Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What is Strength?

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Strength is an Ability in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) that measures a character's physical power, athletics and their effectiveness with melee weapons. Read on to learn more about Strength and what is affects in the game.

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What is Strength?

Raw Physical Power

Strength measures bodily power, athletic training, and the extent to which a character can exert raw physical force.

This includes various movement such as jumping onto various surfaces, pushing objects, and the ability to resist getting shoved.

Strength Based Skills

Skill Description
Athletics The ability to perform physical stunts like jumping. Helps you shove and resist being shoved.

Strength Based Classes

Strength Based Classes
Barbarian Icon Barbarian Fighter Icon Fighter

Strength is the primary ability score for Barbarians and secondary main stat for Fighters.

Improves Shove Action


Shove is very versatile action in Baldur's Gate 3, the ability of a character to successfully shove another is dependant on their Strength score.

How to Shove and Best Uses of Shove

Attack Rolls and Damage

Strength also measures how effective a character is when using certain melee weapons in combat like greataxes, javelins, or even while empty handed. A character's strength modifier is added to both attack and damage rolls unless otherwise specified.

Increases Encumberance Limit

Strength ties directly to how many items a character can carry in their inventory which is also called the encumberance limit. A character with a higher Strength ability score will be able to carry more items than one with a lower score.

Increases Jump Distance


While you can jump a certain distance with any character, the range of where you can jump will ultimately depend on the Strength of a character.

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

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All Ability Scores

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