Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Battle Master Subclass Guide and Build

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The Battle Master is a Fighter subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Battle Master subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Fighter Subclasses
Fighter Class Guide
BaldurChampion BaldurBattle Master BaldurEldritch Knight

Battle Master Subclass Overview

Battle Master Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Battle Master
Battle Masters are paragons of tactical superiority, combining combat maneuver and experience in the field to dominate every fight.
Main Class Fighter
How to Unlock Reach Fighter Level 3.
Starting Subclass Features
・Superiority Dice: 4
・Grants 3 Maneuvers from the Battle Master list.
・Superiority Dice: 1
・Grants 2 Maneuvers from the Battle Master list.
・Improved Combat Superiority
・Grants 2 Maneuvers from the Battle Master list.
・All Fighter Class Features and Proficiencies.

The Battle Master subclass turns your Fighter into a true frontline attacker that is capable of utilizing powerful maneuvers that can turn the tide of the battle.

From commanding party members to retaliate when attacked by an enemy to inflicting fear and pushing back enemies with melee and ranged attacks, the Battle Master offers great utility and debuffs without sacrificing your offensive capabilities.

How to Unlock the Battle Master Subclass

Available Once Your Fighter Reaches Level 3

The Battle Master subclass becomes available once your Fighter reaches Level 3. In order to earn EXP and level up in Baldur's Gate 3, players will need to complete quests, discover new areas, or defeat enemies they find in the world.

Battle Master Subclass Features

Battle Master Features
Superiority Dice: 4 3 Battle Master Maneuvers
Superiority Dice: 1 2 Battle Master Maneuvers
Improved Combat Superiority 2 Battle Master Maneuvers
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Superiority Dice: 4

Subclass Features
Your Superiority Dice are d8s. You have 4. At Fighter level 10, these dice become d10s. They fuel your Battle Master maneuvers and are expended upon use. You regain Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.

At Level 3, Battle Masters get 4 d8 Superiority Dice that you can use to spend on powerful Maneuvers, and are upgraded to d10s once you reach Level 10.

These are essentially your currency to spend on maneuvers during battle and are integral to the Battle Master's overall playstle.

3 Battle Master Maneuvers

Subclass Features
Maneuvers are powerful atacks that use superiority dice.

At Level 3, Battle Masters get access to 3 maneuvers from a total of 14 Battle Master Maneuvers.

These powerful attacks enhance the Fighter's playstyle, allowing you fill the role of a frontline attacker that can direct other party members and boost their health, or frighten and trip enemies with your attacks!

All Battle Master Subclass Maneuvers

Maneuvers Effect
Commander's Strike Spend an action and a reaction to direct an ally to strike a foe. The ally immediately uses their reaction to make a weapon attack.
Disarming Attack Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly forces the target to drop the weapons they are holding.
Distracting Strike Distract your target, giving your allies Advantage on their next Attack Roll against the target.
Evasive Footwork You can evade attacks by imposing Disadvantage on melee attacks against you for a round.
Feinting Attack You can use both your action and bonus action on a turn to attack a target with Advantage and deal an additional 1d8 damage.
Goading Attack Deal an additional 1d8 and attempt to goad the target into attacking you. Target receives Disadvantage on attacking any other creature.
Manoeuvring Attack Spean a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage. On hit, select which friendly creature will gain half its movement speed. It will not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Menacing Attack Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly Frightens the target.
Precision Attack You can spend a Superiority Die to add it to the result to an Attack Roll.
Pushing Attack Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly pushes the target back 4.5m.
Rally Expend a superiority die to grant an ally 8 temporary hit points, bolstering their resolve.
Riposte When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, expend a superiority die to retaliate with a powerful strike that deals an additional 1d8 damage.
Sweeping Attack Swing your weapon in a rapid, sweeping arc to attack multiple enemies at once. Roll your superiority die for damage.
Trip Attack Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possible knocks the target Prone.

The target must be Large or smaller.

Superiority Dice: 1

Subclass Features
Your Superiority Dice are d8s. You have 4. At Fighter level 10, these dice become d10s. They fuel your Battle Master maneuvers and are expended upon use. You regain Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.

At Level 7, you get 1 additional Superiority Dice that you can use in-battle to unleash your maneuvers and gives you more opportunities to support your team with your utility and debuff attacks.

2 Battle Master Maneuvers

Subclass Features
Maneuvers are powerful atacks that use superiority dice.

At Level 7, you get 2 additional maneuvers of your choice to expand the offensive capabilities of your Battle Master. This gives you a total of 5 maneuvers that you can customize your Battle Master with at Level 7.

Improved Combat Superiority

Subclass Features
The size of your Superiority Dice increase to 1d10.

At Level 10, your 3 Superiority Dices become 1d10s, which increases the probability of your maneuvers hitting for higher damage.

2 Battle Master Maneuvers

Subclass Features
Maneuvers are powerful atacks that use superiority dice.

At Level 11, you get 2 additional maneuvers of your choice to expand the offensive capabilities of your Battle Master. This gives you a total of 7 maneuvers that you can customize your Battle Master with at Level 11.

Battle Master Level Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked Proficiency Bonus
3 ・Superiority Dice: 4
・3 Battle Master Maneuvers
7 ・Superiority Dice: 1
・2 Battle Master Maneuvers
10 ・Improved Combat Superiority +4
11 ・2 Battle Master Maneuvers +4

Best Races for Battle Master


Half-Orcs are a great choice for any martial class but are especially great as Battle Masters due to all of their traits contributing to utility and damage to the subclass.

Half-Orcs also have natural proficiencies in Martial Weaepons and Heavy Armor, making them the ideal front-line attackers.

See in the Dark with Darkvision

Darkvision allows a Half-Orc Batte Master to see better in dark places, and prevents it from getting penalty bonuses against enemies using the Darkness to obscure their location.

Survive a Fatal Hit with Relentless Endurance

Relentless Endurance allows Half-Orc Battle Masters to survive a lethal hit once, bringing them down to 1 HP instead and offers great survivability for this subclass that thrives in close-quarter combat.

Empower your Critical Hits with Savage Attacks

Savage Attacks causes your critical hits to roll the weapon's damage dice an additional time to add extra damage to the critical hit, further increasing your damage potential.

Half-Orc Race Guide


Githyanki are another excellent choice for Battle Master due to boasting proficiences in nearly all weapons and armor, but also due to their race's unique traits that offer them superior mobility in the battlefield.

Manipulate Objects with Mage Hand

Githyanki Psionics: Mage Hand allows you to create a spectral hand that can manipulate objects. Though not useful in a straightforward fight, you can control the hand and make it interact with background elements while you focus on fighting enemies.

Higher Jumps

Githyanki Psionics: Jump allows Githyanki Battle Masters to jump farther than other races, which is very useful for positioning to higher elevations to get an advantage against enemies with your ranged attacks.

Better Positioning with Misty Step

Misty Step allows Githyanki Battle Masters to essentially teleport to a chosen location they can see, allowing them to get up close to enemies without having to travel across the battlefield.

Githyanki Race Guide

Best Battle Master Ability Score

Versatile Battle Master Ability Spread

17 (+2) 14 14 (+1) 8 10 12

Focus onStrength to deal as much damage as possible with your weapons, while 14 in both Dexterity and Constitution allows you swap between Medium and Heavy Armor.

High dexterity also improves your effectiveness with ranged weapons, which is important for Battle Masters to hit farther enemies.

Best Battle Master Fighting Style

Great Weapon Fighting

Great Weapon Fighting allows you to deal high damage with your Battle Maneuvers, particularly Menacing Attack and Disarming Strike. Even if you fail to frighten or disarm them, you'll still hit hard with your two-handed weapon!


Dueling is a great alternative to Great Weapon Fighting, particularly if you want to use Versatile Weapons one-handed since the it works with a shield.

This gives you an additional 2 damage with your weapon while still getting the benefits of wielding a shield!

Best Battle Master Builds

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