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Tempest Domain Subclass Guide and Build

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The Tempest Domain is a Cleric subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Check out our guide for how to unlock the Tempest Domain subclass, its features, best races to use, as well as its best build.

Cleric Subclasses
Cleric Class Guide
BaldurKnowledge Domain BaldurLight Domain BaldurLife Domain
BaldurNature Domain BaldurTempest Domain BaldurTrickery Domain
BaldurWar Domain

Tempest Domain Subclass Overview

Tempest Domain Basic Information

Subclass Overview
Baldur Tempest Domain
Your faith has made you the very thunder that quakes the black firmament, the lightning coursing through the veins of a terrible storm.
Main Class Cleric
How to Unlock Available during Character Creation.
Spellcasting Ability Wisdom
Starting Subclass Features
・Grants the Heavy Armor Proficiency
・Grants the Martial Weapon Proficiency
・Access to Level 1 Tempest Domain Spells
 ┣ Thunderwave Spell
 ┗ Fog Cloud Spell
・Grants the Wrath of the Storm Reaction
・All Cleric Class Features and Proficiencies.

Tempest Domain Clerics are one of the most powerful damage-dealing subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3. Playing around their Channel Divinity power that guarantees max damage rolls for Thunder or Lightning spells, these Clerics can wipe a room in seconds provided they have a party setting them up and supporting them during battle.

How to Unlock the Tempest Domain Subclass

Available When Creating a Cleric

The Tempest Domain subclass will become available once you start creating a Cleric at the Character Creation screen. Unlike most classes, Clerics are one of the few that get to pick out their subclass before they start the game.

Tempest Domain Subclass Features

Tempest Domain Features
Tempest Domain Spells Bonus Proficiencies Wrath of the Storm
Destructive Wrath Thunderbolt Strike Divine Strike: Tempest
▼ Subclass Progression Table ▼

Tempest Domain Spells

Unlike most spellcasting classes, Cleric Domain Spells occupy their own spell list and are entirely separate from your existing Prepared Spell List. This means that as soon as you unlock them, you will be able to cast them without having to switch out your currently equipped spells.

Tempest Domain Clerics will gain access to their Domain spells at Levels 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Each level will grant you 2 new spells from the Tempest Domain. At Level 1, you will start with Thunderwave and Fog Cloud unlocked.

Tempest Domain Spell List

Cleric Level Domain Spells Unlocked
Level 1 Thunderwave (Evocation)
Fog Cloud (Conjuration)
Level 3 Shatter (Evocation)
Gust of Wind (Evocation)
Level 5 Call Lightning (Conjuration)
Sleet Storm (Conjuration)
Level 7 Ice Storm (Evocation)
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration)
Level 9 Destructive Wave (Evocation)
Insect Plague (Conjuration)

Bonus Proficiencies

Tempest Domain Clerics will gain both Heavy Armor and Martial Weapon Proficiencies at Level 1. This allows you to equip high AC armor pieces and wield most weapons without suffering the non-proficient penalty.

Additionally, since these are available during character creation, you can redistribute points from DEX to other abilities if you want to min-max AC values with a heavy armor playthrough in mind.

Wrath of the Storm

Tempest Domain Clerics will also unlock Wrath of the Storm at Level 1. This is a reaction that allows you to lash out with 2-16 Lightning or Thunder damage when attacked by an enemy. If your enemy passes their Saving Throw against this reaction, they still take half of the rolled damage. However, do note you can only use reactions once per turn.

Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath

Once you hit Level 2, you unlock the feature that defines the entire identity of this subclass - Destructive Wrath. This Channel Divinity power is a reaction, allowing you to spend 1 Channel Divinity Charge to guarantee that your Thunder or Lightning damage roll outputs the maximum amount of damage it can deal.

For example, Call Lightning gets a 3d10 Lightning damage roll to calculate how much damage you are about to do to your foes. If you use Destructive Wrath to buff it, you will roll the maximum amount at 30 Damage. Naturally, this works really well with AoE Lightning and Thunder spells in Baldur's Gate 3.

Thunderbolt Strike

At Level 6 you gain the Thunderbolt Strike passive, allowing your Lightning or Thunder damage to knock your opponents back when they hit. On a successful roll, enemies can be sent flying up to 3m from their original position. This is useful for breaking the concentration of enemy casters or for disrupting clumped enemies during combat.

Divine Strike: Tempest

Once you reach Level 8 you will be able to harness the power of Thunder to strike at your foes. Once per turn, you can use Divine Strike: Tempest to hit an enemy, dealing 1-8 Thunder damage to them on top of your weapon damage.

Tempest Domain Level Progression

Level Subclass Features Unlocked
Level 1 ・Grants 2 Tempest Domain Spells
・Heavy Armor Proficiency
・Martial Weapon Proficiency
・Wrath of the Storm (Reaction)
Level 2 ・Destructive Wrath (Channel Divinity)
Level 3 ・Grants 2 Tempest Domain Spells
Level 5 ・Grants 2 Tempest Domain Spells
Level 6 ・Thunderbolt Strike (Passive)
Level 7 ・Grants 2 Tempest Domain Spells
Level 8 ・Divine Strike: Tempest (Action)
Level 9 ・Grants 2 Tempest Domain Spells

Best Races to Use as Tempest Domain

Wood Half-Elf

The Wood Half-Elf is a superb choice of race for Tempest Domain. Due to the race's proficiency with Light Armor, you should be able to have proficiencies with all armor types with Medium Armor coming from Cleric class, and Heavy Armor from your subclass.

Fleet of Foot - 1.5 movement speed may not mean much, but it should still give you a slight edge when you're moving to keep your distance from your foes.
Civil Militia - This is where your Light Armor proficiency will come from.

Tempest Domain Builds

Best Ability Scores

10 14 16 (+1) 8 17 (+2) 8

As you'll be channeling mostly lightning-based spells, you'll want to set your Wisdom to 17 with +2 bonus to increase your spellcasting effectiveness and Constitution to 16 with +1 bonus to beef up your hit points and withstand attacks.

Equipment Choice

The Lifebringer

The Lifebringer allows you to gain 3 temporary hit points when you gain Lightning Charges.

The Lifebringer: Accessory Guide and How to Get

The Speedy Lightfeet

Wearing the The Speedy Lightfeet allows you to gain 3 Lightning Charges upon using Dash.

The Speedy Lightfeet: Armor Guide and How to Get

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