Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Owlbear Nest Map and Points of Interest

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In Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), the Owlbear Nest is a dungeon that can be found in the Forest area, located west of Emerald Grove. Read on to view the Owlbear Nest Map and to find out all the points of interest in this area.

Owlbear Nest Map

Owlbear Nest Full Map

The Owlbear Nest is a dungeon located west of Emerald Grove.

The main entrance to this dungeon is the Cave Mouth in the Forest Area. There's also another entrance to the upper portion of the cave, but you'll need a smaller race like a gnome to enter this smaller entrance.

Owlbear Nest Points of Interest

Owlbear Nest Points of Interest


The Owlbear is the main point of interest in this dungeon. When you approach it, you'll have a choice to flee by passing the checks, or attacking it.

Owlbear Cub

The Owlbear Cub is found in the nest behind the Owlbear, its mother. It is a potential pet that you can have in your camp.

To start the Owlbear Cub questline, you'll have to kill the mother Owlbear, then spare the cub after.

How to Get the Owlbear Cub

Owlbear Egg

You'll find the Owlbear Egg in this cave. While it's a unique item, it doesn't really do anything and is just something that you can sell: it fetches for a really high price!

You don't need to kill the Owlbear to get this item; you can sneak around it to get the egg, but it is a difficult task to do.
Should You Sell or Keep the Owlbear Egg?

Selunite Gilded Chest

In the south part of the cave, in front of a statue, you'll find a chest and a bunch of valuables around it. You can loot all the valuables you want, but if you try to open the chest, you'll get damaged if you fail the check. You'll need the Selunite Prayer Sheet to open this chest.

Inside the chest, you'll get the Idol of Selune and a bunch of other good loot.
How to Open the Selunite Chest

Selunite Prayer Sheet

The Selunite Prayer Sheet is the item needed to open the Gilded Chest. From the chest, jump across the ledge and look behind the statue. If you pass the perception check, you'll find the sheet.

Pick the sheet up, go back near the chest, then have someone except Shadowheart read the sheet. The chest will now be accessible, although if Shadowheart is in your party and is nearby, a dialogue will trigger of Shadowheart disapproving of opening the chest.

Rocky Crevice (Cragged Rock)

There's another entrance/exit to the Owlbear Nest, located on the higher platform above the location where the Owlbear is; it can be spotted as Cragged Rock. From the outside, you can actually enter through here by spotting it with a perception check as Rocky Crevice, located west of the main entrance.

Note that this is a passage way that only small races like Gnomes can fit in. A whole regular party likely wouldn't fit in it, so it isn't ideal if you want to fight the Owlbear.

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Prologue Locations
Act 1 Locations
Wilderness Chapel Ruins
Emerald Grove Owlbear Nest
Blighted Village Whispering Depths
Putrid Bog (Sunlit Wetlands) Overgrown Tunnel
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Goblin Camp Mountain Pass: Rosymorn Monastery
Creche Y'llek Underdark
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Act 2 Locations
Shadow-Cursed Lands Reithwin Town


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