Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Get the Red Knight's Final Strategem

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Baldurs Gate 3 - The Red Knights Final Strategem

The Red Knight's Final Strategem is a legendary book in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) that can be found in the Sorcerous Vault of Ramazith's Tower. Read on to learn more about the Red Knight's Final Strategem, its effects, as well as how to get it during the Lorroakan questline!

The Red Knight's Final Strategem Effects

Rewards You With the Scroll of Artistry of War

Upon reading the Red Knight's Final Strategem, players will be rewarded with a spell scroll called the Scroll of Artistry of War. This is an offensive spell that deals a total of 12d6+6 Force Damage in 6 hits (8-18 damage per hit). Like other spell scrolls in the game, the Scroll of Artistry of War can only be used once.

Can Be Used by Wizards to Learn the Artistry of War Spell

In keeping with the theme, this very rare spell scroll can be learned by Wizards (or Gale). To learn Artistry of War, open up your Spellbook by pressing K and transcribe it from the Learn More Spells menu by spending Gold.

How to Get the Red Knight's Final Strategem

Found Inside a DC20 Display Case in the Sorcerous Vault

The Red Knight's Final Strategem Location
Can be found locked behind a DC20 display case inside Lorroakan's Sorcerous Vault. Players will need to reach Act 3 and gain an audience with the wizard to reach this location.

How to Get the Red Knight's Final Strategem Summary

  1. Go to Sorcerous Sundries
  2. Defeat or Ignore Lorroakan
  3. Jump Down Using the Levitated Furniture
  4. Use the Weave Button to the Sorcerous Vault
  5. Lockpick the DC20 Display Case

Go to Sorcerous Sundries and Report on the Nightsong

To obtain the Red Knight's Final Strategem, you will first need to progress the Nightsong questline you started back in Acts 1 and 2. Upon reaching the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, make your way to Sorcerous Sundries and report that you know a thing or two about the Nightsong.

At the second floor of the shop, take the Purple Portal to reach the top of Ramazith's Tower where the wizard Lorroakan is waiting for you.

Find the Nightsong Quest Guide

Defeat or Ignore Lorroakan

Baldurs Gate 3 - Lorroakan

If you informed Dame Aylin (Nightsong) that Lorroakan is looking for her, then prepare for a fight. As soon as you teleport up, you will be given the choice to hand over the Nightsong or fight Lorroakan to maintain her freedom.

However, if you did not tell Nightsong that Lorroakan is looking for her, then you can simply waltz into the Sorcerous Vault without having to fight Lorroakan (can still be done afterwards).

Jump Down Using the Levitated Furniture

There is one spot at the top of the tower where you can see Floating Furniture. Use them to jump down to the lower level of Ramazith's Tower. The camera can be finicky during this platforming section and your allies can fall if they stack their jumps. Make sure to control your party one-by-one to avoid any mishaps.

Press the Weave Button to the Sorcerous Vault

At the perimeter of this circular room will be different Weave Buttons. Use a See Invisibility Spell, an Elixir of See Invisibility, or a Scroll of See Invisibility to view the plaques underneath each of the Weave Button pedestals. Press the Weave Button that has the Vaults plaque to reach the Sorcerous Vault.

Look for the Window with Purple Weavemoss Behind It

If you don't have the spell, elixir, or scroll handy, then you can instead look for the Weave Button with a window that has Purple Weavemoss behind it. This will be the Weave Button that leads you to the Sorcerous Vault.

Lockpick the Display Case to Get the Red Knight's Final Strategem

Upon arriving in the Sorcerous Vault, you will notice a display case with a book inside it. Lockpick it and pass the DC20 Sleight of Hand check to get the Red Knight's Final Strategem legendary book. Once you read it, you will be rewarded with a powerful Spell Scroll called the Scroll of Artistry of War.

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