Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get the Duellist's Prerogative

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Baldurs Gate 3 - How to Get the Duellists Prerogative

The Duellist's Prerogative is a Legendary Rapier that you can get by rescuing Vanra from Auntie Ethel in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Duellist's Prerogative, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it by confronting the Hag in Act 3!

Duellist's Prerogative Overview

Duellist's Prerogative Info
Damage 1d8
Weapon Type
Effect Weapon Enchantment +3
(Main Hand Only) Elegant Duellist: While your off-hand is empty, you score a Critical Hit when rolling a 19. Moreover, you gain an additional reaction per turn.
Withering Cut: On a hit with a melee weapon, use a reaction to deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
Unlockable Skills/Spells
Weapon Traits
Baldur Finesse
Rarity Weight Price

How to Get Duellist's Prerogative

Complete the Save Vanra Side Quest

Duellist's Prerogative Location
Obtained by completing the Save Vanra side quest in Act 3. Rescue Lora's daughter, Vanra, from Auntie Ethel inside the basement of the Blushing Mermaid Tavern to get this legendary rapier.

How to Get Duellist's Prerogative Summary

  1. Go to the Basilisk Gate Barracks to Speak to Lora
  2. Investigate the Blushing Mermaid Basement
  3. Help Out the Hag Survivors
  4. Craft the Hag's Bane Grenade
  5. Confront Auntie Ethel and Use the Hag's Bane
  6. Go to Lora's House to Get Your Reward

Go to the Basilisk Gate Barracks and Speak to Lora

Duellist's Prerogative is a quest reward for the Save Vanra questline. To begin this side quest, head over to the Basilisk Gate Barracks and speak to Lora. You can find her confronting the Flaming Fist captain about the disappearance of her daughter. Offer to help her find Vanra to begin the quest.

Investigate the Blushing Mermaid Basement

Your next stop is the Blushing Mermaid. Once you reach the tavern, ignore everything else and make a beeline for the basement. In the basement, quick save first before jumping on top of the barrel to your right. This should start a DC15 Investigation Check. If you pass the Invesitgation Check, you will reveal an illusionary wall that leads into the Hag's Lair (if you fail, you can just walk through the wall).

With our investigation done, we'll now need to find a way to resuce Vanra before confronting the Hag. Since Auntie Ethel is keeping Vanra in her stomach, we need to find a way to get her to vomit out the child.

Help the Hag Survivors

The key to saving Vanra lies with Mayrina who we saved earlier in the game. Look for her inside a rundown house at the south of the city called Old Garlow's Place. Speak to the Hag Survivors inside and find a way to dispel the curse on Mayrina (who is currently polymorphed into a sheep).

To receive the recipe for the Hag's Bane grenade, you will need to eithe ruse Remove Curse on the sheep to cure Mayrina or expose Jatlo the Dragonborn as a traitor. Regardless of your choice, Jatlo will transform into a redcap that you have to defeat in order to progress.

Pickpocket Jatlo the Dragonborn to Reveal His Identity

Baldurs Gate 3 - Pickpocketing Jatlo

An easy way to reveal Jatlo's treachery is to pickpocket him. Obtain the Note from him and read it (later turns into the Hag Spy's Note). This allows you to confront and expose Jatlo for the traitor that he is.

Craft the Hag's Bane

Follow Mayrina's instructions and obtain the book that contains the recipe for Hag's Bane in the house's wall safe. Read it before crafting a Hag's Bane potion using the ingredients provided to you.

Alchemy Crafting Guide

Confront Auntie Ethel and Use the Hag's Bane

Baldurs Gate 3 - Using the Hags Bane Potion

With the Hag's Bane grenade in hand, return to the Blushing Mermaid to confront Auntie Ethel. Go through the illusory wall in the basement and sneak your way into Auntie Ethel's lair (beware of traps). Since you killed Jatlo, you should have the key that opens the way into her lair.

To get Auntie Ethel to spawn in, destroy one of the Pearlspore Bells inside the arena (blue mushrooms). Since these regenerate 100 HP at the end of their turn, the only way to destroy one before combat begins is to attack it in Turn-Based mode.

Once battle begins, you will need to throw the Hag's Bane grenade at Auntie Ethel. You will know it hit if the status condition Nauseous appears above the hag's head. On hit, Aunti Ethel will puke out Varna, allowing you to throwdown with the now vulnerable hag.

During the fight, she will use her old tricks, summoning body doubles and masked helpers to combat your party. Prepare to defend against mostly Poison and Psychic attacks.

Destroy the Rest of the Pearlspore Bells First

Baldurs Gate 3 - Pearlspore Bells

Before you kill Auntie Ethel, you will first need to take care of the remaining Pearlspore Bells in the arena (there should be 2 left if you destroyed one at the start). As long as one of these mushrooms are up, the Hag will keep resurrecting upon hitting 0 HP.

Go to Lora's House to Get Duellist's Prerogative

Once Auntie Ethel is dead, speak to Varna until she runs back to her mom. Follow her to Lora's house and speak to the reunited mother and daughter. As a reward, Lora will give you a relic from her seafaring days in the form of the Legendary Rapier, Duellist's Prerogative.

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