Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What is Wisdom?

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Wisdom is an Ability in Baldur's Gate 3 that measures intuition and affects skills such as perception and insight. Read on to learn more about Wisdom and what it affects in the game.

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What is Wisdom?

Experience, Intuition and Street Smarts

Wisdom measures how much a character is in tune with the world around them, and reflects their insight gained through experience.

Wisdom Based Skills

Skill Description
Animal Handling How well you control or influence animals.
Insight The ability to read situations and people. Detecting lies and half truths.
Medicine How well you recognize ailments and diseases, and the ability to treat them.
Perception How well you observe your environment. Find hidden items, doors, and traps.
Survival The ability to stay alive in the wild, forage, and track prey.

Wisdom affects a character's Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival skills by increasing or decreasing your Wisdom modifier. Animal Handling measures your character's ability to interact with animal such as approaching animals or controlling mounts when performing risky movements.

Discover Hidden Objects

Perception is a very valuable skill in Baldur's Gate 3 as it allows characters to detect oddities in their environment. While exploring the game passively roll perception checks when near a hidden item, door, trap etc.

Having a character in your party with a high perception can lead to the discovery of powerful hidden items or unique passages.

Wisdom Based Classes

Wisdom Based Classes
Cleric IconCleric Druid IconDruid Monk IconMonk Ranger IconRanger

Wisdom is the primary ability score for Clerics and Druids and a secondary main stat for Monks and Rangers.

Primary Casting Ability


Clerics and Druids also use Wisdom as their primary casting ability. The higher their Wisdom score, the more effective their spells damage and effects will be.

Baldur's Gate 3 Related Guides

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Ability Scores Guide

All Ability Scores

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What is Dexterity? What is Constitution?
What is Charisma? What is Wisdom?


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