Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

List of Subraces and Recommended Classes

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There are 28 subraces found across 8 select races in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on for the complete list of subraces, the recommended classes per subrace, and more!

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Human Main Races High ElfSubraces

List of All Subraces

List of All Races
Elf Race IconElf Tiefling Race IconTiefling Drow Race IconDrow Dwarf Race IconDwarf
Half-Elf Race IconHalf-Elf Halfling Race IconHalfling Gnome Race IconGnome Dragonborn Race IconDragonborn

All Elf Subraces

Subrace Details
Baldur High Elf Description:
Heirs of the mystical Feywild, high elves value magic in all its forms, and even those who do not study spellcraft can manipulate the Weave.
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Elven Weapon Training
Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp
True Strike
Rays of Fire
Baldur Wood Elf Description:
These elves spend their reclusive lives in Faerun's forests. Deceades of training in archery and camouflage are enhanced by an otherwordly swiftness.
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (10.5m)
・Fleet of Foot
・Elven Weapon Training
・There are no available spells.

Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

All Tiefling Subraces

Subrace Details
Baldur Asmodeus Tiefling Description:
Bound to Nessus, the deepest layer of the Hells, these tieflings inherited the ability to wield fire and darkness from the archdevil Asmodeus' infernal bloodline.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Hellish Resistance
Produce Flame
Baldur Mephistopheles Tiefling Description:
Descended from the archdevil Mephistopheles, these tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for arcane magic.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Hellish Resistance
Mage Hand
Baldur Zariel Tiefling Description:
Tieflings from Zariel's bloodline are empowered with martial strength, and can channel searing flame to punish their enemies.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Hellish Resistance

Tiefling Race Guide and Best Classes

All Drow Subraces

Subrace Details
Baldur Lolth-Sworn Drow Description:
Raised by Lolth's cult in the city of Menzoberranzan, these drow embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess. Lolth marks her followers with bright red eyes so those in the Underdark will learn to fear them on sight.
Dancing Lights
Baldur Seldarine Drow Description:
Seldarine drow can be found seeking allies from all over Faerun, aiming to settle their conflict with Lolth - and each other - by any means necessary.
Dancing Lights

Drow Race Guide and Best Classes

All Dwarf Subraces

Subrace Traits
Baldur Gold Dwarf Description:
These dwarves are known for their confidence and keen intuition. The culture of their Deep Kingdom values family, ritual, and fine craftsmanship.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Dwarven Resilience
・Dwarven Toughness
・Dwarven Combat Training
Baldur Shield Dwarf Description:
Great losses in ancient wars against goblins and orcs have led these dwarves to adopt a cynical mindset, but they will endure anything to restore their ancestral homelands.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Dwarven Resilience
・Dwarven Combat Training
・Dwarven Armour Training
Baldur Duergar Description:
Once enslaved by the eldritch mind flayers, duergar adapted to freedom with harsh practicality. Their cold demeanours and gift of stealth are well-known throughout the Underdark.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Superior Darkvision
・Dwarven Resilience
・Dwarven Combat Training
・Duergar Resilience

Dwarf Race Guide and Best Classes

All Half-Elf Subraces

Subrace Details
Baldur Drow Half-Elf Description:
Most half-drow result from liaisons between Seldarine drow and surfacers. While half-drow inherited a few magical gifts, they aren't usually raised in the Underdark.
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Civil Militia
Dancing Lights
Baldur High Half-Elf Description:
A touch of the Feywild remains in half-elves with this bloodline, and even those untrained in magic possess a hint of wild power.
・Fey Ancestry
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Civil Militia
Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp
True Strike
Rays of Fire
Baldur Wood Half-Elf Description:
Like their wood elf parent, these half-elves have a quickened stride and an eye for stealth. Yet many break away from isolation in Faerun's forest to explore the rest of the Realms.
・Base Racial Speed (10.5m)
・Fleet of Foot
・Civil Militia
・There are no available spells.

Half-Elf Race Guide and Best Classes

All Halfling Subraces

Subrace Traits
Baldur Lightfoot Halfling Description:
Stealthy but social, these halflings travel all over Faerun to make names for themselves.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Naturally Stealthy
Baldur Strongheart Halfling Description:
Legend has it that dwarven blood gave stronghearts their hardiness. Resistant to poison and wellsprings of endurance, these halflings easily hold their own.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Strongheart Resilience

Halfling Race Guide and Best Classes

All Gnome Subraces

Subrace Details
Baldur Deep Gnome Description:
More guarded than their cousins, deep gnomes surivive in the Underdark with darkvision and skilful stealth.
・Base Racial Speed (7.m)
・Superior Darkvision
・Gnome Cunning
・Stone Camouflage
・There are no available spells.
Baldur Forest Gnome Description:
Even smaller than their cousins and twice as reclusive, forest gnomes are a rare sight in Faerun. They master magic and craftsmanship in their distant, idyllic groves.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Gnome Cunning
Speak With Animals
Baldur Rock Gnome Description:
The most commonly seen gnomes on Faerun's surface, rock gnomes are named as such for their hardiness and affinity for metal.
・Base Racial Speed (7.5m)
・Gnome Cunning
・Artificer's Lore
・There are no available spells.

Gnome Race Guide and Best Classes

All Dragonborn Subraces

Subrace Traits
Baldur Black Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the charcoal colourization and fizzling, acrid breath of black dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Acid damage)
Baldur Blue Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the deep sapphire scales and charged, crackling breath of blue dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Lightning damage)
Baldur Brass Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the burnished ochre hue and flickering, fiery breath of brass dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Fire damage)
Baldur Bronze Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the shining sepia scales and sparkling breath of bronze dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Lightning damage)
Baldur Copper Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the pink-gold colourization and corrosive breath of copper dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Acid damage)
Baldur Gold Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the resplendent shine and roiling, blazing breath of gold dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Fire damage)
Baldur Green Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the brilliant emerald aspect and stinking, putrid breath of green dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Poison damage)
Baldur Red Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the bright scarlet likeness and roiling, burning breath of red dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Fire damage)
Baldur Silver Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the glinting shine and scorching cold breath of silver dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Cold damage)
Baldur White Dragonborn Description:
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the snowy aspect and frost breath of white dragons.
・Base Racial Speed (9m)
・Draconic Ancestry (Resistant to Cold damage)

Dragonborn Race Guide and Best Classes

Recommended Classes for Subraces

Best Classes Per Subrace

Race Tree Recommended Class
Elf High-Elf Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
Wood Elf Ranger, Druid, Rogue
Tiefling Asmodeus Tiefling Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard
Mephistopheles Tiefling Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard
Zariel Tiefling Paladin
Drow Both Subraces Ranger, Druid, Rogue
Dwarf Gold Dwarf Fighter, Druid, Barbarian, Monk
Shield Dwarf Barbarian (Berserker), Monk
Duergar Druid, Paladin, Monk
Half-Elf Drow Half-Elf Sorcerer
High Half-Elf Sorcerer, Wizard
Wood Half-Elf Sorcerer
Halfling Lightfoot Halfling Warlock
Strongheart Halfling Ranger (Beastmaster), Warlock
Gnome Deep Gnome Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Forest Gnome Druid (Circle of the Land/Moon)
Rock Gnome Wizard
Dragonborn All Subraces Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin

Class Tier List: Best Class to Choose

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