then spoke to her on the beach.
  • Approves if you tell Lae'zel to say please when freeing her.
  • Disapproves if you ask Lae'zel to join your band of misfits.
  • Approves if you say Agreed, we need to find a healer when you first speak to her in camp aboat your very first Long Rest.
  • Approves if you save Arabella from Kagha.
  • Approves if you swear to take the Wyvern Poison before turning.
  • Approves if you tell Lae'zel to stand down.
  • Approves if you choose the option "Forget the owlbear. You're still alive - so go." to Brynna.
  • Approves if you leave Selune's chest alone in the Owlbear cave.
  • Approves if you manage to convince the Owlbear to leave you be.
  • Approves if you let the owlbear cub live. Also gets a pain in her wound when you do so.
  • Approves if you manage to dupe the goblins in the Blighted Village that you're part of the band of the Absolute.
  • Approves if you manage to convince Lump the Enlightened to fight for you.
  • Approves if you convince her to tell you about Shar and that you won't judge.
  • Approves if you say you won't cast judgements on her Shar religion.
  • Approves if you refuse Raphael's deal to get rid of the tadpole.
  • Approves when you pick "He's a devil. We shouldn't trust him - simple as that." and "I'm not going to just change my mind. We can't trust Raphael." when you talk to her about Raphael.
  • Approves if you tell Wyll Karlach is not a devil.
  • Approves if you tell her to point out Night Orchids the next time you see one. Comes full circle when you reach the House of Grief in Baldur's Gate.
  • Approves if you undertake the trial of Loviatar.
  • Approves if you tell Torturer Spike you're taking over the torture.
  • Approves if you tell Dror Ragzlin that you'll go to Minthara and tell her you're joining her hunt.
  • Approves if you tell Minthara that she's your prey.
  • Approves if you ask if you can help with her wound.
  • Approves if you pet Scratch.
  • Approves if you decide to spend the night with her after defending the Druid Grove.
  • Approves if you kiss her during the night you spend after defending the Druid Grove.
  • Approves if you say you're there to help the Myconids.
  • Approves if you give her the Idol of Shar you find in the Grymforge.
  • Approves if you deceive the Hag into giving you Mayrina and the +1 Ability.
  • Approves if you manage to persuade Sa'varsh Kethk to stop the duel to the death.
  • Approves if you convince Lae'zel to book it during the first Persuasion check on the zaith'isk.
  • Approves if you feed the Owlbear after it finds you in camp.
  • Approves if you tell Isobel that Marcus is trying to kidnap her.
  • Approves if you Persuade Gerringoth Thorm to die.
  • Approves if you play hide-and-seek with Oliver.

Actions that Give Disapproval

  • Disapproves if you offer to bring Mayrina home.
  • Disapproves if you let Lae'zel answer her people upon finding the Creche.
  • Disapproves if you consume instead of purge the Waking Mind inside the Necrotic Laboratory.

This list is currently being updated! Stay tuned as we furnish both lists with more entries as we progress through the game.

Best Builds for Shadowheart

Best Subclasses for Shadowheart

Life Domain for a Better Healer and Support Role

Shadowheart can focus on just healing and supporting teammates in the game with her stats. To support that, choose the Life Domain subclass and gain access to most of the healing spells in the game.

Light or Tempest Domain for a DPS Cleric Role

Selecting the Light or Tempest Domain to Shadowhear can work as she has a whopping 16 base score on Wisdom, which boosts the damage of the offensive spells. It means you can build her to be a DPS while providing minimal support and healing for the team.

Best Equipment for Shadowheart

  • Armor: Heavy Armor
  • Weapons: Simple One-Handed weapon and a shield

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