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List of All Necromancy Spells

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Necromancy Spells are spells that specialize in manipulating the balance of life and death, most notably with the act of raising the dead in Baldur's Gate 3. Read on to learn more about each Necromancy Spell, their effects, levels, and more!

List of All Necromancy Spells

Necromancy Cantrips

Spell Description Class
Bone Chill Prevent the target from healing until your next turn. An undead target receives Disadvantage on Attack Rolls. Warlock

Level 1 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
False Life Gain 7 temporary hit points. Wizard
Ghoulish Touch Lash out with deadly clawws and possibly Paralyse the target. -
Inflict Wounds Putrefy a creature with the necrotic energy filling your hands. Cleric
Ray of Sickness Possibly Poisons the target. Wizard
Eldritch Knight

Level 2 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
Blindness Limit a foe's sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. Wizard
Ray of Enfeeblement Weaken a foe: they deal half damage with weapon attacks using Strength. Wizard

Level 3 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
Animate Dead Create an undead servant from a corpse. Wizard
Bestow Curse Curse a creature with your touch. The curse either bestows Disadvantage on checks and Saving Throws or attacks, lets you deal additional damage to the target, or robs it of its actions. Wizard
Feign Death Put an ally in a protective coma. They become Resistant to all damage except Psychic damage. Disease and poison have no effect. Wizard
Ray of Fear Frightens your target. -
Revivify Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 hit point. Cleric
Speak with Dead Grant a semblance of life to a humanoid corpse, allowing it to answer up to 5 questions. Rogue
Vampiric Touch Touch an enemy to siphon their life force and regain half as many hit points. For 10 turns, you can use Vampiric Touch again without expending an additional spell slot. Wizard
Wounding Ray Deals 2-16 Necrotic damage. -

Level 4 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
Blight Plants are more susceptible to this spell: they roll with Disadvantage, and still take half of all the damage if they succeed the roll. Bard

Level 5 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
Contagion Poison a target and possibly afflict them with a disease of your choice. Bard

Level 6 Necromancy Spells

Spell Description Class
Circle of Death Sculpt a massive sphere of entropic energy around a creature. Devastate the target and all surrounding creatures. Sorcerer
Create Undead Raise a corpse as a heinous mummy that fights by your side. Cleric
Eyebite Your eyes become black corridors walled in teeth, your gaze capable of inflicting dread, sickness, or putting creatures to sleep. Bard
Harm Reduce a target's maximum hit points, but never below 1. Cleric

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List of All Spells

All Spell Types

All Schools of Spells
BaldurAbjuration BaldurConjuration BaldurDivination BaldurEnchantment
BaldurEvocation BaldurIllusion BaldurNecromancy BaldurTransmutation

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Other Spell Types
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