Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get Gontr Mael

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Baldurs Gate 3 - How to Get Gontr Mael

Gontr Mael is a Legendary Longbow that you can get by defeating the Steel Watcher Titan in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about Gontr Mael, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it from the Steel Watch Foundry!

Gontr Mael Overview

Gontr Mael Info
Damage 1d8
Weapon Type
Range 18m
Effect Promised Victory: On a hit, possibly inflict Guiding Bolt upon the target.
Gontrl Mael: Glowing: This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m.
Weapon Enchantment +3
Light (Permanent)
Unlockable Skills/Spells
Weapon Traits
Baldur Two-Handed
Rarity Weight Price

How to Get Gontr Mael

Defeat the Steel Watcher Titan

Gontr Mael Location
Looted from the Steel Watcher Titan found inside the Neurocitor Room of the Steel Watcher Foundry. Accessible after reaching the city of Baldur's Gate during Act 3.

How to Get Gontr Mael Summary

  1. Enter the Steel Watch Foundry
  2. Save the Gondians (Optional)
  3. Defeat the Soldiers Inside the Foundry
  4. Defeat the Steel Watcher Titan

Enter the Steel Watch Foundry

To begin finding Gontr Mael, you will first need to enter the Steel Watch Foundry found at the docks of the Lower City. Lockpick the gates (Sleight of Hand, DC20) and enter the courtyard. Deal with the two Steel Watchers patrolling the area before making your way to side door of the Foundry.

Skip the locked door and instead use the lever on the semi-raised platform beside it. This will open a different set of doors that lead into the Foundry - no lockpicking required.

Save the Gondians (Optional)

Baldurs Gate 3 - Meeting Zander Toobin

Upon entering the Steel Watch Foundry, you will bear witness to the working conditions that keep the Steel Watch running. Look for the Gondian named Zanner Toobin in the Security Office (Sleight of Hand, DC15 to enter) and speak to him to trigger the Save the Gondians side quest.

Note: While this is an optional quest, brute forcing your way through the Steel Watch Foundry kills all the Gondians in both the foundry and the Iron Throne prison. This fails the following side quests:

  • Rescue the Grand Duke: Duke Ravenguard was transferred to the Iron Throne. The explosion set off by the Gondian motivators blow up the prison, killing him and failing the side quest.
  • Retrieve Omeluum: The Mind Flayer of the Society of Brilliance was captured and taken to the Iron Throne prison. He is caught in the blast when the prison explodes.
  • Save the Gondians: The Gondians in the Foundry and at the Iron Throne have their motivators activated. They all blow up, failing the quest.

On the bright side, if all of these quests fail, you will still complete the Disable the Steel Watch main quest since the workforce of the Steel Watch has effectively been blown up.

Find the Secret Subaquatic Dock

If you do decide to save the Gondians, you will need to infiltrate the Iron Throne prison and free their captive families. Head on over to the Flymm Cargo building opposite the Steel Watch Foundry and break in.

Defeat the enemies inside, before finding and entering the door leading to the secret, Subaquatic Dock. The door can be discovered by passing a Perception Check (DC 15) near some of the crates inside the building.

Convince Redhammer to Take You to the Iron Throne

Inside the subaquatic dock, you can convince Redhammer the Deviser to take you to the Iron Throne, or you can pay him 1000 Gold to do so.

Redhammer the Deviser Dialogue
Baldurs Gate 3 - Convincing Redhammer
Redhammer: Do you, now? Boss never sends anyone that-a-way but prisoners.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[Intimidation (DC15)]
I'm meant to go there. Trust me.
You gain access to the submersible and can now go to the Iron Throne.
Redhammer refuses to take you to the Iron Throne. Pay 1000 Gold or pass an extra DC20 Intimidation Check to go to the prison.
[Persuasion (DC10)]
Please. There's something I need to do in the Throne - something Lord Gortash doesn't need to know about.
You gain access to the submersible and can now go to the Iron Throne.
Redhammer refuses to take you to the Iron Throne. Pay 1000 Gold or pass an extra DC20 Intimidation Check to go to the prison.
[Deception (DC25)]
Don't know what to tell you. He sent me ahead and said your payment would follow.
You gain access to the submersible and can now go to the Iron Throne.
Redhammer refuses to take you to the Iron Throne. Pay 1000 Gold or pass an extra DC20 Intimidation Check to go to the prison.

Rescue the Iron Throne Prisoners

Baldurs Gate 3 - Iron Throne Prison Sequence

The Iron Throne rescue section will be very difficult. This is a timed mission, giving you 6 turns to both rescue as many prisoners as possible and get out. Anyone who does not get out when the turns run out will die. Some notable prisoners in the Iron Throne include Duke Ravenguard, Omeluum the Mind Flayer, and Obelia Toobin.

Defeat the Soldiers Inside the Foundry

Baldurs Gate 3 - Defeat the Soldiers in the Foundry

Whether or not you freed the Gondians, you will still need to contend with the soldiers inside the Foundry itself. If you saved the Gondians, you will have a few allies helping you during the fight. If not, then you'll be facing off against the entire foundry (including the Gondian workers).

Defeat the soldiers and Steel Watchers at the Lab Level of the foundry, before lockpicking the door (Sleight of Hand, DC30) that leads to the Neurocitor Room.

You Can Sneak Through the Room

If you don't plan on saving the Gondians, then you can instead sneak through the foundry provided you have a crate handy. Make your way up to the pipes and use it to reach the DC30 door that leads to the boss room.

Note: Lock picking the door without helping the Gondians will trigger the detonation sequence of their collars. The entire workforce of the Foundry, the Iron Throne, as well as Duke Ravenguard will all die once you pass the skill check on the door.

Defeat the Steel Watcher Titan

Finally, enter the Neurocitor Room. Inside, a boss fight will trigger as soon as you start approaching the middle of the room. Defeat the Steel Watcher Titan (Level 12, 369 HP) and its 3 Steel Watcher allies to get the legendary bow, Gontr Mael.

Use Lightning Spells or Attacks to Deal Damage

Baldurs Gate 3 - Chain Lightning

Being the robots that they are, the Steel Watcher Titan and its allied Steel Watchers will be weak to Lightning damage. Make use of Lightning-based spells or use weapons that deal Lightning damage in order to make short work of the fight.

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