Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Way of Shadow Subclass Guide and Builds

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The Way of Shadow is a Monk subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Way of Shadow subclass, its features, as well as the best builds.

Monk Subclasses
Monk Class Guide
BaldurWay of the Four Elements BaldurWay of the Open Hand BaldurWay of Shadow

Way of Shadow Subclass Overview

Way of Shadow Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Way of Shadow
You value the arts of stealth and subterfuge, bending the shadows to your will to strike without warning.
Parent Class Monk
How to Unlock Unlocked at class level 3.
Starting Subclass Features
・Shadow Arts:Hide
・Shadow Arts:Pass Without Trace
・Shadow Arts:Darkness
・Shadow Arts:Dark Vision
・Shadow Arts:Silence
・Minor Illusion Cantrip.

Way of the Shadow further enables the Monk to be a stealthy character as opposed to being a menacing figure in the center of the battlefield. The Monk still retains the fierceness of the Monk but adding stealth on top of its high DPS and Mobility means the Monk basically has access to any targets the Monk wishes to assault in a given battle.

How to Unlock the Way of Shadow Subclass

Available after Reaching Level 3

Way of the Four Elements is one of the Subclasses that the Monk gains after reaching Level 3. Reaching Level 3 may take a couple of time so focusing on doing quests, defeating hostiles, and exploring the map is highly recommended.

Way of Shadow Subclass Features

Way of Shadow Features
Enhanced Flurry of Topples Cloak of Shadows Shadow Step
▼ Level Progression and Features Chart ▼

Shadow Arts

The first Feature that the Way of Shadow unlocks are Shadow Arts. Shadow Arts enable the Monk to become a stealthy assassin-esque class. The Monk gains access to several actions that gives the Monks that follow the Way of Shadow several utility skills which enable the stealth playstyle which are the following:

  • Shadow Arts:Hide - Stealth but uses Bonus action
  • Shadow Arts:Pass Without Trace - a buff that grants a bonus to stealth checks
  • Shadow Arts:Darkness - Creates a fog that prevents units from using ranged attacks to and from the smoke's location.
  • Shadow Arts:Dark Vision - Grants temporary Dark Vision
  • Shadow Arts:Silence - Prevents unit in the targeted area from emitting sounds and casting spells.

These Skills are all useful for conducting assassination attempts at targets. Additionally, the Way of Shadow also grants the Monk a Minor Illusion Cantrip to attract units to a certain area temporarily.

Cloak of Shadows

Cloak of Shadows is a straight up invisibility action. Use this if you want to approach someone or something without getting attention. This is perfect for assassination or sneaking through traps like Arcane Turrets and enemy hostiles.

Take note that attacking while under the effect of Cloak of Shadows will remove the invisibility effect so you have to decide properly whether to use it for escaping or engaging. This can be partnered extremely well with Shadow Arts:Darkness to prevent enemies from attacking you from long range after heading to enemy backlines.

Shadow Step

This is one of the best ability that the Way of Shadow subclass can give. Shadow Step is basically a teleport skill but it also grants you an advantage on your next melee attack. WIth Shadow Step, the weakness of Cloak of Shadow of choosing when to use it for engaging or disengaging disappears since we can use Shadow Step to compensate.

We can also use it in tandem offensively to attempt to gain a preemptive attack on two locations simultaneously!

This is an ongoing list, we will further update these sections once we gain access to higher level subclasses in the game!

Way of Shadows Subclass Progression

Lvl Features Unlocked
3 Shadow Arts:Hide Class Action
Shadow Arts:Pass Without Trace Class Action
Shadow Arts:Darkness Class Action
Shadow Arts:Dark Vision Class Action
Shadow Arts:Silence Class Action
Minor Illusion Cantrip.
5 Cloak of Shadows Class Action
6 Shadow Step Class Action

This is an ongoing list, we will further update these sections once we gain access to higher level subclasses in the game!

Best Way of Shadow Builds

Way of Shadow Build Overview

Recommended Equipment
Helm Shadow of Menzoberranzan
Armor Graceful Cloth
Gloves Gloves of the Duelist
Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers
Recommended Weapons
Melee -
Ranged Corellon's Grace
Recommended Accessories
Amulet Amulet of Bhaal
Ring 1 Fetish of Callarduan Smoothhands
Ring 2 Killer's Sweetheart

Note: This build is subject to change as we're currently testing and searching for better gear in the game!

The items on this build are all scattered throughout all three acts. If you don't have them yet, it's best to buy a +1 equipment of the same type from a merchant until you get them.


Shadow of Menzoberranzan

Shadow of Menzoberranzan is a helmet that grants players the Class Action, Shrouded in Shadow. Shrouded in Shadow allows characters to become invisible, but spell breaks when they attack, cast another spell, perform an Action, or take damage.

It is recommended for easy traversal without getting caught by enemies and for sneaking up to them when the moment is right.

How to Get Shadow of Menzoberranzan


The Graceful Cloth

The Graceful Cloth is recommended for Way of Shadow Monks as it gives the player an increase to their Dexterity score by 2, alongside Cat's Grace, as well as Nimble as a Cat, which adds a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and increases the player's Jump distance by 1.5m.

How to Get The Graceful Cloth


Gloves of the Duelist

Equipping the Gloves of the Duelist, having nothing in your free hand gives the player a +2 bonus to melee weapon Attack Rolls. Consider equipping these Gloves if you plan only plan on equipping a weapon to the main hand of your Shadow Monk for increased damage.


Disintegrating Night Walkers

Consider equipping Disintegrating Night Walkers due to its Misty Step spell that you can use to teleport to the location your character can see. As a Way of Shadow Monk, it will help you reposition yourself in combat, reach faraway places, and escape when necessary.

How to Get Disintegrating Night Walkers

Ranged Weapons

Corellon's Grace

Being an Shadow Monk, consider equipping Corellon's Grace to receive the ability, Natural Pugilist, which gives the player a +1 bonus to Unarmed Attack Rolls.

How to Get Corellon's Grace


Amulet of Bhaal

The Amulet of Bhaal grants the player First Blood, which inflicts Bleeding to enemies that have max hit points upon attacking. By doing this, players are able to deal damage to foes at the start of every turn of enemies, without even doing anything just yet.

How to Get Amulet of Bhaal

Fetish of Callarduan Smoothhands (Ring)

You can get Invisibility from the Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands, helping you sneak through different scenarios, in and outside of combat. It lasts ten turns, but it will require you to do a Long Rest before you can do it again.

How to Get Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands

Killer's Sweetheart (Ring)

The best Ring accessory for a Way of Shadow Monk is the Killer's Sweetheart, as it has a reaction effect called Executioner, which lets you inflict a critical hit on your next attack after killing an enemy.

If your character's race is a Half-Orc and you have this ring equipped, expect massive damage by chaining Executioner and Savage Attacks.

However, you will need to take a Long Rest before you can use it again!

Best Races to Use as an Way of Shadow


For players that want to deal high damage against foes as a Way of Shadow Monk, it is recommended to make the race of their character a Half-Orc.

Aside from having good visibility of the field, Half-Orcs are hard-hitters that can deal triple damage, and have the capability to endure killing blows.

Half-Orc Race Guide and Best Classes

Wood Half-Elf

Wood Half-Elf is a recommended race for Shadow Monks as their race features allow players to be more versatile with weapon proficiencies, all while keeping their agility in combat, from movement speed to field visibility.

Wood Half-Elf Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Asmodeus Tiefling

Players can consider Asmodeus Tiefling as the race of a Way of Shadow Monk due to its resistance from Fire-based attacks, the ability to see their surroundings up to 12m, and cast ranged spells when need be.

  • Darkvision allows you to see in the dark up to 12m.
  • Hellish Resistance allows your character to only take half damage from Fire-based attacks.
  • Produce Flame lights up surroundings in a 9m radius and deals 1-8 Fire damage when thrown.

Asmodeus Tiefling Subrace Guide and Best Classes

Best Ability Score for Way of Shadow

Ability Score Overview

12 17 (+2) 14 (+1) 8 15 8

Dexterity and Wisdom are the primary abilities for Shadow Monks. Maxing the two out will get you the highest possible damage you can inflict in battle.

After Dexterity and Wisdom, consider allotting points to Constitution next to have better control over damage received from foes.

You can slightly increase Intelligence and Charisma to help you with their respective skill checks.

Strength can be your dump stat as you won't be fighting enemies head on.

Best Way of Shadow Feats


Selecting Mobile as the first feat increases the player's Movement Speed. When Dashing, difficult terrain doesn't slow them down as well.

Lastly, if you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your targets.

Mobile Feat Guide and Effects


Having the Athlete feat allows for the character's Strength or Dexterity to increase by 1 (ideal using it on Dexterity for this class), to a maximum of 20. When you are Prone, standing up uses significantly less movement. Also, Jump distance increases by 50%.

Having this feat for the Way of Shadow Monk allows for better agility and character placement in combat.

Athlete Feat Guide and Effects

Ability Improvements

One can't go wrong with selecting Ability Improvements as a feat for a character. In the case of the Shadow Monk, consider allotting points to Dexterity or Wisdom for increased damage and better rolls for their respective skill checks.

Ability Improvements Feat Guide and Effects

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All Monk Subclasses

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