Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get the Owlbear Cub

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This is a walkthrough on How to Get the Owlbear Cub in Baldur's Gate 3's (BG 3). Read on to know how where to find the Owlbear Cub, what choices will lead to bringing the cub to your camp, and more!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
No Journal Entry
Result Owlbear Cub
(In Your Camp)
Owlbear Nest
X: 82, Y: 451

Find the Owlbear Nest

Owlbear Cub at the Owlbear Nest

Find the Cave Entrance


The cave entrance to the Owlbear Nest is located deep within the Forest. You can get there by following the path to the east from the entrance of the Druid's Grove.

Cross the bridge with the dead goblins and follow the path to the right going down. Keep going until you find the cave entrance to the Owlbear Nest.

Defeat the Mother Owlbear


There are two approaches to ensuring that the cub can be obtained much later in the Goblin Camp.

The first is the most direct approach: defeat the Owlbear. The second is to avoid fighting the Owlbear.

For the first option, simply choose to attack or step closer towards the Owlbear. You can also still trigger the fight even when you have successfully avoided the confrontation through dialogue options and Skill Checks.

Avoid the Cub During Battle


Attacking the Owlbear Cub (or even at least interacting with moves like Shove) will enrage the large Owlbear.

During the Owlbear's enraged state, it becomes much stronger and is able to use more moves in one turn.

After defeating the Owlbear in battle, choose to let the Owlbear Cub live.

Avoid the Owlbear Fight


If you do not want to fight the Owlbear, get close and trigger a dialogue with the Owlbear and choose any of the Skill Checks used to avoid the fight.

After successfully doing the Skill Checks, simply leave the Owlbears alone. Taking a Long Rest will cause goblins to kill the Owlbear and take the cub back to their camp.

Regular Dialogue

NPC Dialogue
Owlbear: *Growl.*
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[ANIMAL HANDLING (DC15)] Study the owlbear's behaviour.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Triggers the fight.
[SURVIVAL (DC15)] Back away.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Triggers the fight.
[PERFORMANCE (DC15)] Puff out your chest and roar.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Triggers the fight.

Speaking with Animals Dialogue

NPC Dialogue
Owlbear: Won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son, softmeat.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[INTIMIDATION (DC10)] Let me go, or you'll watch your cub die before I finish you.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Choose another option.
[PERSUASION (DC10)] Just allow me to leave. I'm no threat to you or your cub.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Choose another option.
[DRUID] [PERSUASION (DC5)] You need rest - let nature heal you. This is not time for a fight.
Avoids the Owlbear fight.
Chose another option.

Being able to speak to animals via an item or a spell gives easier dialogues for avoiding the fight. The Druid has the easiest of the options' Difficulty Classes, it having only a DF of 5

Succeeding in the dialogue options above will earn you the approval of some members, notably Shadowheart and Gale.

Critical Failure in a dialogue option results in a immediate fight with the Owlbear.

Explore the Nest as a Cat


Alternate Owl Nest Entrance
X: 54, Y: 450
The Rock Crevice above can seen with a Perception Check. When successfully perceived, it can be accessed with the Cat form through Wild Shape, or through any similar way that reduces your size.

Using Wild Shape to shapeshift into a cat as a Druid can let you explore the nest area of the Owlbear safely. You cannot, however, interact with them.

Use this opportunity to loot the corpse beside the nest if you do not want to fight the Owlbear.

Druid Class Guide

The Gilded Chest


In the Owlbear's Nest, there is an area with an altar and a Gilded Chest.

The Gilded Chest cannot normally be opened by regular means. Interacting with it will cause your character to take damage.

Open with Selunite Prayer Sheet


To open it, jump over to the large statue and check behind to roll a Perception Check. When successful, pick up the Selunite Prayer Sheet.

Jump back to the Gilded Chest, open your inventory, and then choose to read the Prayer Sheet. The chest should unlock after opening!

The contains some rare items and an Idol of Selune.

Get Owlbear Cub at the Goblin Camp

Owlbear Cub at the Goblin Camp

Head to the Goblin Camp


Path to the Owlbear Cub
Forest to Goblin Camp

Exit the Owlbear Nest and head northwest to reach the Goblin Camp.

Passing the Blighted Village


NPC Dialogue
Goblin Booyahg: Don't bother runnin'. My archers got decent aim and plenty of arrows. (Rune Glows)
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[INTIMIDATION (DC15)] I'm not running, and their aim's not good enough to save you
Goblin lets you pass.
Triggers fight.
[PERSUASION] (DC15)] Spare them the trouble and just let me pass - I'll be gone in no time.
Goblin lets you pass.
Triggers fight.
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM] (DC2)] Stand down. Now.
Goblin lets you pass.
Triggers fight.

You will have to get past the Blighted Village, where you can either persuade the guarding goblins to stand down, enter undetected, or defeat them.

The easiest choice would be to persuade them. Once past the Blighted Village, head to the Goblin Camp where you will be questioned yet again by another goblin.

Persuade the Goblin Sentinel


NPC Dialogue
Sentinel Olak: Unless you got another reason to be here, feck-shite. (Rune Glows)
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
I'm looking for someone named Halsin.
Goblin refuses to let you in. Choose another option.
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM] (DC2)] Stand aside.
Goblin lets you pass.
Triggers fight.
[INTIMIDATION (DC15)] I'm a hired sword - employer's inside. Stand aside. Now.
Goblin lets you pass.
Triggers fight.
[DECEPTION] (DC15)] Your leader summoned me.
Goblin lets you pass.
Choose the dialog option to smear dung across your face to pass.
[DETECT THOUGHTS] (DC9)] Read the goblin's mind.
Tell him you are Minthara's messenger to let you pass.
Triggers fight.

Dialog options above may differ depending on your class.

The dialogue options above can be used to get the goblin sentinel to let you pass without turning hostile.

The best way to get inside the main camp at this point is to persuade the goblin sentinel. You can make your way through with brute force, but take note that there will be a lot of goblins to deal with.

Alternative: Clear the Goblin Camp


The most direct way to acquire the Owlbear Cub is by clearing off the Goblin Camp. This is a hard choice given that there are several goblins present in the camp.

A good strategy would be to isolate the goblins from each other and take them down one by one. Stack up on healing items when needed. Ensure that the Owlbear Cub stays alive during the clearing.

After clearing the Goblin Camp, interact with the Owlbear and give it the option to join your camp.

Find Krolla at the Goblin Camp


Krolla Location
Goblin Camp
X: 114, Y: 432

The Owlbear Cub should be present within the camp. If it is not there, make sure to do a Long Rest and check again.

Krolla, who handles the cub, can be found near the bottom left of the camp's main square. She can be found facing the Owlbear Cub with two other goblins.

Talk to her to initiate options regarding the Chicken Chasing game.

Talk to Volo


After talking to Krolla, you may not be able to initiate the Chicken Chasing Game just yet until Volo has been interacted with at the center of the square.

Interact with Volo first with any dialogue option other than leave, then return to Krolla to unlock the option for the Chicken Chasing Game.

Chicken Chasing Game


Use Tactical View

While you can quickly get to taking the cub by calling the game cruel in the dialogue options, you can also play the Chicken Chase game.

To play, you must pay 30 Gold. You will be automatically separated from your party. To proceed with this game, you must enter the course alone.

The game will start as soon as Krolla steps on the elevated platform. To win, you must herd the cub to the posts at the end of the course.

Tactical View and Druid's Animal Speak

Navigating the Owlbear through the maze can be difficult from an angle, so it is suggested to use the full top-down tactical view to make it easier to play the game.

If you are a Druid, you can get the Owlbear Cub to move automatically to the goal by using Speaking with Animals, approaching the cub, and using the Druid-related dialogue for it.

Reassure the Cub with Your Scent


You can interact with the bear cub after finishing the Chicken Chasing game, but the quickest dialogue option that will lead to freeing the cub for interaction is calling the game cruel when talking to Krolla.

Interact with the Owlbear Cub and choose the Animal Handling option. Succeeding this skill check will give you the option to lend your hand and offer it your scent. This will set the Owlbear Cub to appear at your camp after a few Long Rests.

Despite it motioning that it is anxious to get out of the goblin camp, it will find its way to you when you set up camp.

Use Speak with Animals

You can bypass the Animal Handling check by using Speak with Animals or a similar spell or item to communicate with the Owlbear Cub.

This will reveal that it is longing for a home, giving you the opportunity to offer your camp to it. Do so and it will turn up at your camp after a few Long Rests.

Talk to the Owlbear Cub when it is free to interact with. Make sure have not made any dialogue options to it without the animal speaking skill prior (other than leaving.)

Speak With Animals Effects

Tell Krolla You Will Take the Cub

NPC Dialogue
Krolla: Is ya, now? Reckon I feel differently. Reckon the lads will, too. (Rune Glows)
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[INTIMIDATION (DC10)] You love this game enough to die over it?
Krolla gives you the cub.
Engage in combat with goblins.
[DRUID] [PERSUASION (DC5)] I'd be doing you a favour. The beast will only get bigger - and tougher.
Krolla gives you the cub.
Engage in combat with goblins.
[PERSUASION DC10] I'd be doing you a favour. Keeping such a large beast fed isn't easy.
Krolla gives you the cub.
Engage in combat with goblins.
I'm saying I want to buy it. Result:
Have the option to buy the cub for 500 Gold.
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM] DC2] I don't care what you think. I'm not asking.
Krolla gives you the cub.
Engage in combat with goblins.

After successfully offering your camp to the Owlbear Cub, go back to Krolla and tell her that you will take the cub. This will present the dialogue options above.

Succeeding in the above dialogue options will have Krolla give you the cub, securing its appearance to your come in the next Long Rests.

Owlbear Cub Arrives at Camp

Take Long Rests


After completing all of the steps to obtain the Owlbear Cub, it will appear at your camp after at least 3 Long Rests.

The first encounter at camp with the Owlbear Cub usually involves giving it food. Doing so will boost the approval of other members in your party.

Boosts Character Approval


The above is an example approval earned from feeding the Owlbear Cub on the first encounter.

Having the Owlbear Cub in your camp can boost the approval of your members depending on how you interact with it.

While Owl is now part of your camp, it will not join you outside on adventures. If you want to continue interacting with it, simply return to your camp at any time.

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