Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Find Dribbles the Clown

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This is a guide to completing the quest related to Dribbles the Clown in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Learn about where to find him, and where to find his body parts around the Wyrm's Crossing.

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Find Dribbles the Clown
Recommended Level Lv. 10
Reward Spellmight Gloves
Circus of the Last Days
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: -41, Y: -33


Finding Dribbles the Clown

Found at the Circus of The Last Days

Enter the Circus of Last Days


NPC Dialogue
Klaus: That's a first. Usually, I'd allow you in, but in these times I can take no chances. Move along - no circus for you.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[PERSUASION (DC15)] I'm not a threat to you or anyone in the circus - I swear it.
Granted entry.
Denied entry.
[DECEPTION (DC15)] I'm a friend of Lord Gortash. I wonder what he'll say if I tell him about this.
Granted entry.
Denied entry.
[INTIMIDATION (DC15)] Let me in, or I snap you in two.
Granted entry.
Denied entry.
Surely we can come to an agreement? (200) Result:
Granted entry.

Dialogue options above may vary per class and race.

To start the quest in finding Dribbles the Clown, you must make it inside the Circus of The Last Days and find Dribbles.

Klaus and his partner ghoul Benji can be found at the Iron Fence entrance to the Circus of the Last Days.

You can simply persuade them to let you in through dialogue options, or you can negotiate to pay the 200 gold entrance fee. You do not need to pay or convince them again after they have granted you passage.


Fight the Imposter Dribbles


After interacting with Dribbles, he will reveal that he is an imposter and a follower of the Absolute, and will engage in combat with you with others.

Defeat them and you can continue on in solving the mystery of Dribbles. You can formally start the quest by speaking to Lucretious in the circus, but you can head straight to looking for all of his parts.


Finding Dribbles' Body Parts

List of All Dribbles's Body Parts
Common Area Part
Wyrm's Crossing

Lower City

Temple of Bhaal


Dribbles's Clown Hand

Clown's Severed Hand
Circus of The Last Days
X: -93, Y: -53

The Clown's Severed Hand can be found at the table near Popper. Take it through stealth by distracting Popper and using the Hide skill.


Dribbles's Clown Torso

Open Hand Temple Basement Hatch
Open Hand Temple
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: -62, Y: 4

The Severed Clown Torso can be found in the area underneath the Open Hand Temple (and can be found as part of investigating the Open Hand Temple Murders.)

Access this area by looking for a hatch in the northwest room of the temple.


Clown's Severed Torso
Under the Open Hand Temple
(Wyrm's Crossing)
X: 62, Y: -1026

Once underneath the temple, head into the main room and pay attention to investigate (you will have to pass an Investigation Check) two Heraldic Signs on each opposite side of the room.

Behind each sign is a button you must press to open the main door leading to the rest of the area. Press both buttons, and a passage to the east will reveal itself.

Explore the area and you will find the torso within the inventory of Penela Lumpensicks. You will have to deal with the three Doppelgangers guarding the area first.

Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders


Dribbles's Clown Pelvis

Clown's Severed Pelvis
Lower City
X: 122 Y: -2

The Clown's Severed Pelvis is located in the Lower City. You will have to find away to access Wyrm's Rock Fortress first before you can get to the Lower City area.

To the north of the Basilisk Gate waypoint, find a lone house and lockpick the Double Doors. Inside, loot the body of Gohumberry Tresp to get the pelvis.

How to Get to Wyrm's Rock Fortress


Dribbles's Clown Arm

Clown's Severed Arm
Lower City
X: 32, Y: -97

The Clown's Severed Arm can be found in Peartree's House, which is a boarded up house with an Area Under Investigation sign at the front. This is found to the south of the Wine Festival. Break the barricade to enter.

Inside the room, you move the Traveller's Chest to the side to find a hatch that leads to the basement. Lockpick the hatch and enter.

Once you made into the Peartree's Basement, loot the Clown's Severed Arm from the body of Courageous Little Kimmabeth.


Dribbles's Clown Leg

Severed Clown's Leg
Lower City
X: -76, Y: -69

To find the Severed Clown's Leg, head to the southwest of the Lower City Central Wall waypoint. You will have to lockpick your way into the house, which will reveal dead bodies, and then lockpick the hatch inside.

Once you have entered the hatch, you will notice several bodies. What you want to look for is the body at the center of a ritual circle at the end of the hall. Loot the severed leg from Incontinentia Friggin's body.


Dribbles's Clown Foot

Severed Clown's Foot
Lower City
X: -93, Y: -109,

The Clown's Severed Foot is located in the basement of Rainforest's House, which is right next to the Beehive General Goods building. This is near the previous location where you got the Clown's Severed Leg.

Like the other houses previously, you will have to lockpick the door at the entrance to get in. Look for the hatch located under the stairway and enter. Before proceeding any further, watch out for the tripwire just inches away from where you are. You can choose to either jump over or disarm it.

Finally, loot the body of Winslow Reginol to obtained the Clown's Severed Foot.


Dribbles's Clown Head

Lower City Sewers Manhole
Lower City (Undercity Ruins)
X: -161, Y: -60

Of all the clown's severed parts to obtain, this is the most difficult, and requires that manage to gain access to the Temple of Bhaal in the Undercity Ruins, which is part of the Lower City Sewers. The quickest way to access the sewers is through the Manhole to the southwest of Bloomridge Park.

Undercity Entrance
Lower City Sewers
X: -138, Y: 934

Once you are in the sewers, head northwest until you reach the Undercity Ruins entrance (which is next to the Undercity Ruins waypoint). You can use Bhaal's Amulet that is obtained from completing the Investigate the Murders quest to obtain the temple door, or you can choose to shoot one of the the hanging bodies.

Getting deep into the temple is required to head over to the Severed Head's Location. Be warned that there will be dangerous enemies in the way, such as the Farslayer of Bhaal.

You will either to choose defeat them, or you can stealthily make it pass the enemies by using Misty Step and Invisibility.

Severed Clown's Head
Temple of Bhaal (Undercity Ruins)
X: -60, Y: 1043

Reach the Temple of Bhaal waypoint, then head north and inspect one of the several dead bodies (particularly Wilting Alex) to find the Clown's Severed Head.

After finding the last piece, you can continue on to find and face Orin, or you can head back to the Circus of The Last Days in Wyrm's Crossing.

How to Beat Orin


Give the Parts to Lucretious


Once you have all the body parts of Dribbles, head back to the Circus of The Last Days in Wyrm's Crossing and find Lucretious.

Talk to Lucretious and give all of the body parts, you will be rewarded with Spellmight Gloves.

The gloves' effect is used when casting a spell that uses an Attack Roll. You can choose to take a -5 roll penalty to do additional 1d8 damage.

Spellmight Gloves: Armor Guide and How to Get

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