Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Multiclass Guide and Best Class Combinations

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You can mix and match your character's classes by Multiclassing in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). This is a full guide on how to multiclass your characters in the game including all the mechanics involved in Multiclassing, all the advantages and disadvantages of Multiclassing, how to multiclass, and the best multiclass combinations possible!

How to Multiclass

Select Add Class on the Level-Up Menu

Upon leveling up, players can open the Level-Up menu and select Add Class on the upper-right-hand corner of the Level-Up screen. From there, players will see the Class list where multiclassing becomes possible at the cost of a level-up.

Access the Level-Up Menu by Pressing the Gold Upward Arrow Upon Level Up


To access the Level-Up Menu, click the gold upward arrow icon found next to a character's icon when leveling up.

Be Strategic with Multiclassing to Prevent Incoherent Builds

With a character's level maxing out to 12, do take extra caution when multiclassing as spreading yourself too thin can leave you with multiple low-level classes.

Be sure to look into the classes you want to add first, the stats of that class, and all its class skills and make sure they work well with your primary class to prevent making an incoherent build and having to respec your stats altogether.

Of course, the final result is not set in stone as you can always respec your character levels back to 1 and try again!

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Best Multiclass Combinations

Recommended Multiclass Combos

Class 1 Class 2 Explanation
BaldurWarlock BaldurSorcerer The Sorclock is a popular class combination in D&D due to their Charisma scaling being in line together and some popular feature combinations. The Sorcerer can gain access to Metamagic to gain hastened spell casting which allows the class combo to make the Warlock's Eldritch Blast usable by using Bonus Actions. This effectively allows the class to use Eldritch Blast twice.
BaldurWarlock BaldurPaladin Another popular class combination that also features the Warlock. We completely ignore our Strength Ability Score in favor of Charisma then use the Warlock's Pact of the Blade to summon weapons that use Charisma. Couple this with the Paladin's tanky nature and buff allows us to become a strong melee threat that converts our Charisma into physical attack damage.
BaldurBarbarian BaldurChampion A pure strength combination. Champion is a very simple class but possesses several great buffs like Improved Critical Hit. It also belongs to the Fighter class which learns Extra Attack which effectively doubles our DPS. The Barbarian also starts strong with two-handed proficiencies and the fighting styles we get from both classes just make this a no-brainer playstyle that destroys everything in its path.
BaldurTempest Domain BaldurStorm Sorcery Storm and Tempest goes hand in hand and that goes the same with these two classes. The goal of the build is to get double damage from our Lightning Spells from Tempest Domain's Destructive Wrath and Learning Lightning Bolt from the Sorcerer at Level 5. The build can function as soon as Level 3 by using Chromatic Orb Lightning to deal huge amounts of damage but Lightning Bolt is what sets the build apart. Overall, Destructive Wrath is our game change which allows us to roll max damage on our lightning spell upon consuming a channeled divinity. Do this later in a wider radius with Lightning Bolt to decimate any enemy you'll face.

We do not recommend multiclassing into more than 2 classes due to spreading out our 12 levels too thinly.

We Are Open For Multiclass Suggestions

Have you fancied some class combos while playing Baldur's Gate 3 or perhaps you're already rocking one now? May that be a double attacking wizard or a sneaky Barbarian, share those Multiclass mixing results you were able to make in our comment section down below!

How to Multiclass Comment Section

All Multiclassing Mechanics Explained

Not All Starting Proficiencies are Inheritable

Not all Class starting proficiencies can be inherited by taking that as a multiclass option. We are still listing down all features that are uninheritable but for example, choosing the Barbarian will grant you proficiency in Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons, Medium Armor, Shields, and Intimidation. However, by choosing the Barbarian as a Multiclass option, you will lose out on Medium Armor and Intimidation. Make sure to decide what your main class will need to be first before planning out your Multiclassing journey!

Class Features are All Inheritable

Every class has its own fixed features that they can gain on set milestones. For example, the Bard's College of Valor or Swords will gain access to Extra Attack at level 6. This can be inherited by your character if your character can reach that certain level as well. This means that your wizard that is multi-classed into a College of Valor Bard and manages to reach level 6 then your wizard will be able to attack twice. We're not saying this is optimal and we do not recommend doing this but this is how inheritance from multiclassing works.

The total levels of all Classes are Shared

This means that with the same example above, you play a Wizard and manage to reach level 6 and you also manage to make your College of Lore Bard into a level 6 Bard then you'll reach your character's level cap of 12. This means that you will forever be gated from the bonuses that you could have otherwise received instead of leveling one of these classes past level 6! Make sure to study each class and what features they can get and decide which features you'll exactly want to obtain unless you want to end up with a double-attacking spell caster!

Muticlassing Spellcasters and Spell Slot Progression

Multiclassing Spellcasters is a completely different territory than martial classes. While Spellcasters also gain class features, most of the mix and matching will come from spells. However, this may cause some confusion on how the spell slots you'll obtain will add up in total. This will be a dedicated section on how each spellcaster class will work when Multiclassing.

Spell Slots Are Based on Spellcaster Levels

There are three Caster Types that separate all the classes that can use spells in the D&D. These are the Full Casters, Half Casters, and Third Casters. The levels you will gain from each caster type get added and rounded up to get the final value of your spellcaster level which decides the amount of spell slots you'll have.

Full Casters Half Casters Third Casters

These are all the classes by Caster Types but now we'll have to explain what these three types entail. A Full Caster is a caster that follows the regular spell slot progression of a caster class. For example, a Wizard will gain 2 level 1 Spell Slots at level 1. However, for a class like the Paladin, they'll need to reach level 2 first to obtain their first 2 spell slot casts! The same way will work with a level 12 Paladin only having the same amount of Spell Slots as a level 6 Wizard.

Third Casters follow the same format but instead of the half value, third casters need three levels to reach the same level. However, there's more mathematics that involves third casters and their spell slots. While it is true that they'll technically need three levels to get a spell slot, this isn't necessarily the case due to BG3 rounding up the spellcaster level's value. Below will be some sample scenarios on how this works.

Spellcaster Spell Slots Per Level

Lvl Cantrips Known Spell Slots Per Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 3 2
2 3 3
3 3 4 2
4 4 4 3
5 4 4 3 2
6 4 4 3 3
7 4 4 3 3 1
8 4 4 3 3 2
9 4 4 3 3 3 1
10 5 4 3 3 3 2
11 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 5 4 3 3 3 2 1

This means that a Third Caster can only (normally) reach a maximum of 4 level 1 spell slots and 3 level 2 spell slots at level 11 and nothing more. At the same time, a Half Caster will only be able to reach a maximum of 4 level 1 spells, 3 level 2 spells, and 3 spell slots.

Eldritch Knight Spellcaster Sample Leveling

Third Caster and Spell Slots Mechanics
A level 3 Eldritch Knight will gain a full spell caster level which means that it starts with 2 level 1 spell slots. However, the Eldritch Knight gains their next spell slot at level 5 due to rounding up.
Formula Visualization

Level 3: Is equal to a full Spell caster (1)
Level 4: is a full spellcaster level and another third (1 and 1/3)
Level 5: is a full spell caster level and another two thirds (1 and 2/3) and because of rounding up, we'll gain the spell slot.
Level Spellcaster Level
1 0 (1/3)
2 0 (2/3)
3 1 Spellcaster level (0)
Obtain Subclass
4 1 Spellcaster level (1/3)
5 2 Spellcaster level (2/3 rounded off)
6 2 Spellcaster level (0)
7 2 Spellcaster level (1/3)
8 3 Spellcaster level (2/3 rounded off)
9 3 Spellcaster level (0)
10 3 Spellcaster level (1/3)
11 4 Spellcaster level (2/3)
12 4 Spellcaster level (0)

What this means is that if you're looking to multiclass into an Eldritch Knight and wish to maximize their spellcasting capabilities, a good milestone to stop their leveling would be at levels 3, 5, 8, and 11 since these are the milestone levels for their spellcaster level. The same multiclassing spell slot progression works for the Arcane Trickster.

Usable Spell levels

After the spell slot calculation, we also have to note that accessing a higher-level spell slot does not mean you'll be able to use spells from those levels immediately! For example, a Wizard can only start casting level 3 spells at level 5. But if you have multi-classed your Wizard together with a Sorcerer with levels 2 and 3 for example. You'll be able to reach a spellcaster level of 5 but your Wizard won't be able to cast level 3 spells because they have not reached the necessary level of 5 to start these spells. Make sure to consider what level of spells you want to reach and what primary pool you want to use first as well! The levels each class needs for each spell level differ so refer to each class page to see what level each class needs to reach for each spell level!

Class Guide: All Classes and Subclasses

Spell Casting Modifiers

Each spell casters have their spellcasting modifiers. Make sure to note which modifiers your chosen class will be before deciding to Multiclass. Classes that synergize with the same ability scores will naturally mesh together.

Intelligence Charisma Wisdom

What Kind of Caster is a Warlock?

A Warlock, despite being a class, does not follow the same rules of spellcasting as other spellcasters. They use pact magic and have lesser spell slots at the expense of being able to replenish them via short rest instead of the standard long rest for other spellcasters. What this means is that Warlock will not aid the spellcaster level progression of other spellcasters like sorcerers if multi-classed into!

Feats are Obtained Every 4 levels

This is a universal rule for all classes where you reach levels 4, 8, and 12. You'll be able to learn an additional Feat. This is a negative effect on your character when multiclassing since Feats are less valuable than the actual class features you'll want to obtain. Multiclassing is focused on trying to use Multiclass to aim at specific class and subclass features. What this means is at best, we can only get 1 Feat since the most optimal levels for subclasses are at the mid-high levels (3 - 6). By mix matching, we'll be stuck in a scenario where we cannot spare a level for the lower leveled class to obtain higher-tiered spells or class features.

How to Plan Out a Multiclass Path

Decide a Playstyle

This is the most important part of Multiclassing. What exactly is your goal with Multiclassing? Do you want to be a menacing spell caster? Do you want to be a martial-focused character? Decide what playstyle you want to have and build around a specific idea with this in mind.

Choose Synergistic Ability Scores

Classes that scale with the same Ability Scores will naturally work together when multi-classed. You'll need a lesser amount of Ability Score spread and you'll be able to maximize the amount of stats you put into each score by planning these out ahead.

Ability Score Scaling Per Character

Ability Score Classes that Scale With Ability
Strength iconStrength
Dexterity iconDexterity
Intelligence iconIntelligence
Wisdom iconWisdom
Charisma iconCharisma

This list only lists down each class by their primary ability score. Their spellcasting modifier and their subclasses will be added soon so stay tuned!

Aim for High-Value Features

Certain Class Features are extremely valuable that it's more worth multiclassing and abandoning high-level features of your current class to obtain them. Some examples of these are the Sorcerer's meta magic, the Warlock's Pact of the Blade, Rogue's Sneak Attack, and Extra Attack. Try to decide on what feature you want to obtain and aim for those before multiclassing to a different class.

What is Multiclassing?

Taking Advantage of Other Classes on Top of Primary Class

At the cost of a level, multiclassing allows players to take advantage of a class' abilities and stats while being another class altogether, creating well-rounded characters with access to varied stat growth, proficiencies, and abilities.

All Multiclass Options

All Except Starting Class Available

List of Classes
BaldurBarbarian BaldurBard BaldurCleric BaldurDruid
BaldurFighter BaldurMonk BaldurPaladin BaldurRanger
BaldurRogue BaldurSorcerer BaldurWarlock BaldurWizard

Players can multiclass to all classes apart from their current one, which will be marked grey during multiclass selection alongside any other classes they've selected beforehand.

List of All Playable Classes

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19 Anonymousover 1 year

meh. It's just okay. There are better multiclass combos

18 Anonymousover 1 year

Barb bear wildheart, rage then bear druid. Ownz!!!


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