Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

All the Best Races and their Best Classes

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Races predetermine key qualities and features of your character in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about all 11 races, their traits, and the best race to choose!

All Race Guides
Human Main Races High ElfSubraces

List of All Races

List of All Races
Elf Race IconElf Tiefling Race IconTiefling Drow Race IconDrow Human Race IconHuman
Githyanki Race IconGithyanki Dwarf Race IconDwarf Half-Elf Race IconHalf-Elf Halfling Race IconHalfling
Gnome Race IconGnome Dragonborn Race IconDragonborn HalfOrc Race IconHalf-Orc

Elf Race and Overview

Race Race Features
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Elven Weapon Training
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

With ethereal countenances and long lifespans, elves are at home with nature's power, flourishing in light and dark alike.

Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Elf Subraces

BaldurHigh Elf BaldurWood Elf

Tiefling Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Hellish Resistance
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Descended from the devils of the Nine Hells, tieflings face constant suspision from Faerun. Thankfully, their arcane abilities make them natural survivors.

Tiefling Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Tiefling Subraces

BaldurAsmodeus Tiefling BaldurMephistopheles Tiefling BaldurZariel Tiefling

Drow Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Superior Darkvision
・Drow Weapon Training
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Driven to the Underdark, most drow have adopted a ruthless pragmatism. While the Lolth-sworn delight in the goddess' evil tenets, the Seldarine reject Her attempt to overthrow the leader of the elven pantheon.

Drow Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Drow Subraces

BaldurLolth-Sworn Drow BaldurSeldarine Drow

Human Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Civil Militia
・Human Versatility
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

The most common face in Faerun, humans are known for their tenacity, creativity, and endless capacity for growth.

Human Race Guide and Best Classes

Githyanki Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Martial Prodigy
Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

With a ruthlessness borne from mind flayer enslavement, githyanki ride the Astral Sea atop red dragons, bringing their silver swords and psionic might to bear against any trace of the illithid menace.

Githyanki Race Guide and Best Classes

Dwarf Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Dwarven Resilience
・Dwarven Combat Training
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

As durable and unyielding as their homes of stone, dwarves are some of the finest warriors, miners, a smiths of Faerun.

Dwarf Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Dwarf Subraces

BaldurGold Dwarf BaldurShield Dwarf BaldurDuergar

Half-Elf Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Civil Militia
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Curious, ambitious, and versatile, half-elves are welcome everywhere, but struggle without a community to call their own.

Half-Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Half-Elf Subraces

BaldurDrow Half-Elf BaldurHigh Half-Elf BaldurWood Half-Elf

Halfling Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Small yet capable, halflings prefer the comforts of home and hearth - but their natural luck and dexterity makes them fine adventurers.

Halfling Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Halfling Subraces

BaldurLightfoot Halfling BaldurStrongheart Halfling

Gnome Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Gnome Cunning
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Small, clever, and energetic, gnomes use their long lives to explore Faerun's brightests corners and darkest depths.

Gnome Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Gnome Subraces

BaldurDeep Gnome BaldurForest Gnome BaldurRock Gnome

Dragonborn Race and Subrace Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Varies with Subrace)
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

A proud race that values clan and skills above all else. Once enslaved by dragons, they strive to be self-sufficient, not wanting to be beholden to anyone, not even the gods.

Dragonborn Race Guide and Best Classes

List of Dragonborn Subraces

BaldurBlack Dragonborn BaldurBlue Dragonborn BaldurBrass Dragonborn
BaldurBronze Dragonborn BaldurCopper Dragonborn BaldurGold Dragonborn
BaldurGreen Dragonborn BaldurRed Dragonborn BaldurSilver Dragonborn
BaldurWhite Dragonborn

Half-Orc Race Overview

Race Race Features
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Relentless Endurance
・Savage Attacks
Recommended Classes/Subclasses

Creatures of intense emotions, half-orcs are more inclined to act than to contemplate - whether the rage burning their bodies compels them to fight, or the love filling their hearts inspires act of incredible kindness.

Half-Orc Race Guide and Best Classes

What are the Best Races?

Best Races to Select

Half-Orc for Melee and Survivability

Half-Orc is a great Race to choose if you're playing as a class that loves to get up close in combat.

They have the ability to triple the damage you get from Critical Hits as opposed to double and they can also survive a lethal attack once!

Githyanki for Martial Proficiency and Misty Step

The Githyanki gives the class proficiency with Medium armor which is a major game changer for spell casters as they are forced mostly to stay in light armor or clothing.

You also gain access to Misty Step at level 5 which is a teleportation skill which can make you mobile in battles or when exploring the map!

Dragonborn for Melee Classes

Dragonborn gives a multi element choice which allows you to gain the ability to breathe and resist the selected element at the same time. The Breathe Attack is a short ranged cone attack which can easily deal damage to multiple enemies if you're fighting in the frontline.

Half-Elf for Fragile Spell Casters

Half-Elf is our other recommendation for spellcasters. They have light armor proficiency and Fey Mastery to prevent mind effects and Sleep (which spellcasters can easily succumb to due to their low HP).

Can You Change your Race In-Game?

Races Cannot Be Changed

While respeccing is available in-game, Race is the only gameplay-related choice that cannot be changed with the respec feature. This makes choosing your ideal race vital due to it not being changable.

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Character Creation Guide

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