Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

How to Avoid Tiefling Pickpockets: Mattis and Silfy

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This is a guide for Baldur's Gate 3's How to Avoid the Tiefling Pickpockets. Read on to know how you can avoid being pickpocketed, what to do if you do get pickpocketed, and the dialogue choices for the best outcomes!

Side Quest Details

Journal Entry
Find Your Belongings
Result Success:
• Returned Belongings
• Side Quest to Steal the Sacred Idol
Failure: Lost Belongings
The Hollow

How to Avoid Being Pickpocketed

Win the Perception Check


For the pickpocketing to occur, complete Mattis's coin toss dialogue first (you do not have repeat the tosses) and then buy something from his shop.

This will trigger a Perception Check. Winning that check will prevent your belongings from being stolen by Silfy.

Go Easy on Silfy

When talking to Silfy after the attempted pickpocket, choose the dialogue where you to tell him to relax.

Going easy on Silfy when you catch him in the act will ensure that you will be on friendly terms with Mol when you choose to meet her after.

Being harsh on him will cause her to be hostile to you when entering the Tiefling Hideout.

Do Not Check Mattis's Shop

When speaking with Mattis, taking any dialogue option related to checking his wares will lead to the pickpocketing Perception Check.

Simply take any other dialogue, such as repeatedly asking him to toss his coin, asking about the scam, or giving back the ring, to push him to give up.

Alternatively, the Tieflings can be ignored completely. However, interacting with them can lead to a trade opportunity and other side content options.

What to Do if Pickpocketed

Complete Find Your Belongings

Buy from Mattis's Shop


Whenever you buy and exit Mattis's shop, him winking is usually a sign that you are being pickpocketed.

There is a chance that leaving the shop will trigger a Perception Check where you notice your bag has become lighter. This will trigger the Journal entry Find Your Belongings.

You can begin interrogating both Silfy and Mattis from here on. Make sure to ask them about your lost items to progress the quest.

Save Mirkon


Mirkon's Location

Before accessing the Tiefling Hideout, make sure that you first save the Tiefling boy Mirkon, since he has the password for the hideout entrance and his survival is crucial in getting Mol, their boss, to giving you back your belongings.

To find Mirkon, head to the Secluded Cove, which is located at northeast of the Emerald Grove. Check for signs of a singing harpy to know if you are nearby. He can be found listening to a singing harpy.

How to Save Mirkon: Harpy Battle Guide

How to Access Tiefling Hideout


To the west of the Tiefling children is Doni, another Tiefling child. Doni is responsible for guarding the Tiefling Hideout's Concealed Entrance.

There is a chance that the encounter with Doni will not trigger the entrance, so you will need to have a long rest and check again if he goes into the entrance or is not there.

Speak to Doni with Mirkon's Password

If you saved Mirkon at the Secluded Cove, he will give you a password which you can use to gain access to the Tiefling Hideout.

Saving Mirkon will ensure that you will able to enter the Tiefling Hideout without angering Mol.

Go to the Hole Behind the Shop


Behind Mattis is a ladder that will lead to a hole that serves as an alternative passage to the Tiefling Hideout.

This can be accessed only if you are physicall small enough to fit in (such as a Gnome) or if you make use of an Enlarge-Reduce spell.

Talk to Mol


Once you get inside the Tiefling Hideout, find Mol and talk to her. She can be found at the middle of the hideout with nearby Tieflings.

If you saved Mirkon, Mol will thank you for saving her friend's life and will give you back your belongings, completing the quest.

From here on, you can take on Mol's request to steal the Druids' Sacred Idol.

You Can Lose Your Belongings

Going Inside the Hideout Uninvited

Going inside the Tiefling Hideout without first having saved Mirkon or without going easy on Silfy (if you win the Perception Check) will prompt Mol to tell you to leave.

Remaining at the hideout after she finishes her countdown will make them leave the hideout with your belongings. This will complete the quest, but your belongings will be gone.

Alternate Access to Tiefling Hideout

Speak to Doni without Mirkon's Password

NPC Dialogue
Narrator: He stares right past you as if you're invisible. Or boring.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[INSIGHT (DC10)] Where the hells did you disappear to before?
Access to more Skill Checks.
Access to Bribe Doni.
Turn to see what he's looking at.
Doni will disappear. Take a Long Rest to talk to him again.

Succeeding the Insight Check of the dialogue above will give you access to two more possible Skill Checks with the dialogue options below.

NPC Dialogue
Narrator: Watching his hands, you realise he's miming opening something.
Dialogue Options Dialogue Results
[PERSUASION (DC10)] Is it a chest? A door? Can you show me where it is?
Doni gives access to the Tiefling Hideout.
Access to Bribe Doni.
[DETECT THOUGHTS (DC10)] Read his mind.
Doni gives access to the Tiefling Hideout.
Access to Bribe Doni.

If you fail any of the Skill Checks, Doni can still be bribed for 10 Gold to give you access to the hideout.

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